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Insider/"Insider" called Legendary DROPS claims he had a private talk with a UBISOFT dev about their work culture ...



No idea if it's legit or fan fiction. I do not have any prior knowledge of this insider. If true, it's a Concord situation all over again. We'll see.

Full video here for context. Thanks, Dynasty8 Dynasty8

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Doesn't sound real honestly, if it is real though, that's messed up. Down to not including an emoji getting you sent to HR.

On another note, apparently the Ubi employees are planning a strike.


Elden Member
I wonder how this happened. Like was it just one bad person got into a role in hiring and picked the most toxic people possible to poisened the culture? Its one thing to hire diversity, I'm completely for that, no one should be judged by their race/skincolor/sex, it should all be skill based and best for job, but what I am VERY much against is agenda hiring (be it strait white male agenda, trans genda, women's agenda, doesn't matter, its all a horrible practice to intentionally excludes people and just makes the whole world more pissed off). It sounds like UBI got someone inside that agenda hired to "fight the man/them" and made sure to put in people that are on the extreme side and made the company a living hell to work at.


Sir, did you know you were posting this without a smiley?
How Can I Help You Reaction GIF by Polizei Rheinland-Pfalz

Sir, you're guilty of the same crime. :messenger_sunglasses:

Not sure what to think about it, on one hand, it seems a bit extreme, on the other hand... even if all the leads etc. are wokies, then obviously no matter what happens nothing will change. Because imagine if board of directors issued an internal memo of making a bit more 'mainstream' characters - it'd leak as fast as your intelligence after dyeing your hair pink, causing another shitstorm and possibly more discriminatory investigations.

If this is true, there's literally no saving Ubisoft from woke virus.
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So in other words, the same blight that killed Concord and Suicide Squad...and yet they (game publishers and Journalists keep defending this BS that is literally killing big projects and studios...

troll whats GIF


It really does sound like fan fiction. I'm sure things are quite bad, but pressing doubt on "all your fears and worse confirmed."
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Have you ever worked with these folks? Anything and everything offends them. So if it is true, it wouldn't be surprising at the least.

I'm just waiting for the day where "microaggression" is not enough and we'll need a new term, like "nanoaggression"

edit: after posting this as a joke, I googled "nanoaggression"... and of course it already exist, we're doomed :lollipop_worried:
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Gold Member
Are JaSoN and the purple army said anything about it?
Can they without addressing the elephant in the room? They tend to shy away from news like this when it makes their types look bad. I watched a Kyle Bossman video about the situation and he handwaved the more unsavory bits to keep his audience happy. Same with MrMattyPlays, Luke Stephens, and Destin Legarie. I expect Skill Up to have a spineless take as well.
This is pretty much what was happening with Concord.

This toxic positivity is eating them alive. Liberals are so fucking dumb.
I remember when it was perfectly fine to be a liberal and still somewhat grounded in reality, until social media accelerated people into libtards and shitlibs, thus creating an equal and opposite reaction. I absolutely believe corporate culture is infested with this cancerous mindset, in fact most companies are barely functioning only by the grace of the old maintenance guys whove thanklessly kept the building from burning down all these years.


Gold Member
From the second you do not use the best people for the job, you are doomed to failure - or at the very best, mediocrity.

Thats the modern problem, but for since ages those companies know that listen to feedback is so fucking crucial.

And now we are hearing that listen to the feedback hurt someones feelings, wtf.

I send a feedback to the ND studios about the Rise of The Triad Remastered over the steam and some of the devs behind the game actually complain about my critic.

If someone don't believe about this toxic positivity, just look at my conversation here.


I remember when it was perfectly fine to be a liberal and still somewhat grounded in reality, until social media accelerated people into libtards and shitlibs, thus creating an equal and opposite reaction. I absolutely believe corporate culture is infested with this cancerous mindset, in fact most companies are barely functioning only by the grace of the old maintenance guys whove thanklessly kept the building from burning down all these years.

I really can't imagine going into a workplace like that. Culture war is doing some mad shit in gaming this year.
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