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Interesting comment about the Halo 2 LE preorders

... or what I overheard a gamestop.

Over the past week, I've noticed that the specialty stores (EB & Gamestop) have a listing for how many limited edition Halo 2's they'll get. They have a decreasing number (one store started at 60, the other at 40 (YMMV)) and as they get a preorder, they cross out the higher number and once it hits zero, no more preorders for the LE. They also have a big spiel written down about how impossible this game will be to get.

And it's working, I saw ALOT of people say, "I'd better get it" or something along those lines. Brilliant.

But, I also heard the district manager talking to the store manager. Basically, he said that the stores goal was to get ALL of those preorders and it was tied to some spiff for the employees based on how many an employee signed up. He also said, "more will be available if we run out too quickly". Nice.

Musashi Wins!

Gamestop has a new sku for a second batch of LE's. It's been that way for awhile. So...not really sure what your store is doing. They always push pre-orders, if you get one for halo LE now, you get it a week after release. The manager's get some incentives on pre-orders, but employees don't get anything official beyond recognition. You make it sound like something more sinister than standard practice (which still might blow), but actually, I somehow doubt this one "rogue" store doing things differently in such a corporate run franchise.
Musashi Wins! said:
Gamestop has a new sku for a second batch of LE's. It's been that way for awhile. So...not really sure what your store is doing.

Well, I'm not an minimum wage store employee, so I'm not up on what skus are what, I'm more speaking towards the message their giving to customers vs what the reality is.
I think it's going to be an extremely effective preorder campaign and if Microsoft is behind it, it's brilliant, yet deceptive.
Musashi Wins! said:
Gamestop has a new sku for a second batch of LE's. It's been that way for awhile. So...not really sure what your store is doing. They always push pre-orders, if you get one for halo LE now, you get it a week after release. The manager's get some incentives on pre-orders, but employees don't get anything official beyond recognition. You make it sound like something more sinister than standard practice (which still might blow), but actually, I somehow doubt this one "rogue" store doing things differently in such a corporate run franchise.

yea, i was tryna get the LE from gamestop but i was told that id have to wait a week because the first batch was sold out...so i figure...fuck it, i aint waitin a week...just gimme the regular.

sigh....i do want the LE tho....

Musashi Wins!

sonycowboy said:
Well, I'm not an minimum wage store employee, so I'm not up on what skus are what, I'm more speaking towards the message their giving to customers vs what the reality is.
I think it's going to be an extremely effective preorder campaign and if Microsoft is behind it, it's brilliant, yet deceptive.

Well...all I'm saying is that you don't seem to understand what that reality is...based on your overheard conversation. It's no more brilliant than what sony is behind with GTA or Nintendo is behind with shit..I don't know, Zelda? Those pre-order campaigns are that much more effective when people really want the hyped games in question.
Musashi Wins! said:
Well...all I'm saying is that you don't seem to understand what that reality is...based on your overheard conversation. It's no more brilliant than what sony is behind with GTA or Nintendo is behind with shit..I don't know, Zelda? Those pre-order campaigns are that much more effective when people really want the hyped games in question.

I think I exactly understand the situation. Every other preorder, before a certain date GUARANTEES you a limited edition (for the few cases where that's happened) copy. Here, customers are having something dangled in front of them, with the threat that if they don't preorder TODAY, you will not get a copy.

And it's not just one store, it's over 5 that I've seen just in my area, both Gamestop and EB. I'm not saying this to dissuade anyone here from preordering or not. We're all intelligent enough to have already preordered it if we want it or not be talked into something by store employees.

I'm just saying what I've seen and heard. I find it more than a little distasteful and I've been in retail management for a long time and been through plenty of meetings where we try to figure out everything we can to get as much money out of customers as we can.


Bungie themselves have stated that the Collector's Edition would be readily available in all stores.

I hate the bullshit that these stores go through to try and get you to preorder something. Always telling you how it'll be sold out and they won't get any shipments for another month and all that crapola.

