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Invisible, Inc. Thread: Out On Early Access Now!


I bought this when they first started selling alpha access a year or so ago because I absolutely love Klei but I've barely touched it. It showed a lot of potential back then but there was very little content in the initial build. I really should fire it up to see how it's coming along.

Oh and I'm still bummed out they changed the title. Incognita was so much better. :(

Speaking as someone who just bought the game yesterday, I think "Invisible Inc." is a much better title in the sense of hinting at what the game is supposed to be.

Picked this up almost blindly after hearing Chris Remo talk about this on Idle Thumbs this week. It sounded fascinating, and then I saw a single isometric screenshot on the Steam page and boom, $16 disappeared from my wallet. It's really compelling -- I'm not normally an early access player, so this definitely feels more barebones than I'm used to from a game but there's a lot of promise here. Love the aesthetic, the mechanics, and the overall flow of each level. I kind of wish the pace of alarm escalation was a little slower but I guess that's kind of the point of the game - maybe slowing it down a bit for the story campaign but up to full speed for the endless mode?

My main tip is to pay attention to the kind of missions you take on, don't just look at the alert state but also the expected rewards.

Try to grab an extra agent as soon as possible - if no prisoner missions show up on the map, consider doing an intel run for more locations.

Cash runs are your next priority.

When you have an abundance of cash, hit the Nanofarb Vestibules (vendor machine with big inventory inside a vault) or the Mainframe missions (vendor machine with hacking upgrades inside a server room).

Giving a Medkit to at least two Agents lets you recover when an isolated agent is shot (no medkit is going to help when you get your entire team gets cornered.)

Make sure you have at least one Agent capable of dealing with armoured guards before taking on the high alert missions.

I usually have two Agents going for the objectives while a third (usually with the highest stealth) scouts for swag and the exit. Guards who are in objective rooms get taken out permanently - I don't like looking over my shoulder on the way out.

And as posted above, don't be afraid of a fail state - head for the exit if the combination of resources and layout isn't in your favour.
Great tips - I didn't know about any of this. Glad to hear you can eventually get more than two agents. I had my first prisoner mission but then had to pull down and ditch the guy as I had five regular guards swarming the room I was in.
There's a new build of this, if anyone's curious:

Build 109992

New Features
* 1 new program, item and daemon (go find them!)
* Difficulty settings :

Safes, guards, and rewards are more lucrative.
Alarm stages ramp less quickly.
Neural Disrupters knock out for longer

Safes, guards and rewards are less lucrative.
More firewalls protect the mainframe.

Bug fixes
* Bioshot recharges properly
* Dropping body bug fix.
* Artifacts give proper rewards.
* Tool tips clean up.
* Myriad of small bug fixes

Build 110016
* Fixed several crashes with melee weapons
* Fixed a crash when trying to steal from a conscious guard
* Fixed a crash when trying to continue a game saved in the campaign map screen (these games now default to Normal difficulty)
* Fixed a crash when trying to play tutorial (now defaults to Easy difficulty)

Build 110095
* fixed release date
* fixed possibility of missions not showing on the map screen ( particularly the final mission)
"Normal" is slightly more challenging than the previous build, so a good challenge. Haven't tried "Easy," but it should address some people's issues with the difficulty.
Another new build!

Build 111031

New Features
* Several new FTM corp threats
* New multi-corp threat - MEDAMA
* Improved weapon equipping, no more juggling items on the ground
* Improved item management both during and between missions
* Access to storage space between missions
* Friendly agents can be dragged and rescued via the elevator
* Improved prisoner and hostage abilities, they can now peek and use some items
* New mainframe device - Facility Database. Hack it for information
* Improved visual display for melee reaction and pinning
* Added some new events
* Shoot buttons now appear in the in-game UI

Balance Changes
* Stunning the detention center captain no longer calls additional guards
* Investigation points are no longer automatically displayed in Normal mode. You must observe the guard to display them.
* Energy Gun now costs an action to fire.
* Piercing Scanner split into two augments, one for melee and one for guns.
* Corporations are now hidden on the map screen in Normal mode.
* Turrets now pierce armor
* You can break firewalls on ghosted drones
* Medgels are now disposable
* Hacked drones have a KO "rebooting" stage after they have been taken over.

Bug fixes
* Static in the sound has been fixed
* Enemy targets are now highlighted when using the shoot button
* Run is now toggle-able as long as you have not moved
* EMP Packs II and III now have correct ranges
* Peek and run now display used AP correctly
* Fixed a procedural generation bug that was causing impossible levels (oops)
* Lots of small bug fixes
Haven't played in a while, so excited to jump back in.

Best game.

Edit: really nice UI changes in this one so far. Everything will be a lot clearer for people jumping in now.
I'm glad medgel is disposable now, but hoo boy the game is getting harder with every patch. It's amazing what a difference not being able to automatically see points of interest makes. I'm scared of guards again.
I'm gonna keep posting the patch notes to this awesome game as it continues to get more awesome. Curse you, indifferent GAF.

