holy shit, a 6-mile bridge connects it to the airport? That's craaaaazy.
But still, it's probably a good idea to plan cities out given how tightly packed many Asian business centers are. Hope they have some really good mass transit systems planned.
holy shit, a 6-mile bridge connects it to the airport? That's craaaaazy.
But still, it's probably a good idea to plan cities out given how tightly packed many Asian business centers are. Hope they have some really good mass transit systems planned.
I understood that this wouldn't be the longest bridge in the world, but think about it. They're building a six mile bridge for a city that doesn't even exist yet? That's insane.
I'm a big fan of city design like Vancouver where entertainment, residential, and commercial all exist in the same area. I remember one E3 in LA where we were staying downtown and come 6oclock the enitre downtown was closed and empty. It was as if a chemical bomb had gone off an we were the only people left alive.
I'm a big fan of city design like Vancouver where entertainment, residential, and commercial all exist in the same area. I remember one E3 in LA where we were staying downtown and come 6oclock the enitre downtown was closed and empty. It was as if a chemical bomb had gone off an we were the only people left alive.
Heh, I noticed that too when I visited L.A. over Christmas. It was the middle of the day on a weekend, and we stood in the middle of a street downtown for like five minutes without any traffic coming. Can't do that in T.O.
I sometimes think they should just level quebec entirely and rebuild it from a fresh, new,modern city plan, like those future cities you see in movies, because this place is getting old, soon to be 400 years in fact, and well, infrastructures and more importantly roadways are stuck in a never ending state of insufficiency and no amount of patch work will fix it all.
Downtown Vancouver has about 40% of the city reconstructed since about 10 years ago. They've been leveling all the 2 and 3 story buildings and jamming up 28 story condo/commerical highrises. Its pretty interesting watching the city change day by day and become increasingly modern. Best thing about the planning is that you don't even need a car to do most things in the city. Almost everything is walking distance.
After this new city in Korea is built I want to go check it out.