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Is a 6 a good score?

We need less fractions when we rate games. 1 to 100 is ridiculous. What determines if a game gets 78 or 79, for instance? It's just random numbers at this point.

1 to 10 is also too much.

The best is the mid-90's CVG magazine 1 to 5. The best games would get a "high five" and you didn't have to compare them. Doesn't matter if OOT is better than, say Resident Evil or BOTW. They all get the same 5/5 score because they are all objectively great games, everything else is subjective. 4 also means the games are great but not as much to become real classics. 3 means pretty average or "OK". 2 means the game is pretty bad with some good parts and 1 is simply the worst games.

Much simpler and much more objective and on point.
Problem with that is that legacy outlets would just give 1s and 2s like crazy. 🙃

I really have a hard time struggling why some games are just critiqued to death but other games get a pass. I truly believe that most reviewers are so used to the majority of modern games being incredibly user friendly that anything that requires a bit of thought or adjustment, it just irritates the shit out them and they take their lack of skill/patience out on the game.
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I never see scores anymore, i see the vids, judged them by my self. And it doesnt take too long, even from 1 minutes vids.


Can’t Git Gud
I would not date a 6 out of 10, but I would sex them. In summary boys will be boys.
Good choice.
I see how you look at that nice 6.


Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
If the game is 30 bucks: yeah.
If the game is 75 bucks: FUCK NO.


I didn't mind paying 20$ for the digital deluxe Edition of Gotham Knights.

I think the problem with this argument is that for the same price, I can get just as many games that are better. I've got dozens of games in my backlog both purchased and unpurchased. Why rush to buy average games when you can just wait and buy good ones?


6 is a play at the right price

I wasn't that mad at Mass Effect Andromeda for 18 bucks and after all the patches, I was more disappointed that it's poor launch reception killed the prospects of its own galaxy's future and DLC and set ME so far back

Had I paid 90 CAD for it, different story
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I’m not paying seventy United States dollars plus tip for a mid tier game.
There's a youtube channel I view from time to time that uses this scale(mostly for movies):

  • Full Price
  • Matinee/On Sale
  • Rental
There technically could be two more added, like 'wait for PS Plus/Gamepass' and 'Play when it's free'. Would something like this help reviews if this were added? Otherwise, I feel like attaching price of the product to score is unfair for hidden gems.


Gold Member
So price determines quality then?

Is a 3/10 a good score for a game at 10 bucks? Or a 1/10 for 3 bucks? Would it still worth your time though?

Is a shit burger still edible if it's free?

This is your takeaway from that? Don't be deliberately obtuse. It's about value proposition.

You'd be okay with an average meal for 15 bucks. But you wouldn't be okay with an average meal for 50 bucks. No one is okay with a shit meal, regardless of price.


6 is and has always been the beginning of dog shit tier games in video game magazines.
Agreed that 10s are given out way too often. There's almost no one reporting on the industry that isn't compromised or bribed.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I'd prefer the 5 star system myself but ultimately it's very easy to find info and footage on games to make a informed decision. Those that rely on review scores or metacritic just want someone to think for them or purchase a game not because they like the game but to feel like they have something of value.


advanced basic bitch
No one has ever seen a game they're looking forward to get a 6 and think "nice!".

it's a bad score.
This and with the sheer amount of games released these days regardless of platform there's no reason to settle. There's thousands of 7 plus games and more released all the time. Time and money are precious.


World’s Biggest Weeb
No. Like it or not, the scoring system we have is like school grades where 90 = A, 80 = B and so on.

Just because 5 is the average of 0 + 10 doesn’t mean that a 5/10 game is “average”. That’s like saying a 50% on a test is an average score.

People have been getting up on their soapbox bitching and ranting about this since the dawn of gaming message boards. It ain’t gonna change now.
Another problem with scores is the split between what many people consider AA and AAA games. For instance, a game like Overlord Unicorn could score 10s across the board and virtually no one would say it stood a chance at goty against bigger production titles.

