Lol, you dont know moore.Could you link it?
Im really enjoying the show. This may be an “adaptation” that Moore doesn’t scoff at if he was willing to watch.
Can't believe we are 4 pages in and no one has mentioned the epic missed chance of a "Who watches the Watchmen?" thread title?
Howling at the pre-2010 accounts doing the "it just KKK" routine, as if everyone else is a retard that can't connect oldgaf/Ree/modern left throwing KKK/nazi at republicans/anyone else who disagrees.
People can see through that laughable pissbaby position bro. Especially from acc's that seemed to be cool with the rancid vile scum era of gaf.
I don’t think so. Moore has never been one to shit on people unless provoked or he feels they had a part of some injustice (Bob Kane & Stan Lee). I don’t think Alan Moore would watch the show or admit to liking it, but out of all the prequels and adaptations (with the exception of the motion comic), I feel as if this is a good sequel to the original work. And I think he’d agree...if he wasn’t too far up him own ass.Lol, you dont know moore.
If moore wrote his philosophy of life and then you changed the name on the front to Malan Oore, hed fucking hate it and tell you a million reasons why the author is a fucking idiot.
Moore is such a piece of shit when it comes to criticism.
He is truly the easiest time I have in life separating the art from the artist.
On the same thecw trash level?
and?I was perma'd from Reset so try again, I'm hardly one of those uptight cunts. If you're getting upset and feeling any type of connection to the 7K...WHELP.
and wait is pre-2010 account-shaming now a thing on GAF? LMAO
he's dead jimI thought it was a pretty cool episode (spoilers below). My only gripe would be lack of Ozy this time but I get why they went that way.
I appreciated the continued send-up of American Horror Story (with their consent) by having Cheyenne Jackson appearing as Hood Justice.
Glenn Fleshler really is cementing his reputation as giant douchebag HBO Character Actor, True Detective, Barry and now Watchmen. Even played a bot of a Douche in Joker...needs to get his agent to find him some rom coms I feel.
Obviously we all know/suspected that Will would turn out to be Hooded Justice, but I kind of surprised that they ran with the part about him being gay/Bi-sexual. I guess it legitimises Hollis suspicions from his book about the minutemen. Though I was perhaps expecting his wife to maybe discover it and have that be the reason she left him rather than the crime-fighting.
Anyway looking forward to the next episode though they're teasing with the lack of
Looking Glass in the Preview
Cmon Wade buddy, we believe
That's fair, but the wizard *self-appointed title* is DEFINITELY living up in Lemmywinks land. No way would he ever admit it if he liked the show.I don’t think so. Moore has never been one to shit on people unless provoked or he feels they had a part of some injustice (Bob Kane & Stan Lee). I don’t think Alan Moore would watch the show or admit to liking it, but out of all the prequels and adaptations (with the exception of the motion comic), I feel as if this is a good sequel to the original work. And I think he’d agree...if he wasn’t too far up him own ass.
As I was watching the intro to the episode with the couple who cant have children, i thought that whole sequence was the most Morrison thing ever. Which is ironic since the two are nasty to each other. As far as the actual feud, Ive seen/read a lot on their feud a few years back. Moore treating Grant as a fanboy, and Grant playing up the punk to Moore’s cranky old man. I don’t have a dog in the race. I will say I was very disappointed with Moore when he visited Occupy movement. He has no problem with a bunch of freeloaders using his work to justifying slacking off because they’re fighting the “system”. It’s a bit hypocritical.That's fair, but the wizard *self-appointed title* is DEFINITELY living up in Lemmywinks land. No way would he ever admit it if he liked the show.
Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about his opinion on morrison?
Oh and a side sidenote, I heard moore is making a movie as we speak and already claims its the best thing to ever happen to cinema lol.
I can imagine the disappointment.I saw my name quoted here, still need to watch this weeks episode, don't want to be spoiled.
OK episode but I found it funny that they played the oppression olympics with the weekly protag. He's not just a survivor, he's also black. And a cop in a department that hates him. And GAY in a loveless marriage. And betrayed by his white blonde lover. And has to pretend to be white. It's like, OK, we get it writers, you're woke as fuck (and 100% all white and straight and rich).
Anyway. This is the end game now. Either officer Blake comes around or Angela has to kill her ass.
It's called "fleshing out a character".
Also, HJ has been rumored to be gay since the comic. Absolutely nothing new on that end.
