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Iran to ban US citizens in response to Trump's immigration order.

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Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Oh noooooooooo, I can't do something that I've never wanted to do anyways.

Golly gee shucks, Iran. You really showed us.
Honestly? It would be better for the world if people like you stayed recluse in their closets and never got out.
So predictable. One thing is consistent is the complete lack of empathy.

This is so fucking stupid.

Impose a temporary ban, and then lift it after 90 days? What the fuck is going to happen within those 90 days other than just pissing people off?

It's like, "hey man, let me punch you 90 times and then I'll stop and we'll be friends, hmkay like nothing happened."

The fucks the point? I literally think he wants to do this to say to his supporters that he backs up on his campaign promises, and then undoes it a few weeks later so that 4 years from now people won't remember the temporary ban. Both Jimmy Carter and George Bush enacted similar bans but one was due to the Iran hostage crisis, and the other due to the immediate after math of 9/11.

This was caused by nothing. In fact, what was the last terrorist attack? San Bernadino? Which was an American citizen to begin with?
Another thread in Trump's America full of people showing their ass. Yes, continue in your bubble and fuck off rest of the world.

This situation sucks and it's just going to get worse.


Every country on earth should extend the same courtesy. Trump want's to start a weaponless world war 3 , he's got it.

I'm thinking protestors need to consider that if the GOP won't impeach this guy ASAP they might want to consider armed mutiny. I'm 100% serious.

He isn't just undoing 8 years of Obama, he's undoing 75 years of the US being the US. The American constitution has a 25th amendment for just this kind of situation and I feel like Trump could probably be proven insane and a detriment to the overall health of America as a nation.


You really think the Trump administration or their supporters would give a flying fuck? Only the folks that already can't stand their guts.

But I'm just thinking out loud. Not opposed to either.

Oh, I'm all for inconveniencing Trump's base. A little bit of buyers remorse wont hurt anyone.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk


Yep. The world needs to stand against this.

There needs to be more push back against Trump's America. We think things are business as usual here right now and whats happening is normal, the rest of the world needs to be there to be sure to remind us thats not the case.
On another note which semi connects to this is that I find it interesting that Trump is pushing with tensions against Iran while trying to get closer to Putin's Russia...

which eventually will cause a clash since Iran and Russia are buddy buddies right now with not only massacring people in Syria but through a ton of economic and diplomatic ties

them and China and those other countries of the Putin fan club


So this is what it feels like to see your country implode. I'm actually rooting for a coop to happen at this point to roll back everything enacted by the orange nightmare and supported by the spineless GOP.

qcf x2

I'm thinking protestors need to consider that if the GOP won't impeach this guy ASAP they might want to consider armed mutiny. I'm 100% serious.

Another one. Are you gonna lead the charge, soldier? Who are you going to use those arms on?


So this is what it feels like to see your country implode. I'm actually rooting for a coop to happen at this point to roll back everything enacted by the orange nightmare and supported by the spineless GOP.

If a coup happened it would probably be in favor of the right, not the left. Certainly not going to have a coup because of US-Russian ties. Pretty sure a Russia-US alliance isn't very unpopular among the lower members of the military.


It's been one week!

You know those before-after presidency pictures of Obama, Bush etc. where they have grey hair and look like they've seen some shit while in office?

I feel like this is gonna be all of us in 4 years.
Gotta give it to Trump, he's really efficient at making the world go to shit.

50~100 years from now, I wonder what will history books say, if we still got those, about the real catalyst for this sequence of events. Is it 9/11 that irreparably set the US (and the world, apparently) on the path to ruin?

The history books will have a chapter called "BUT HILLARY'S EMAILS" and every fucking idiot who fell for it will be mentioned there.


Oh noooooooooo, I can't do something that I've never wanted to do anyways.

Golly gee shucks, Iran. You really showed us.

The superiority complex and selfishness a lot of American people like you show is disgusting and a big part of today's issues.
Well what did we think would happen when we voted Trump and he said he'll do all this nonsense from the beginning.

"It's just rhetoric bro!"

"He's really a moderate."

"Hillary and the Dems are just as bad."

"He'll shake things up in Washington and especially the Republican party."

"There's no real proof he's friends with Putin."

"He'll never build the wall."

"The media is biased against Trump, give him a chance. "

Trump played y'all like Hollywood Hogan. Sometimes, what you get is exactly what's on the label.
This is so fucking stupid.

Impose a temporary ban, and then lift it after 90 days? What the fuck is going to happen within those 90 days other than just pissing people off?

It's like, "hey man, let me punch you 90 times and then I'll stop and we'll be friends, hmkay like nothing happened."

I assume the point is that in 90 days the ban becomes permanent. You can't really leave the country if another ban can pop up at any time without warning anyway.


Oh noooooooooo, I can't do something that I've never wanted to do anyways.

Golly gee shucks, Iran. You really showed us.
So you don't care at all about people who are actually affected by this. A typical failure of empathy and imagination from an apologist for heinous bullshit. Wake up, you live in a diverse society full of living human beings with their own thoughts and feelings. You're not better than anyone whose life was changed by this ban.
I assume the point is that in 90 days the ban becomes permanent. You can't really leave the country if another ban can pop up at any time without warning anyway.

That's exactly what it is.

Impose 90-day ban, and no terrorism attack happens in US. Claim victory that the ban is working, and make it permanent. (kinda like how "bush kept us safe!!" nonsense)


Impose 90-day ban, terrorist attack happens in US. Widen the ban and include even more countries.
Is there a thread that summarizes the latest orders from Trump? I ask because he signed something minutes ago, according to his twitter but I haven't heard the details yet.

Also is there a good writeup of the immigration order? It's for 120 days only, right?

Chocolate & Vanilla

Fuck Strawberry
This is so fucking stupid.

Impose a temporary ban, and then lift it after 90 days? What the fuck is going to happen within those 90 days other than just pissing people off?

It's like, "hey man, let me punch you 90 times and then I'll stop and we'll be friends, hmkay like nothing happened."

The fucks the point? I literally think he wants to do this to say to his supporters that he backs up on his campaign promises, and then undoes it a few weeks later so that 4 years from now people won't remember the temporary ban. Both Jimmy Carter and George Bush enacted similar bans but one was due to the Iran hostage crisis, and the other due to the immediate after math of 9/11.

This was caused by nothing. In fact, what was the last terrorist attack? San Bernadino? Which was an American citizen to begin with?

90 days is how long it takes to manufacture and distribute the cloth patches.

Mr Git

Oh noooooooooo, I can't do something that I've never wanted to do anyways.

Golly gee shucks, Iran. You really showed us.

Your handle is ironic, right?

Iraq is extremely unsurprising, considering only the other day Trump remarked about going back for war Mk3 and getting the oil.


Oh noooooooooo, I can't do something that I've never wanted to do anyways.

Golly gee shucks, Iran. You really showed us.

Cool, well I can't visit my Iranian family any more, and they can't come here.
And the ones who are living here legally now can't leave or they won't be let back in.

Great work, everyone.
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