Halo 2 is going to be the biggest Xbox release since, well the launch of the system with Halo 1. You will find CE's in other stores that won't require you to preorder.


where did bungie said it would be readily available?

everything i've read says that LE will be pre-order only.


Anyone that believes the LE won't be in somewhat decent supply at their local Circuit City, Best Buy, Toys R Us obviously hasn't been witness to the launch of a major game before.

All you gotta do is be there when they open on Nov 9th folks. Yea, that's a hassle if you've got a 9 to 5 job, but even Best Buy and Toys R Us are offering reservations for Halo 2 LE.

Don't be fooled into thinking EB and Gamestop are the only stores in town.


Joe said:
where did bungie said it would be readily available?

everything i've read says that LE will be pre-order only.

Originally the official faq stated that there would be extras made so they would be readily available for purchase.

Now, though, they have changed the faq saying that anyone that preorders will get their copy of the CE.

Stores like Future Shop, Best Buy, Walmart, and TRU have basically said that they will have extra copies of the CE available.


Joe said:
where did bungie said it would be readily available?

everything i've read says that LE will be pre-order only.

Me too.


The Halo 2 Limited Collector's Edition is available to players who pre-order the game - those who have already pre-ordered, will probably be contacted by their retailer to see which version they want, but to be safe, we recommend contacting your retailer directly and making sure they know which version you want - awesome regular kind or super-awesome Limited Collector's Edition.


BuddyChrist83 said:
Anyone that believes the LE won't be in somewhat decent supply at their local Circuit City, Best Buy, Toys R Us obviously hasn't been witness to the launch of a major game before.

All you gotta do is be there when they open on Nov 9th folks. Yea, that's a hassle if you've got a 9 to 5 job, but even Best Buy and Toys R Us are offering reservations for Halo 2 LE.

Don't be fooled into thinking EB and Gamestop are the only stores in town.
on a related note, my Toys 'R Us has some Majora's Mask "Collector's Edition" still available, at $15 I think...


I'm just going to show up to random stores and pick it up on launch day. And if I have to hear some 17 years old clerk going "OMG YOU SHOULD AHVE PREORDER LOLOL",

I'll force-choke him


Not bitter, just unsweetened
The Faceless Master said:
i was gonna preorder, but every place i went to said i would have to wit for the second shipment...

i'm gonna try my luck with cc/bb/tru/target :D

i changed my preorder from 2 reg editions to 1 reg 1 LE the other day. I kept asking "I can pick it up on november 9th, right?!" and they kept saying yes. To avoid any hell, i'm gonna start standing in line when the mall doors open in the morning ;)


Rest assured, Bungie DID say there were pleny of LE copies for non-preorders. Walk-ins at Best Buy, Target, Circuit City, etc should be just fine on the first day.

From August article Prepare Yourself: Getting Ready For Halo 2 at Bungie.net:

The Collector's Edition comes in a cool metal case, and may contain one or two other surprises. Naturally, it's a few dubloons more expensive than the regular one, but it might be worth it if you're a big fan or collector. Although we'll be making plenty of Collector's Editions, you'd probably sleep easier knowing you had one reserved, so check your local retailer for pre-order info.

Haven't pre-ordered yet? Don't worry too much, since there should be a good supply of Collector's Editions but they are being manufactured in limited numbers, so pre-ordering is the safest way to go. And if you miss the Collector's Edition, or simply don't want to pay a penny more than you have to, then you'll be pleased to hear that the game will be identical, no matter which box you buy.


Pre-ordered mine via amazon.co.uk, and it was quite a while ago, one thing I fear though, is that, it won't be arrive at my house exactly on November 11th, do I have anything to worry about?


DopeyFish said:
i changed my preorder from 2 reg editions to 1 reg 1 LE the other day. I kept asking "I can pick it up on november 9th, right?!" and they kept saying yes. To avoid any hell, i'm gonna start standing in line when the mall doors open in the morning ;)
I heard most ebs and some gamestops are opening up at midnight. Some are even throwing tournaments.
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