Build 112392

New Features
* New programs for Incognita
* New programs added to starting loadout screen to unlock
* 2.0 versions of several existing programs. More powerful yet costly.
* New Chief Executive Suite location. Used to get Vault Door Codes to get the most out of Vault trips
* Variations of the location specific rooms (Server Farm, Executive terminals, etc)
* New Daemon. Hope you don't find it.
* In-game speech is occluded.

Balance Changes
* Vault rooms have a new Vault Door gating some of the goodies. Vault Door Codes are required to access.
* Program prices have been varied and adjusted.
* Parasite 1.0 was given a cooldown time.

Bug Fixes
* Fix crash if more than 8 daemons were installed.
* Drones can't go shopping.
* Fix overlapping corp icons when playing missions on Easy mode.
* Game difficulty shouldn't incorrectly reset to Normal when loading incompatible sim versions.
* Fix possible error with dragging bodies and escaping.
* Fix problem when trying to click an inventory item that was just dropped or traded.
* Fix Shade operating on units without vision.
* Fix some coroutines being leaked over time.
* Fix delayed EMP fx being played on units that were out of sight.


I am far from indifferent. I played the game for a bit and enjoyed it despite not being very successful. I am now waiting for the full release.
I really like the game, played it for 24 hours without ever actually getting anywhere near finishing it, haha.

Will give the latest update a try soon, I really like monthly updates for this and Prison Architect
Curse you, indifferent GAF!

I had bought Invisible Inc the day it became available last year. Klei + tactical stealth + cyberpunk coporate espionage? How could I not instantly buy that, especially after Klei's phenomenal Mark of the Ninja and their amazing and continous support of Don't Starve?

Back then the game was practically a proof of concept tech demo. It's come so far since then, almost astounding how much the game has progressed and improved

Turn based stealth works perfectly. It just works so well and the game is as tense and challenging as any Splinter Cell or Hitman, if not more so.

If you're hesitate because it's Early Access, don't be. This is Early Access done right, and the game is already excellent and playable at this point.
Update 4: Live Assets

Old friends with new skills.

Nika and Dr. Xu are now in the agency roster. Neither agent comes with any starting skill specialty, but both bring unique powers of their own. Nika can thin out a crowd and Xu can give your PWR some relief.

The Corps have been stepping up their augment production with the installation of new Cybernetic Labs. An agent can become a real metal head if they don't mind the lack of bedside manner.

Many will be pleased to hear that we've once again re-balanced Parasite. No longer with a cool down, it now gets increasingly more expensive to use with each Parasite it has active in the mainframe.

Once again we want to say how much we love our community of players here on the forums and on Steam. I may be biased, but I can feel the game getting better thanks to the thought and enthusiasm put into the feedback given to us.

Build 113680

New Features
* 2 new Agents to unlock at the team selection screen
* New Cybernetics Lab location
* Monst3r will buy items in the agency's stash as well as sometimes have trinkets to sell.
* Incognita's programs can be sold at Server Farms
* Agent Information panel available in mission (click on their animated profile image)
* A new throw-able item.
* Add speech animation to guard HUD displays.
* Added manual camera control option to Gameplay options. This prevents *all* automatic camera panning.
* Accelerator Chip bonuses now stack with the hacking bonus.
* Removing Valuable Tech from a scanner will disable it permanently.

Balance Changes
* Stealth, Hacking and Anarchy skills have been reevaluated, also given a fifth upgrade level.
* Agents' special abilities are now provided by unique augments. ( Shalem ends up with +2 armor piercing to start)
* Parasite loses cool down and gains increasing cost with active parasites.
* The artifact heavy vault has been adjusted.
* The Executive is planning a big night out and has more cash on hand.
* Programs are now only found at Server Farm Terminals but there are more programs available at each terminal.

Bug Fixes

* UI buttons don't 'click' without actually receiving a mouse-down event
* Window resizing is aspect ratio constrained on Windows.
* Unlockable images are correctly blacked out when viewing the Score screen.
* Fixed certain tiles being incorrectly identified as seen or unseen for LOS calculations.
* Fixed game data hash validation for OSX.
* Fix possible crash when using data blast on a non-existent location.
* Fix some mission dialogues being incorrectly reshown when loading a save game.
* Fix most (all?) instances of guard instant-shooting after overwatch on the same turn.
* Revert observe ability to original behavior, so that the agent observing must be in LOS (or have control of a camera with LOS)
* Fixed inputting of symbol characters on OSX.
* Fix possible crash when checking PC distance from interrogated guards.
* When reloading from a save game with an error, the level will load from the last successful action rather than the beginning.
* Fix possible crash when using Shade.
* Fix misaligned text cursor when editing an empty edit box.
* Knocked-out prisoners are draggable.
* Usability improvements when using the accelerator chip.
* Game Over will only occur when all units are dead and/or pinned, instead of simply KO'd.
* The Captain is no longer always KO'd for 6 turns.
* Fixed a bug where special guards could lose their impass status.
* Fixed agents sometimes going invisible when using overwatch.
* Fixed doubling-effect when employing both Parasite I and II at the same time.