So basically what I'm saying is the score system only works for mainstream titles.


*US schools, other regions use the full scale and I passed a lot of classes in middle school thanks to 5.5 being a passing grade :messenger_smirking:

Not only US though, lots of places use 60% as the minimum passing grade.
Like here in Chile tests get scored from 1.0 (worst) to 7.0 (best).
If you get 60% of the answer right you get a 4.0, which is the minimum passing grade. But I can assure you my parents weren't happy whenever I got a 4,0 (which was like every othe test, at least in math and sciences)

It's harder to get a score lower then 6 then it is to get above 9, so a 10 score scale is just redundant.

Not really though, it's just that most games that would get such scores don't get reviewed by major outlets.
Got to steam, filter by release date. See those 30+ games that release every day? A lot of those are the 1-6 games you just never hear about.
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This is your takeaway from that? Don't be deliberately obtuse. It's about value proposition.

You'd be okay with an average meal for 15 bucks. But you wouldn't be okay with an average meal for 50 bucks. No one is okay with a shit meal, regardless of price.
Dunno, i only play games that are fun to me, that's the only factor i care about. If i can't have fun with a game i just do something else even if said game is cheap/free. Meals though, you can't avoid them.
This is your takeaway from that? Don't be deliberately obtuse. It's about value proposition.

You'd be okay with an average meal for 15 bucks. But you wouldn't be okay with an average meal for 50 bucks. No one is okay with a shit meal, regardless of price.
The problem with comparing games to food is that the games will become cheaper over time, but those day one reviews for dropping a point or two simply for it being high priced won't change.

Food doesn't suddenly taste better when it's cheaper. The cook doesn't ask you to wait a week when it's lower price so that he can suddenly change the recipe for you to like it.

They knew that an 8/10 game provided a fun and unique experience, but the production values weren't as good as other games at it's full price. So they score it 7/10 due to this factor. Now even two years later at 9.99 that same game is still considered a 7/10 because of a set-in-stone review. That's the problem.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I think the problem with this argument is that for the same price, I can get just as many games that are better. I've got dozens of games in my backlog both purchased and unpurchased. Why rush to buy average games when you can just wait and buy good ones?
The good games I want I buy right away. I don't wait.
In the case of Gotham Knights even if I just play it for 30 minutes & never touch it again that 20$ I spent won't bother me.

I got no girlfriend, no dog, no responsibilities and money shooting out my arse.

I'm not "rushing" to buy average games but maybe I misunderstood your point.

I'm a dumbass sometimes 🤠
The good games I want I buy right away. I don't wait.
In the case of Gotham Knights even if I just play it for 30 minutes & never touch it again that 20$ I spent won't bother me.

I got no girlfriend, no dog, no responsibilities and money shooting out my arse.

I'm not "rushing" to buy average games but maybe I misunderstood your point.

I'm a dumbass sometimes 🤠
nah it's your life, do whatever you want and people not finishing games isn't that strange.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
This is what it should be. 5/10 is not "ok". Its BAD. Its quite literally barely passable. If you get 50's in college you are a failed student.

A real fucking scale is as follows:

1/10 - Historically bad.
2/10 - Abysmal.
3/10 - Terrible.
4/10 - Not good at all.
5/10 - Bad
6/10 - Mediocre
7/10 - Solid
8/10 - Great
9/10 - Amazing
10/10 - Masterclass

And they shouldn't be scared to go below 6 like they are currently. We should be seeing WAY more 2's and 3's.
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Gold Member
Why do we even need to have numbers? Amazing, great, good, okay, etc., A good would be equivalent to 70-80. The important distinction is that we’d all play a good game, but generally lol at a 70.

Like others have alluded to - where is the distinction between 81 and 84, for example? It’s bloody stupid when you think about it.
A 6 means literally nothing when someone else scores it a 6. It’s all about how I feel about a game. I’ve played games that are 6s on the critics and I absolutely loved them, at the same time absolutely loathing some games that have 90-95s. I stopped letting other people make up my mind for me a long time ago with video games.

