Well, I think these pictures about sum it up, you know that darn "Liberal" media sure did try and make the Iraqi "elections" look bad....
Iraqi Elections.....
Iraqi Elections.....
Boogie said:Well, shucks. I guess now that we have a photo of one Iraqi polling station that only has one person voting at the moment the picture was taken, we can safely say that the election was a failure.
You're a douche, btw
Do The Mario said:Wow text book boogie hurling insults at people and posting nothing of value or constructive.
Boogie said:Well, shucks. I guess now that we have a photo of one Iraqi polling station that only has one person voting at the moment the picture was taken, we can safely say that the election was a failure.
You're a douche, btw
Boogie said:Well, shucks. I guess now that we have a photo of one Iraqi polling station that only has one person voting at the moment the picture was taken, we can safely say that the election was a failure.
You're a douche, btw
Boogie said:So this guy posting a single picture from Iraq and drawing (I'm sorry, "insinuating") conclusions based on a single picture is posting something of "Value"?
Azih said:The elections did not go as badly as its harshet critics claim and did not go as well as its most dedicated proponents say.
Do The Mario said:Click the link
Boogie said:It has a few more pictures, which also don't really indicate anything.
Look, it isn't just the US media saying that the elections were successful. The coverage in the Toronto Star, interviewing Canadian election monitors, said the elections went well.
So if you're going to try to paint the elections as a failure, you better provide something more than an isolated photograph.
Boogie said:So if you're going to try to paint the elections as a failure, you better provide something more than an isolated photograph.
Jr. said:Oh yeah, the 53 dead and over a hundred wounded would probably beg to differ!
Jr. said:Well I could go and research the entire thing, but I dont have time. Right now there are Britts, Gorbichav, and various Sunni groups calling BS on the whole thing. I would venture to say that it is true is Allowi is still the PM. How about the claims by some Iraqis that they had to vote to continue getting their food rations.
Sorry you are so gullible as to believe what you read or hear in the US news.
Boogie said:It has a few more pictures, which also don't really indicate anything.
Look, it isn't just the US media saying that the elections were successful. The coverage in the Toronto Star, interviewing Canadian election monitors, said the elections went well.
So if you're going to try to paint the elections as a failure, you better provide something more than an isolated photograph.
ToxicAdam said:Angst +1
It's a shame people defending thier (potential) freedoms and those particpating in government for the first time gave thier life to do so ... yet you see it as a means to gloat over, for your e-political agenda.
Congrats on being an a-hole. Hope it works for you.
Zilch said:Yeah, we shouldn't have let those Iraqis even have an election. What were we thinking?
Zilch said:Yeah, we shouldn't have let those Iraqis even have an election. What were we thinking?
Jr. said:Well I could go and research the entire thing, but I dont have time. Right now there are Britts, Gorbichav, and various Sunni groups calling BS on the whole thing. I would venture to say that it is true is Allowi is still the PM. How about the claims by some Iraqis that they had to vote to continue getting their food rations.
Sorry you are so gullible as to believe what you read or hear in the US news.
KingGondo said:Give me a fucking break, Jr.--even the New York liberal media (NYTimes, etc.) proclaimed the election to be a success. Just because you didn't approve of the war (which I assume you didn't) doesn't mean nothing good came out of it.
Don't worry, anyway--I'm sure you and your fellow fanatics will find plenty to gripe about depending on who's elected.
KingGondo said:Give me a fucking break, Jr.--even the New York liberal media (NYTimes, etc.) proclaimed the election to be a success. Just because you didn't approve of the war (which I assume you didn't) doesn't mean nothing good came out of it.
Don't worry, anyway--I'm sure you and your fellow fanatics will find plenty to gripe about depending on who's elected.
gohepcat said:\
These elections were a great moment, and a great step forward. ....it doesn't change the fact that we shouldn't have gone over there in this way.
Jr. said:I think you have it all worng, if these people REALLY wanted to defend their freedoms or even fight for them then they wouldn't have needed 120k US troops to come marching into their country to save them. Im not gloating and if you took it as such then you are the A-hole.
KingGondo said:Give me a fucking break, Jr.--even the New York liberal media (NYTimes, etc.) proclaimed the election to be a success. Just because you didn't approve of the war (which I assume you didn't) doesn't mean nothing good came out of it.
Don't worry, anyway--I'm sure you and your fellow fanatics will find plenty to gripe about depending on who's elected.
olimario said:It's a victory for Iraq because they had a great voter turnout, less deaths occured than what was thought, and they got to elect into power the person the majority wanted in power.
The deaths suck, but the election was a great step.
olimario said:It's a victory for Iraq because they had a great voter turnout, less deaths occured than what was thought, and they got to elect into power the person the majority wanted in power.
The deaths suck, but the election was a great step.
ToxicAdam said:Please read what you said. Now think about how stupid it is. Please use your brain, and think of the previous regime and how this was not possible. Then think about the hundreds of thousands of past Iraqi's that were murdered, imprisoned or exiled for even attempting some sort of independent thought.
So not gloating is posting ONE picture of ONE Iraqi voting in an isolated booth.
... not gloating is using the word ELECTIONS in quotes? To imply they were a fraud?