Just caught up on 4, 5 and 6, episode 6 was an especially great episode. Every time Will got in to a fight I really got on edge worried he would get injured somehow, even though I know he is still alive in present time. I'm perfectly fine with Hooded Justice being black and gay, the black part especially makes sense. Can anyone point me to where in the comics it suggests that he might be gay though? I haven't read it in ages.
The comic also overtly but not outright said that Hooded Justice was a german dude that was killed around the same time HJ disappeared. Y'know, that part that only exists to give you the identity of HJ and serves no other purpose, so it's not like you can pull the "maybe it not him" card.From what I remember it’s mentioned in the sections of the original Silk Spectre’s autobiography. She mentions Hooded Justice and Captain Metropolis having a relationship. Also Comedian alludes to it after Hooded Justice beats the shit out of him to stop Comedian raping Silk Spectre.
After today... My excitement dwindledNo.
Episode 7 was damn good. I can't wait to see what happens next. Also!Looking Glass lives
That end of episode reveal, holy fuck, I was surprised. Also, Trieu's daughter, that is some messed up shit.
I knew it was really her mother but I was thinking it might but some time travel shite and not cloning.
The Adrian court case was interesting.
Are we to assume it's really been going for 365 days?
I'm in for the rest of the ride. Please don't eff the ending up Lindelof.
The whole Adrian arc/angle is the one area I feel I understand the least
I was thinking that when the scene transitioned from real Adrian to his gold statue, maybe he really is dead and everything we are seeing about Adrian is in the past.
other than the superficial cursing from all female characters that legitimately becomes distracting during otherwise key/pivotal scenes/dialogues. Like I wrote earlier, having a female say “fucking” every other sentence doesn’t make them tougher or cooler or more hip or whatever.
I’d just like to expand on my criticism.
I know it sounds stupid. I know you probably read it and think “what kind of man-baby gives a fuck about fucking cussing?”
I post a lot about shows and movies, I’ve never even mentioned anything like this before.
People gotta understand something....
This is the first time I’ve ever critiqued this aspect of any form of media.
I never before have batted an eye or thought twice about cursing in media. I’m not some weirdo adult who goes around saying “earmuffs” or “watch the language!” unironically.
Cussing is fine. It’s normal. Everyone does it.
The fact that I even had to think “why is she cussing so much right now?” seemed odd to me but it kept happening week in and week out. There’s more cussing in one episode then in fucking (see what I mean) Goodfellas (ok maybe not really, but whatever).
It’s lazy dialogue, imo.
It’s so overdone it’s distracting.
At one point two weeks ago, two females say “fuck” or “fucking” 5x to each other in 2 sentences. It’s used in ways that make no sense contextually, seemingly benign bits of dialogue in not overtly critical conversations that didn’t need them for any effect. It’s every episode, every female involved conversation, at a level I’ve never ever witnessed in a show.
Just pay attention to it next time you watch and you’ll see. Especially notice it’s only females show-wide. It’s not just cussing it’s literally every other sentence just trying to sound “edgy.” It’s needless and serves no purpose other than to provide a false sense of toughness or grit to the female leads.
I’m not sitting back, grimacing, as if fuck or fucking hurt my ears. It’s not about that. it’s just really odd dialog that kills immersion momentarily for me. Like, no one I’ve ever known talks like this. I’ve never known anyone who drops F bombs ever other sentence at home, at playor at work. It’s is it weird creative choice to me
This is probably the dumbest shit you’ve ever read. I know it sounds ridiculous. It’s just something I can’t ignore after I noticed it in EP2 and onward.
It’s as if someone told the writers “turn the edge up to 11, slay gurl slay.”
So is this show "based" on the superheros? Or is it an adaptation that's totally different from the movie? I'm still confused on what this show actually is. When I saw the movie, it was a movie based on DC comic book characters right?
So is this show "based" on the superheros? Or is it an adaptation that's totally different from the movie? I'm still confused on what this show actually is. When I saw the movie, it was a movie based on DC comic book characters right?
It's a sequel to the original comics, not a sequel to the movie.
But they are based off existing chatacters DC acquired from other publishers (Charlton Comics).The characters in the Watchmen comic are original creations. So it wasn’t pre-existing DC characters like Batman etc. It was then adapted into a film and now a TV show has been made that’s a sequel to the events of the comic.