I remember my first reaction was kind of like Gunpoint with Ninjas, due to the pixel style, crashing through windows, jumping into enemies to stun them. But with all the additions and improvements, the game developed into something with a unique style all its own and so much potential for expanding the mechanics. I can't think of any other turn based stealth action game like this, expect for Klei's Invisible Inc. Swinging through a window, shooting one guy, lunging at another, deflecting a bullet, striking down the last guy, is so satisfying. Weaving between laser sights, timing your attacks, disarming enemies, the gameplay is just really fun
I think a Mark of the Ninja port would end up looking like that Rex Rocket screenshot. The controls are just too complex to be made touchscreen-compatible.
Ronin is going to be a breeze to control though. It's all big icons and dragging to enemies and walls to use your grapple hook. A mouse and keyboard works fine, but touchscreen will be even better