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Internet Explorer...

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Running off of Custom Firmware
is fucking shit, and I'm tired of it.

I think I'm ready to take the Firefox plunge.

Please, educate me. What do I need? Is vanilla Firefox enough, or should I get some of those plug ins I keep hearing about? Which ones? Any decent download manager support?

Please, help. I don't WANT to get up my DAP integration, or my awesome, awesome, Yahoo alert/pop up blocker/toolbar combo, but I'm SICK of constantly being under attack.

Despite a strict regime of pop up blockers, anti virus software, and spyware zapping utilities, I'm losing the war. It's time to engage the enemy on a whole new front.


Just get FireFox. I've had almost zero new spyware and no pop ups. Only problem is that it stalls my PC on certain pages. Not sure why.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I've had Firefox freeze on me a few times. Really pissed me off. Other than that, it ass-rapes IE with a 13 inch cock.


I've been using vanilla Firefox for a while now without any problems, nor need for anything more (i.e. plugins etc.).


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Firefox comes with everything except flash and a couple of other annoying plugins.

It's got a great built in popup blocker.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Bacon said:
Firefox 0.9.1 is coming shortly...

It's out. I'm using it now.

I wish I could use my Yahoo Toolbar. I have all of my favorites there. *sighs*

So, how's this tabbed browsing thing work?

(Firefox is FAST!)


Do you have a three button mouse? Use the middle button to click on a link or whatnot and it will open them up in "tabs". See four threads you want to read? Tab em. Try it. It rocks.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I've got two top buttons, a clickable scroll wheel in between them, and two buttons where my thumb goes, which act as Forward and Back browser buttons.

Wow. I was just able to export my Yahoo Toolbar bookmarks into an HTML file and import them into the FireFox Bookmark Manager. EXCELLENT.


I got FireFox the other day and the only things that bug me about it are that some pages don't display properly and the occasional "Document contains no data" pop ups.

Btw, is there a way I can get the FireFox icon on my desktop without it having the small shortcut arrow next to it?


Grandma's Chippy
I've used Firefox, and MyIE...and while both worked great, I don't like either.

My choice? Avant Browser...someone here pointed it out a few months back and I've been using it ever since. It has sooo many options, works like IE with tons of bonuses and security features and filtering that you can customize however you want.

For me, an avid IE user for years, it was the best choice as I didn't lose anything as far as the look & functionality of IE. To me, it's like Super-IE :D

Anyway, anything is better than IE pretty much....this is just one more option.


EDIT : Oh, and don't freak out about how "cluttered" the menubars are...you can turn all that shit off ;)
Yeah, the majority of the time I use Firefox...but if I encounter a page with problems I use Avant for it......I haven't touched the regular IE in over two years. To hell with that garbage.


Tag of Excellence
I LOVE FIREFOX, but I can't use mouse gestures because the retarded program recognizes my right mouse click hold as scrolling.
I'm going to second that Avant Browser nod. I've been talking about it on GAF for months and using it for over a year. All the functionality of a modern browser on top of IE's compatibility. Give it a shot, it's a tiny (~1 MB) download.


Grandma's Chippy
TekunoRobby said:
I LOVE FIREFOX, but I can't use mouse gestures because the retarded program recognizes my right mouse click hold as scrolling.
They work in Avant ;)

But maybe you are doing them wrong? I used them in Firefox fine...although sometimes it wouldn't do the right thing.
I normally use Firefox, but since upgrading to 0.9 I keep getting this "document contains no data" pop-up on like 95% of the pages I visit. I have no clue what caused it or how to fix it. It's driving me insane.

So I'm using Avant in the meantime.


Tag of Excellence
Mr Pockets said:
They work in Avant ;)

But maybe you are doing them wrong? I used them in Firefox fine...although sometimes it wouldn't do the right thing.
I have no clue and apparantly I'm one of the very few who have this problem. It just randomly started to occur and I've uninstalled/reinstalled FireFox to no avail. It doesn't bother me that much but I would love to go back to using them fancy mouse gestures.

Allright I'm already sold on Firefox, love the program and very fun to use (tabbing is underappreciated). Why would Avant (based off the IE build as I've been told) or Opera be better?


I prefer Opera too it has some cool features tho I don't use them :D

Only thing that's better on firefox is the icon/logo, it's so cool !
That doesn't save much, does it?
I'm currently using Firefox 0.8 and I'm really glad I finally made the switch. Faster loading pages, tabbed browsing and no pop-ups are all great.

You get the odd page that won't display properly in Firefox which is a little annoying but its easy just to view it in IE (you have to have IE on your computer for Windows Update anyway).


Kuroyume said:
I got FireFox the other day and the only things that bug me about it are that some pages don't display properly and the occasional "Document contains no data" pop ups.

Btw, is there a way I can get the FireFox icon on my desktop without it having the small shortcut arrow next to it?

I think there is an IE view extension that will help you with the pages that don't load properly. For the second part.

Instead of making a shortcut to the desktop, you will need to move the whole executable. Just cut it from your mozilla-whatever directory and place it in your C:\documents and settings\%userprofile%\desktop.

Then make a path statement, so your system will be able to find mozilla's dll's, etc.

As far as I know this can only be done within the OS now. In Win2k.. Rclick-My Computer. Choose Properties. Choose the Advanced Tab. Choose Environmental Variables. This screen is split into two panes.. the bottom is System Variables. One of these will be "Path". Edit it.. at the end ad C:\(whatever your mozilla home directory was).

The functionality is very similar in WinXP. I think once you are at at the Advanced Tab. Environmental Variables is still in the screen, but it's down at the bottom instead of being the 2nd of 3 main options.


Kuroyume said:
Thanks for the help SyNapSe but how do I make a path statement and what would I make?

:confused: :(

Following the directions I put in above to get to where you can edit your path statement.

Windows still basically works on DOS, or at least the DOS system. So, if you run C:\half-life\hl.exe, and it begins running and says hey I need file(x).txt. The first place it looks is it's current directory C:\half-life. If it can't find said file it will begin to browse through every directory in your path statement.

If you move the true executable for Firefox to your desktop. It will immediately search your desktop for any other necessary files (and of course fail). It will then begin searching each directory in your path statement. So, you need to edit in the directory you installed Firefox to.

ie.. if you installed it to C:\Firefox.. then just throw that in the end of your path statement.

C:\oracle\ora81\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.7\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adaptec Shared\System;c:\visual\centura;v:\;C:\kixtart;C:\Program Files\Support Tools\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\WatchGuard\lib

This is the path file on my current PC. As you can see you will need to add a ; in between entries. Most of these were added by applications when they installed. If you look near the middle though.. C:\visual\centura;V:\;C:\kixtart; are all entries I entered. 2 programs on my drive and one a link to application files for something on a drive I have mapped to another PC (V:\)
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