Buena Vista Home Entertainment has announced Infernal Affairs which was the winner of seven 2003 Hong Kong Film awards including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Screenplay. The film, which stars Tony Leung and Andy Lau, will be available to own from the 7th December this year. Retail will be set at around $29.99. The film will be presented in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen along with both English and the Original Cantonese audio. English and Spanish subtitles will also be on offer. Extras will include a Making Of Infernal Affairs featurette, another 'Confidential File' behind-the-scenes featurette, an alternate ending and the original International and Chinese theatrical trailers.
Okay, now I saw this film twice at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in '03. And something about the cover confuses the hell out of me. I'll hide the question even though it doesn't really reveal a damned thing:
Who the hell is the chick with the gun? There was no girl with a gun in the movie I saw. The only female characters were the girlfriend and wife of the two main characters, so who the hell is this chick with a gun that manages to get a huge spot on the DVD cover?! Did I see some wacky edited version or what? I don't even recognize the girl, and I certainly don't remember a girl with a gun. I'm so confused...