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Industry moves to restrict sales of violent video games


At least in Canada. CBC News.

TORONTO - The video game industry and governments across the country want to get violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto or Manhunt out of children's X-Boxes and Play Stations.

A countrywide initiative, which started three years ago as a pilot project in British Columbia, was rolled out on Thursday at news conferences in Winnipeg, Halifax and Toronto...

No mention of gamecube?


Banstick Emeritus
"In addition to age restrictions, the Commitment to Parents program emphasizes parental responsibility," said B.C. Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Rich Coleman in a news release.
Good if true. I'll believe it when I see it, though.

Retailers check ID before letting you buy alcohol, they can do the same for M-rated games.


I was getting a little worried; with it being an election year and me deciding to do a master thesis on the public perception on game violence I was wondering when the news studies were going to start rolling in


If kids want to play 'em, they'll find a way to play 'em. How hard was it - really - to skirt around your parents' insistence that you don't see R-Rated movies?


Banstick Emeritus
This is more to shut up yappy parents and be seen as "doing something" than actually, you know, doing something. :D
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