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Interesting BC development for Xbox 2


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Microsoft's Xbox team has been assigned to the development of Virtual PC's native graphics card support, sources tell AppleInsider.

Feeling pressure from both Apple and G5 customers, Microsoft this summer cut several key enhancements from its Virtual PC 7.0 Windows emulation software in order to deliver a G5 compatible solution without further delays.

One of the features reportedly shelved until a future release was native graphics card support. But precisely what is delaying this feature remains a mystery to even some members of the Virtual PC team, as they are not the ones responsible for the implementation.

According to sources, Virtual PC's native graphics card support is being handled exclusively by Microsoft's Xbox team. Though not expected for several months, the feature will reportedly demand a graphics card that meets the same level of graphics sophistication required for Apple's Core Image and Video technology.

For Macintosh systems that sport a compatible ATI graphics card, future versions of Virtual PC will emulate an original Radeon with up to 32MB of virtual video memory. Likewise, for Macs equipped with a compliant Nvidia graphics card, sources said that the emulated chipset will be a Geforce 3 with up to 32MB of virtual video memory.

The performance and speed of Virtual PC's emulated graphics will depend on the speed of the host machine's graphics and the number of available processors, sources added.

In February, Microsoft released the Software Development Kit (SDK) for its forthcoming Xbox 2 video game console. Since the Xbox 2 will utilize IBM processors similar to the ones used in today's Macintosh systems, the SDK was seeded to developers on dual Apple Power Mac G5 systems running a custom Windows NT Kernel.


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yeah, this was posted yesterday. I'm not sure if anyone had anything to say about it though. Seems interesting to me.


It probably just made sense to have people involved in the XNA initiative work on graphics card support for the VirtualPC product, since they are essentially going to be doing that work already in developing tools that work across Xbox2 and PC platforms. I'm not sure I would read to much into this.

EDIT: Also, open mouth makes a good point.
open_mouth_ said:
But it was confirmed on these very forums by several haterz that Xenon would not be backwards compatible.

Have you ever tried to use Virtual PC? It's as slow as a freakin turtle just running Windows 98 and I've got a G5 mac. Emulation is not the answer.


Unconfirmed Member
I thought there was supposed to be some kind of problem with Nvidias IP holding back BC on Xenon?


Gold Member
sonycowboy said:
Have you ever tried to use Virtual PC? It's as slow as a freakin turtle just running Windows 98 and I've got a G5 mac. Emulation is not the answer.

Virtual PC doesn't run on the G5. Do you have the new (unreleased) version?


sonycowboy said:
Have you ever tried to use Virtual PC? It's as slow as a freakin turtle just running Windows 98 and I've got a G5 mac. Emulation is not the answer.

So you're admitting you're a hater? :D

Anyhow, I'm sure such a talented, dedicated staff that's familiar with the inner workings of both systems will be able to get something more functional and stable ready.


pcostabel said:
Virtual PC doesn't run on the G5. Do you have the new (unreleased) version?

Virtual PC 7 is compatible with the new G5 systems, I think. He could also be talking about VMware..

Microsoft just purchased Virtual PC from Connectix last year, I believe (or bought their whole company.. one of the two). So, I guess you could make some kind of theory they purchased Virtual PC/Connectix to help with Xenon BC.


Chili Con Carnage!
xenon wont be running OSX or whatever Macs use these days so why would developing a piece of mac software be relavent to xbox 2? Just because it uses the same processor?
As far as a system of one generation emulating a system of the previous generation, the best I can think of is Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask on GCN, and that wasn't perfect. Consider that the Xbox successor is being made with a much more price-conscious mindset, and probably coming out ~4 years after its predecessor, and... well, that'd have to be much more impressive emulation than anything I know of for it to be a passable option.


Queen of Denmark
JoshuaJSlone said:
As far as a system of one generation emulating a system of the previous generation, the best I can think of is Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask on GCN, and that wasn't perfect. Consider that the Xbox successor is being made with a much more price-conscious mindset, and probably coming out ~4 years after its predecessor, and... well, that'd have to be much more impressive emulation than anything I know of for it to be a passable option.
Very true. A software emulation solution would be incredibly difficult to pull off successfully. Couple that with some infamous anti-BC remarks from Xbox officials, and it's really not looking too likely.


