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iQue goes online


Thanks to Lik-sang for the news.


After month of silence around Nintendo’s iQue, here is the long awaited iQue Update with some exciting news about the console. This will make iQue owners but also N64 veterans very happy as it's finally getting interesting.

Nintendo recently didn't only announce Sin and Punishment for the iQue (which is available at iQue Depots since a couple of days), they will finally ship the iQue USB Cable Upgrade. The magic accessory allows downloading new games, updating the iQue through the Internet, online play of iQue ported N64 titles and to communicate with other iQue owners. The cable is supposed to be available within two weeks.

Whether this development gives us an outlook how the NDS online functions are supposed to work or if this development is completely separate from other Nintendo (of Japan) developments, and if the online multiplayer modes are already built in into the previously published titles such as Mario Kart, remains unanswered at iQue Limited.
more details

iQue Online Upgrade + USB cable for $19.95
iQue Game Download Voucher for $8.90


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
No no, on the packege as shown in the pic, it really does say "Add Oil Pack"... heheheh, funny name.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
jarrod said:
Holy crap. Nintendo online starts... in China? :/

Why not? China loves online gaming pretty much more than any other country out there. It's HUGE there.


Granted, "add oil" in Chinese means "Keep at it!" or something uplifting to that extent.

But when you tack a "pack" at it, it makes very little sense - it makes it revert back to the literal meaning.

I imagine Chinese kids pouring gasoline into their Nintendo machines.

Add oil, Nintendo!

and to be on-topic... this is a pretty good move by Nintendo. It's a low-cost market to try some of this stuff out.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Yeah, Add Oil Pack sounds rather desperate to me... as if Nintendo is saying "Go go go, we are the loser :("


Games don't even really have to be "ported" to iQue, do they? I was under the impression that, for all intents and purposes, the iQue is a small Nintendo 64 with twice the CPU frequency.


Doesn't iQue use faster RAM as well... I wonder if Nintendo's upgrading all these iQue releases over the N64 originals? I know iQue F-Zero X has more trackside details, better effects, extra reverse courses and some new music...
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