But to answer your question, a 6 to me that I’ve scored personally is a little above an average shoulder shrug game. I can usually play them for a bit, but never can quite get fully invested enough to finish them all of the time. Too often people use a 5-10 scale like it’s a 1-10 scale. Talking about 5 is complete trash. Then wtf don’t you just use a 1-5 scale then? lol. 5 should always be perfectly mediocre when using a 10 point scale.
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10 point systems have always been terrible because no one ever uses them right. GamePro's 5-point system was the best one all along.


I remember borrowing this game from a friend and it was a fun ride for the weekend I played it. It was PS2's Sifu for me. A 68 on GamePro's scale would be between a 3.0 and 3.5. That's a smiley face with a possible thumbs up, which pretty much describes my fun weekend with Rise to Honor.


And this is one of the biggest reasons why current day review scores are broken.
Fuck man I miss Gamepro. Best magazine ever, I was a huge Gamepro fan back in the day, and I loved their rating scale. I didn't always agree with it, (I personally thought their takes on 2D fighters feeling "outdated" after 3D fighters took over was misguided, but eh, what can ya do, symptom of the times), but in general they had great logic for their system of reviews and they always backed everything up. I also loved that they divided the ratings into different categories, which we honestly need to get back. Rating a game with one simple average is far too reductive when there's so many ways to enjoy a modern game. If memory serves, Gamepro broke up their reviews into separate scores for graphics, controls, fun factor, and music/sound design right? It's been a while, I might be off on that but I think that's what it was. Anyway, that's how it should be done though, rate a game on several different levels, not just one simple score to encompass the whole of a piece of interactive media that will be judged wildly differently by different people based on what they value in a game.

For example, The Crysis fan will weigh the Graphics review score far above the review categories, and that will give the review that specifically scores that aspect of game more practicality and specificity for that demographic. Not saying that Crysis isn't fun and all that, love the games, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, this got too long....I miss Gamepro man lol.
5 in my eyes is I didn't have a bad time with it but its not good.

6 is its okay.

7 is good. Like that's the passing score on a test from 1-10.


This is what it should be. 5/10 is not "ok". Its BAD. Its quite literally barely passable. If you get 50's in college you are a failed student.

A real fucking scale is as follows:

1/10 - Historically bad.
2/10 - Abysmal.
3/10 - Terrible.
4/10 - Not good at all.
5/10 - Bad
6/10 - Mediocre
7/10 - Solid
8/10 - Great
9/10 - Amazing
10/10 - Masterclass

And they shouldn't be scared to go below 6 like they are currently. We should be seeing WAY more 2's and 3's.
Half the scale is redundant. What you're actually saying is it's a 5 point rating system with artificial inflation.

(0 star - Big Rigs and Resident Evil 6)
1 star - Bad
2 star - Mediocre
3 star - Solid
4 star - Great/Amazing
5 star - Masterclass
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Numerical scores mean nothing. Tell me about the game. Let me see some footage, and I’ll decide from there whether I want to play it.
That’s all that matters.



10 - Masterpiece​

9 - Amazing​

8 - Great​

7 - Good​

6 - Okay​

5 - Mediocre​

4 - Bad​

3 - Awful​

2 - Painful​

1 - Unbearable​

According to IGN.


Look at the kind of games that get scores in the 60s range in Metacritic.

You're basically looking at either highly underwhelming and/or deeply flawed titles, one way or another.

So if a new release gets a 6/10, then that's a sign to be worried that something didn't quite worked out as good as anyone had hoped.


Gold Member
Half the scale is redundant. What you're actually saying is it's a 5 point rating system with artificial inflation.

0 star - Big Rigs and Resident Evil 6
1 star - Bad
2 star - Mediocre
3 star - Solid
4 star - Great/Amazing
5 star - Masterclass

I agree. No need to be that granular. 5 star system hits all the pertinent levels.
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