Ghost said:
xenon wont be running OSX or whatever Macs use these days so why would developing a piece of mac software be relavent to xbox 2? Just because it uses the same processor?

This is true, I don't understand why people equate Virtual PC = Backward Compatility. From what I know of Virtual PC, you have to run it on Mac OS such as OSX to run PC application.


tenchir said:
This is true, I don't understand why people equate Virtual PC = Backward Compatility. From what I know of Virtual PC, you have to run it on Mac OS such as OSX to run PC application.

MS has been adding other operating support such as the Mac. For many years Virtual PC only allowed you to load Windows OS's, I'm pretty sure. It's really handy for testing things.. before you push them out into a production environment.
pcostabel said:
Virtual PC doesn't run on the G5. Do you have the new (unreleased) version?
I have a powerbook 1.5 ghz G4 ( 1gb Ram ) and win 2000 Sp4 on virtual pc6 works fine
I got also virtual pc 7 with WinXp integrated ( retail version ) and it works better !

I don't think that a powermac G5 is slower than my powebook ...


JoshuaJSlone said:
As far as a system of one generation emulating a system of the previous generation, the best I can think of is Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask on GCN, and that wasn't perfect.
There's also DC emulating PS1 games via Bleem Packs. And Yuji Naka programmed a perfect NES emu on Genesis/MD suppossedly. :)

I wonder why nobody tried to market any PS1 emus for Xbox?


If MS can put BC into the next X-BOX I say they'll have a much better chance of gaining ground next generation then without it. But I don't see how it's possible, even if the hardware is powerful enough to emulate nicely (very unlikely), there's still the problem with using nVidia's patented commands, then there's the price for emulating the X-BOX's nVidia/Intel chip combo & Virtual PC and on top of that they'd have to add a HD to make games fully compatible. The next X-BOX is suppossed to be cost effective so they can try to turn a profit if adding the cost of BC means adding the cost of a HD as well then they've gone right back to losing money on every next generation X-BOX sold.

I think they're going to stick with the a cheap architecture (to appease investors and not lose their asses on fixed hardware costs again) and for those who really want BC they'll offer a seperate add-on with BC and a HD built-in. That way they keep the system profitable and offer a money-making optionional add-on. That's what this team is probably doing, their looking for a way to make an add-on like that work.

So I still think that the next X-BOX will not have BC, but that if enough people whine about it enough, MS will release an add-on HD with BC. Either way, it's a negative that the competition will try to exploit no doubt. I know alot of people who will be turned away by the lack of this feature out of the box! Like people who didn't own the first X-BOX and wanted to play it's games on the new one, or people who had like compilations that they didn't want to buy AGAIN just to play them on the new X-BOX...or overall how it's going to affect the transition from the first to the next, games will be moved, delayed & cancelled and the first X-BOX will be dropped 'cos it's a sort of thorn in MS's side how much they lose on it.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
DrGAKMAN said:
If MS can put BC into the next X-BOX I say they'll have a much better chance of gaining ground next generation then without it. But I don't see how it's possible, even if the hardware is powerful enough to emulate nicely (very unlikely), there's still the problem with using nVidia's patented commands, then there's the price for emulating the X-BOX's nVidia/Intel chip combo & Virtual PC and on top of that they'd have to add a HD to make games fully compatible. The next X-BOX is suppossed to be cost effective so they can try to turn a profit if adding the cost of BC means adding the cost of a HD as well then they've gone right back to losing money on every next generation X-BOX sold.

I think they're going to stick with the a cheap architecture (to appease investors and not lose their asses on fixed hardware costs again) and for those who really want BC they'll offer a seperate add-on with BC and a HD built-in. That way they keep the system profitable and offer a money-making optionional add-on. That's what this team is probably doing, their looking for a way to make an add-on like that work.

So I still think that the next X-BOX will not have BC, but that if enough people whine about it enough, MS will release an add-on HD with BC. Either way, it's a negative that the competition will try to exploit no doubt. I know alot of people who will be turned away by the lack of this feature out of the box! Like people who didn't own the first X-BOX and wanted to play it's games on the new one, or people who had like compilations that they didn't want to buy AGAIN just to play them on the new X-BOX...or overall how it's going to affect the transition from the first to the next, games will be moved, delayed & cancelled and the first X-BOX will be dropped 'cos it's a sort of thorn in MS's side how much they lose on it.

