I stand by that.
So... Elliot's Quest... is it any good? That reminds me: If you're in this thread and haven't played Treasure Adventure Game, you need to go and fix that.
And also keep an eye on Treasure Adventure World, which is in development.
I stand by that.
So... Elliot's Quest... is it any good? That reminds me: If you're in this thread and haven't played Treasure Adventure Game, you need to go and fix that.
Holy crap at OP. I have a bunch of indie games on PC but this thread made me anticipate many upcoming ones! Im so glad that kickstarter and indie games are doing so well, its to the point where THIS is what i want and like to play. Big devs dropped the ball by going for the big cash cows. Fun and adventure is where its at.
Games like GTAV and inFamous are still "must have" to me, and cheap Steam games that I'm enjoying like Just Cause 2. But overall I agree. The indie game experience has definitely lowered my AAA desire.
You might see me less this month, cause of school and...GTA V (in 15 days!!!!!!) but because GTA, I'm only anticipating indies.
Yay, new thread. Good job as always, Toma. I don't post much in these, but I read every post and try out a lot of the games, so thanks!
The Girl and the Robot - The Girl and the Robot is a unique action/adventure game set in a fairy tale world. You play as a little girl trying to escape from an ancient castle ruled by an evil queen. While trying to find a way out, you meet a defective robot that helps you in your adventure.
That is soooooo Ghibli-style.
Hey Toma, we talked blogs a bit in the August thread. Are hits the same as page views?
I get about 100+ views a day, with between 200 to 400 on the days where I posted about popular or recent indies. From August 20th to August 31st, I had 1783 views. Is that considered good for a small blog?
Just finished it, haha would never have expected a narrative arc in a typing game. Bravo!
This is a level of Sokobond:
If you've ever played a puzzle game before, you probably had pangs of recognition about the title of this game, and you can certainly see what's going on now! Basically, it plays a bit like Sokoban.
Where in that game, though, your goal was to push blocks onto certain squares, your goal here is to construct molecules. You control the atom surrounded by a dotted line, and use the arrow keys to move it around. The small dots around each atom signify how many bonds it can have. So, for example, if you bonded the two hydrogen atoms on the left and right together, both would use up their available single bond, and so the solution would fail! Sometimes, though, you can use atoms which have had their bonds used up to
push other atoms around to make them accessible. Your ultimate goal is to bond all the atoms together (and use all available bonds) and then you can move on!
Hopefully that doesn't sound too complicated because, well, it's not. It's incredibly simple to get to grips with the game and its mechanics, but the puzzles soon get very difficult...
I made a little thread about Sokobond, one for Toma I'm sure!
And also keep an eye on Treasure Adventure World, which is in development.
Is Elliot Quest supposed to be a 30 minute demo, or did IGS just upload the wrong file? I know it's still in development, but I was really getting into it when I got hit with that screen. I'm installing through Desura now.
Eh. I'm not a fan of what they're doing with that. I'll still pick it up to show support for such an amazing game.
I played through Shelter yesterday. The premise of playing a mother badger going on a journey with her five babies is quite a unique one, but I couldn't help but feel as though its narrative and the lengths it goes to try to create a bond between the player and the baby badgers could have been done a bit better. Once I reached the end, I understood what the game was trying to say. I just don't think it left much of an impact on me as I believe it wanted to.
It's strongest assets as clearly its art style and its music. The art style is lovely; a striking aesthetic that reminds me of paper mache. The ambient music also surprised me by how much I enjoyed it. It is used in many instances to punctuate at certain pivotal moments or sections very well.
Some mechanics like lunging at other animals are rather clunky, and in the case of feeding food to your babies, are somewhat obtuse. I never really knew why I should be feeding food to the babies outside of that first moment. I simply just did for the sake of it. And there didn't seem to be any kind of health system for the babies or even an injured state as far as I know. Maybe I was just living vicariously through the mother badger while wanting to feed her children every so often.
I will stay strong and won't play it until they patched it.
On another note, has anyone bought Dream? Tomorrow is the last day of sale and I'm still not sure, if it's worth playing in its early incomplete build.
So I finally played the Risk of Rain demo, Only learned about it through the latest Greenlit batch. What a fun game. The controls are super tight and the limited number of abilities really add to the tactics and combat. And the stacking pick-ups is brilliant. By the time I died, I had 3x regenerating health, 3x barbed wire shield, exploding attacks, leech, defeating enemies increases health, faster running, 2x chance to shoot missiles, and 3x flaming trail.I felt like a badass but the game was still a challenge. Can't wait to see the other classes.
Is Elliot Quest supposed to be a 30 minute demo, or did IGS just upload the wrong file? I know it's still in development, but I was really getting into it when I got hit with that screen. I'm installing through Desura now.
Eh. I'm not a fan of what they're doing with that. I'll still pick it up to show support for such an amazing game.
The Desura version also seems to be the demo.
Do you just mean you don't like the graphical style of TAW or something deeper?
The Girl and the Robot - The Girl and the Robot is a unique action/adventure game set in a fairy tale world. You play as a little girl trying to escape from an ancient castle ruled by an evil queen. While trying to find a way out, you meet a defective robot that helps you in your adventure.
Hasn't Pid been out for something like a year and received lukewarm reviews? 0_o
I'm not a fan of the art style. The original had so much heart that I just don't see in the remake yet. I would have preferred a pixel-based remake/facelift, but eh. We'll see what happens, I'll still be there on release to play through it again.
It doesnt deserve the lukewarm reviews and because we didnt have a 2012 thread for Indies, and most of these never got all that much attention in individual threads, I decided to throw in a few 2012 games once in a while.
Stop copying me!!Featured Neverending Nightmares stoday on our new website. Kind of depressing atmosphere, but still pretty nice jumpscares that it delivers + those moments where you just feel bad for what happened in the game.
OK. Thanks for clarifying. What about the reviews are wrong? Also, is the co-op any good?
I had considered buying it to play with a friend, but the reviews put me off...
EDIT: Also, any impressions of FORCED or Hammerwatch here? Haven't seen either mentioned, but may have missed them...
Isn't the whole game different anyway? It's not just a straight remake with "improved" graphics at least.
Uh...Anyone that hasn't bought Papers Please is a fucking monster. Just a genius game.
EDIT: Also, any impressions of FORCED or Hammerwatch here? Haven't seen either mentioned, but may have missed them...
hi gaf! if anyone has played Tessallation..
im kinda stuck here! got to the room with the basketball, and im not sure how im supposed to clear it?
Christine Love's latest visual novel and sequel to Analogue: A Hate Story. Peek into the private lives and thoughts of important figures and random people who lived prior to the Year Zero event that happened on the colony ship Mugunghwa. Become a fly on the wall of important bureaucratic meetings, watch lives become crushed by painful traditions and yes, read about the romantic natures of many. Heavily recommended to play Analogue first. Deals with many sensitive areas such as (spoilered in case you want to go in fresh), so be ready. There's plenty of comedy involved too though, including poking fun at modern gaming conveniences, the limits of the visual novel medium, and cake cake~homosexuality & the homophobia culture surrounding it, rape and suicide
The Apexicon has since been passed down through early society, cavemen, and the like, bestowing language and words upon man, so that he may express himself in an easier fashion than gestures and drawings. This book was highly coveted until it was lost in the War of Punctuation. Take up the pen, use your finger to select letters, and find out the mystery behind this lost artifact as you deal damage with the words collected from your imagination. The only limit is what words you see in the letters before you. Delve deep into an RPG system added to addicting puzzle gameplay. Fight, Spell, Play.