Ok, you're right I was the a-hole. You were just the one who made light of people trying to express themselves under intense circumstances. You're a fucking saint.
ToxicAdam said:think of the previous regime and how this was not possible\
ToxicAdam said:Please read what you said. Now think about how stupid it is. Please use your brain, and think of the previous regime and how this was not possible. Then think about the hundreds of thousands of past Iraqi's that were murdered, imprisoned or exiled for even attempting some sort of independent thought.
bob_arctor said:Haven't some of history's bloodiest and most ruthless dictators, many of them in power with continued support by the U.S., some easily on Saddam's level of notoriety, been forceably displaced by their own people, even while the US was trying their hardest to actually keep them in power? Didn't Saddam, again with our support, gas his own people when they tried to overthrow him in 1991? Wouldn't it have been possible then? Didn't our ruthless sanctions against Iraq in reality just decimate the common people and actually make them almost entirely dependent on the Saddam regime for any sort of sustenance, thus virtually eliminating the prospect of another rebellion? Did we ever have this national obsession with democracy prior to the invasion and occupation?
gohepcat said:yea I'm sure ending the sactions on Iraq would have flooded the common people with the means to overthrow Saddam...and while we are on the subect...what was worng with those Jews in Germany. I mean come on. Get your shit together and get rid of that Hitler guy.
gohepcat said:Yea I'm sure ending the sanctions on Iraq would have flooded the common people with the means to overthrow Saddam...and while we are on the subject...what was worng with those Jews in Germany. I mean come on. Get your shit together and get rid of that Hitler guy.
Why does everything have to be like a friggn spy novel with you people. Man you love the high drama...Logic be damned.
gohepcat said:yea I'm sure ending the sactions on Iraq would have flooded the common people with the means to overthrow Saddam...and while we are on the subect...what was worng with those Jews in Germany. I mean come on. Get your shit together and get rid of that Hitler guy.
bob_arctor said:Well, we'll never know, will we? We do know, however, the toll they had on the very people we're currently championing as beacons of democracy. Those sanctions never targeted Saddam and his cohorts. And again, they had a chance in '91 to forceably remove Saddam, but with our help, Saddam squelched that one damn quick.
Che said:In other related yet exciting news Iraqi "President" al-Yawer said US Troops Should Stay in Iraq. How surprising!
Skeptics of President Bush's attempt to bring democracy to Iraq have been largely silent since Iraqis enthusiastically turned out for Sunday's elections.
Billionaire Bush-basher George Soros and left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore were among critics of the administration's Iraq policy who had no comment after millions of Iraqis went to the polls in their nation's first free elections in decades.
Despite widespread predictions of spectacular terrorist attacks on election day in Iraq, fewer than 50 were killed, and the 60 percent turnout for the elections was much higher than many predicted.
Mr. Carter told NBC's "Today" show in September that he was confident the elections would not take place. "I personally do not believe they're going to be ready for the election in January ... because there's no security there," he said.
Mr. Soros, the Open Society Institute founder who contributed millions of dollars to groups seeking to prevent Mr. Bush's re-election, had denounced as a "sham" the administration's plans for a democratic Iraq.
Mr. Soros' Web site (www.georgesoros.com) has no reference to the Iraqi elections. Its latest comments are in a Jan. 26 op-ed article on what Mr. Soros calls Mr. Bush's "ambitious" second inaugural address.
There has been no comment since the Iraq elections from Mr. Moore, the Academy Award-winning filmmaker who characterized the Iraqi insurgents as "Minutemen," and predicted "they will win."
On the day before the elections, Mr. Moore featured a link to a column in the New York Times with the headline, "A Sinking Sensation of Parallels between Iraq and Vietnam." On the day after the elections, Mr. Moore linked to a story in the left-wing Nation magazine titled "Occupation Thwarts Democracy."
Moorewatch.com, a site dedicated to countering the filmmaker's political statements, knocked Mr. Moore for "failing to acknowledge [the Iraqi people's] achievement."
"I find it telling that the man who has lamented such great concern for the kite-flying, tea-sipping Iraqi people featured in 'Fahrenheit 9/11' can't be bothered to string together a few words of admiration for those same people who braved the threat of death to cast their votes this past weekend," the anti-Moore Web site said. "It seems Moore only admires the Iraqi people when they validate his agenda of hating George Bush."
Some administration critics, however, saw the Iraqi elections as reason to revise their opinion of Mr. Bush.
Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mark Brown, who has consistently opposed Mr. Bush and the war in Iraq, wrote for yesterday's edition that "it's hard to swallow," but "what if it turns out Bush was right, and we were wrong?"
The Chicago columnist wrote that he was struck by "television coverage from Iraq that showed long lines of people risking their lives by turning out to vote, honest looks of joy on so many of their faces."
"If it turns out Bush was right all along, this is going to require some serious penance," Mr. Brown wrote.
Zilch said:Hey! Your conservative propaganda is not welcome here!
Haha, just for kicks I went to Michael Moore's website just now and unbelievably all the news headlines about the Iraq election were negative! What a funny fat fuck!
If it turns out Bush was right all along, this is going to require some serious penance