A) Microsoft would be fine without B/C; Look at Xbox.

B) The Xbox2 is insanely powerful if the documents are right. By the time Xbox2 is out, it will be more powerful than a high end PC just looking at raw power and not considering actual usable computing power. Considering this, it is quite possible that the Xbox can be fully emulated on Xbox 2 hardware, as the extra computing power can be used to properly emulate the MCP as well as the ring 0 Direct X functions.

C) The hard drive for Xbox was a fixed price, but the CPU and the GPU had other fees attached and Microsoft didn't directly have grasp on costs. This is what hurt the effectiveness of price dropping to Microsoft themselves.

It's like you think Xbox 2 will be cheaper to make than Xbox was at launch.... all signs are pointing to Xbox 2 costing about the same per unit. It's just long term the Xbox 2 will drop in price quicker because Microsoft is directly handling logistics/manufacturing/design.

By the way, what the hell is an X-BOX?


I have a feeling that we are going to see a PSX type machine from microsoft designed to be the media centre.

And that would have Xbox/Xenon compatibility.

As for Xbox2 itself I think it's looking unlikely.


DopeyFish said:
By the way, what the hell is an X-BOX?

For real, I mean, come on, it's spelled X B O X, yo!

You should hear how I pronounce it, there was this dude who said it this way and it STUCK with me...he said: ETTTS-BOX-DI-KA and ever since then I make fun of it by pretending to be him and say it like he said it. Lighten up, don't let it push your buttons nerd.

As far as MS not needing BC *cough*industrystanderdfeature*cough* is besides the point, which is, the next X-BOX will not have BC going by what we know now.

As far as the "cheapness" of the next X-BOX, I didn't say it was...I've been saying it's very GAMECUBE-esque in that it's cost effective. Most likely it won't use a next generation disc format nor will it have BC or a HD...so...to me, this should cut alot of costs, then having ATi & IBM as partners makes it cost scalable down the road as you said. I'm not saying the system is cheap or weak, just that it won't be such a waste of money to make like the first X-BOX was and still is. I don't think MS is going to add $100+ more for BC and a HD to a system that's meant to be cost effective...that would be like losing as much money as they had lost per unit of the first X-BOX all over again.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Gamecube was made cheap from the beginning. Just think Xbox where the price drops faster. It's just because of the control MS has now over the creation of the hardware as opposed to before.

And Backwards compatibility isn't an industry standard. Just because 20 cry-babies on a gaming forum preach backwards compatibility as a fulltime job doesn't make it a required feature.
I hope Xenon is backwards compatible...that'd be hot. And if MS really want to compete with Sony next gen it'll be crucial (at least for early specs comparisons). Especially since Xenon is coming out kinda early (4 yr lifespan) compared to PS2-PS3 (6 yr lifespan).


Just brainstorming here...the main stumbling block as far as backwards compatibility is the lack of a HDD, IMHO...

Even a 1GB flash drive isn't a great idea. Flash wears out after so many write cycles and if it's really being used as a cache, I'd expect that the flash drive may not last very long.

On the other hand, if they threw 1GB of RAM in the box...hrm :)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
eh, i missed it - sorry

I am sure it's no concidence that the xbox team is working on it
Could be, but it also can be that the Xbox team is doing that work because they are already highly familiar with it. After all, they had to port and adapt the graphics API, that so far worked in the PC environment, to work in the Mac environment with the direct access to hardware - which is exactly what Virtual PC direct access graphics system has to do.


Unconfirmed Member
I'll repeat myself, because it was a question, and I don't like being left unfulfilled :p

I thought there was supposed to be some kind of problem with licensing / Nvidias IP holding back BC on Xenon?

Is this the case, has nVidia commented on such? Has MS?


Chili Con Carnage!
I think there were some nVidia patented effects and cut-arounds that are used in some games that would probably need to be licensed to be emulated. Depends how many games actually use them though, they could just be left out.
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