* Turrets now count as cover against guards.
Really great patch.
I'll just keep posting these...

Build 115029

New Features
* 2nd new throwable item. As well, the 1st from last update was made less rare.
* New program
* New Daemon

Balance Changes
* Many item names, descriptions and prices have been improved.
* Predictive Brawling increases AP benefit.
* Torque Injectors reduce item cooldown.
* Volt Disrupter PWR use lowered.
* Cyberlab Augment Injectors tell which augment they have when used and can be canceled. They also KO for 2 turns instead of 3 when used.
* Level 1 cloaking rig now works when seen, but only lasts 4 tiles of movement.
* Level sizes and guard numbers do not scale as quickly.
* Level 2 guards gain full vision up to 90 degrees. No peripheral weakness.
* Mission security levels also displayed by shield markers at the world map screen.
* Accelerator Chip became an Anarchy item instead of Hacking item.

Bug Fixes
* Buster Chips action will display automatically when available (like the Accelerator Chip)
* Fix issue detecting hostage death by laser
* Selling your currently equipped program should actually unequip it.
* Fix a save-load error when playing Security missions.
* Fix for a potential cause of guards being able to overwatch-shoot in the same turn.
* (OSX) Fix a problem that was causing non-fatal errors to crash the game.
* Improved guard spawning to help reduces clumping.
* Agents can observe paths of guards visible through controlled drones.
* Fixed a crash checking agent distance in the interrogation mission.
* Improved code in the vision system that was causing some animation warping.
* Fix a probem allowing the player to break firewalls after the Paradox is installed.
* Parasites are removed from units when they die.
* Cameras triggered through alarm states work again. They also show 'Rebooting...' in mainframe mode when coming online.
* Fixed a bug with Parasited mainframe items not working with Net Downlink.

Hot Fixes

Build 115185
* Fix crash when parasite executes but the player has no equipped program
* Fix a crash when killing a guard as he turns to face a target leaving LOS
* Fix an animation problem when throwing grenades on the diagonal from cover
* Ensure love letter spawn point is accessible
* Agent's names displayed when they speak
* Fixed a bug that delayed the final level showing up by one mission.

Here's something that just happened to me:

Update 6: Archive Ghosts

Rewind feature (and Ironman mode for this), new loadouts, new enemy type, new items and lots of little balance and bug fixes.

Build 116318

New Features
* New alternate "ARCHIVE" agent starting loadouts. Deckard and International.
* Rewind feature added. Works as a limited save and reload.
* IRONMAN mode, play without the rewind feature.
* New enemy type: Support Guards
* New grenade items: Smoke and flash grenades.
* New gadget, go find it.
* Tutorial has a "guard blind spot" feature spotlight.
* When guards are on overwatch, tiles that will hide your agents will be shown as purple colored zones.
* better door visibility in mainframe mode
* some sounds updated.

Balance Changes
* International's scanning ability becomes an item and now works passively.
* Emergency Drip now works when your PWR is less than 3. Boosts it up to 3 PWR.
* Opening doors and peeking will not cancel Melee Overwatch.
* Augments and inventory are now two separate groups.
* Agents now get new Augment slots using the Cybernetics lab.
* Guards peek around corners at interest points.

Bug Fixes
* Fix cloak visual effect being removed only after being overwatch-shot while walking
* Null drone is not impassable
* Save window position in settings for Windows
* Fix a room-generation problem with vault levels
* Fix Interrogation target not being KO'd for 6 rounds.
* Fix the Final Mission dialog not appearing.
* Peeking should reveal bodies hidden behind cover.
* Fix an inaccessible safe with one of the security prefabs.
* The ShopCat store now has tooltips for player programs.
* Corpses are no longer selectable.
* You can toggle run while dragging.
* Sankaku missions now always have at least 1 guard, for passcard assignment.
* Fix some tooltip spacing.
* Tooltip on Passcard
* Stim III name fixed
Update 10 today, and this:

The Invisible Inc team will now begin work on the final leg of our production. There are certain features and polishing work to be done that require more time than the 2 week update cycle will allow. There will not be any more small content updates as the team has begun the big final push. We will still be on the forums and keeping you updated on our progress, so please feel free to leave us comments and feedback.

Some of the content and features we will be working on:

* Building and balancing the entire campaign, including the Final Mission and full story
* Complete voice over for Central, Monst3r, Incognita, and more
* More generation options, including a full Sandbox mode
* A more balanced Endless Mode, that increases in difficulty over time
* Linux support
* Steam Cloud saves
* A new corporation to contend with
* 2 new agents to join the fray

I'm going to be so mad at GAF if this game isn't a huge success.


That's cool. Ibriefly tried the game some months ago but didn't want to play too much at that point. I'm excited to try out the final release version later this year.


Neo Member
A 5mb update was just pushed, seems like those who bought during early access get to play this week, maybe Thursday after the stream? Anyway yea!

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