it's not unwillingly, countless generations of caring parent or caregivers had to pass to give you a shot at lifeYou're placed into this world unwillingly. That's tragedy #1 for every human being.
Even if you end up liking it here, you're also leaving against your will. That's tragedy #2 for every human being.
Enjoy the ride
I'm referring to the individual's desire to be's not unwillingly, countless generations of caring parent or caregivers had to pass to give you a shot at life
you also have some say in the matter of death, such that you grip and claw to stave obliteration
death always wins, enjoy the ride, reflect your wake without regret or resent
it's not unwillingly, countless generations of caring parent or caregivers had to pass to give you a shot at life
you also have some say in the matter of death, such that you grip and claw to stave obliteration
death always wins, enjoy the ride, reflect your wake without regret or resent
I highly recommend reading this essay from James Blake:It completely blows my mind when I hear about a rich man killing himself. Especially if no drugs are involved. If I had Bourdain’s money, I would slap that feminazi Asia Argento's face with a wad of cash and tell her to get the fuck lost. Then drive away in my Lambo. Wtf is so wrong with your life you must end it????
Real talk.I highly recommend reading this essay from James Blake:
It's easy to see it from the outside and think like you do, we're better at solving other people's problems objectively than our own, so it seems easy. He most likely had demons and suicidal thoughts for years, what would be the tipping point, we don't know. Asia Argento could be a pristine girlfriend and it still could happen, depressed people aren't usually fun to hang around intimately and it wears out any generation, perhaps they could be together precisely because she was/seemed detached.
She sure doesn't seem the caretaker type that can put others before her own (that said, I don't know her, who knows) but he was a grown boy and knew that from the get go, it was probably still better for him than the alternative. Most people are like her in that front, and the other partner usually doesn't end up dead. I don't think it's right to pin it on her, Bourdain had no one to blame for his misfortune but himself.
I have a weird reaction to people passing away. It's like I just go all numb. I have been to a couple of funerals and felt weird for not crying, so much so I looked online about it. Apparently grief just affects some people differently. I cared for my aunt greatly, we did so many things together and I felt so guilty for not crying. Even though I felt so much sadness inside.
It seems to hit me months down the line when I think about that person, or something reminds me of them.
The months leading to death by terminal illness must be the worst, doesn't matter where you are in life.
Imagine we have two people let's say person A and person B :
- Person A: This is a rich man in his 30s. He is still young, he loves to enjoy his life, why not? He has money, he lives in a rich country, let's say northern Europe. He has a wife and highly valuable assets: a big house, an expensive car, tons of clothes, he can afford traveling around the world in first class and is healthy. Unfortunately, the doctor has bad news for him and he is going to die in a matter of months. He has lots of things to loose.
- Person B: This is a poor man in his 30s. He is still young, but he never enjoyed his life because he lacks of opportunities. He lives in a third world country, surrounded by poverty, with no services. He is not educated because he never had the opportunity to go to a local school, the nearest school is far away, he had no transport meanings to reach the closer school. He lacks of any device/asset and he has no access to any medical service. He has now a disease, easily treated in a first world country, but since he lacks of medical assistance, he is going to die in a matter of months. An end to a meaningless life?
Do you think is death the same for everyone? Is death the same to Person A who enjoyed his life since he was a child and never faced a tough time than to Person B who lacks of everything?
Exactly is what im talking aboutPerson A always thought that money could make you happy. His wife is with him for his money, and she doesn’t really love him. He doesn’t have many friends, and the ones he does have aren’t close friends. He doesn’t have any fulfilling relationships in his life, and the spending is an attempt to fill the hole in his life. He will scarcely be remembered as more than the rich man who wore nice suits. He will die in a hospital bed after a visit from his wife, who doesn’t have too much to say.
Person B has a wife he’s known since they were young. They never had much, but they have always had each other and they love their 3 children dearly. As a family they laughed and cried together. He taught his children valuable life lessons, kept them safe, and kept them fed. He will be remembered as a loving father and husband by those closest to him and as a good, honest, and kind man by friends and neighbours. He will die surrounded by his family.
What is "taking advantage of the life you have"? I think working hard for other people outside of your family is a waste.the tragedy is that you don't take advantage of the life you have.
The sad thing is the fact that you have not had the achievements or goals that you have set for yourself, that is worse than death.
Quality of life is what matters most.
Both examples will eventually have their graves go unattended.Person A always thought that money could make you happy. His wife is with him for his money, and she doesn’t really love him. He doesn’t have many friends, and the ones he does have aren’t close friends. He doesn’t have any fulfilling relationships in his life, and the spending is an attempt to fill the hole in his life. He will scarcely be remembered as more than the rich man who wore nice suits. He will die in a hospital bed after a visit from his wife, who doesn’t have too much to say.
Person B has a wife he’s known since they were young. They never had much, but they have always had each other and they love their 3 children dearly. As a family they laughed and cried together. He taught his children valuable life lessons, kept them safe, and kept them fed. He will be remembered as a loving father and husband by those closest to him and as a good, honest, and kind man by friends and neighbours. He will die surrounded by his family.
Be happy with the things that you got, and enjoy travel or know the world.What is "taking advantage of the life you have"? I think working hard for other people outside of your family is a waste.
Assuming you are serious with this thought, ill go along:Imagine we have two people let's say person A and person B :
- Person A: This is a rich man in his 30s. He is still young, he loves to enjoy his life, why not? He has money, he lives in a rich country, let's say northern Europe. He has a wife and highly valuable assets: a big house, an expensive car, tons of clothes, he can afford traveling around the world in first class and is healthy. Unfortunately, the doctor has bad news for him and he is going to die in a matter of months. He has lots of things to loose.
- Person B: This is a poor man in his 30s. He is still young, but he never enjoyed his life because he lacks of opportunities. He lives in a third world country, surrounded by poverty, with no services. He is not educated because he never had the opportunity to go to a local school, the nearest school is far away, he had no transport meanings to reach the closer school. He lacks of any device/asset and he has no access to any medical service. He has now a disease, easily treated in a first world country, but since he lacks of medical assistance, he is going to die in a matter of months. An end to a meaningless life?
Do you think is death the same for everyone? Is death the same to Person A who enjoyed his life since he was a child and never faced a tough time than to Person B who lacks of everything?
You're placed into this world unwillingly. That's tragedy #1 for every human being.
Even if you end up liking it here, you're also leaving against your will. That's tragedy #2 for every human being.
Enjoy the ride
I agree that there wasn't anyone to be "placed" here, but once you are here you can't help but wonder whether you were placed in the best of situations to start with. Which is why one could very easily come to think they were "placed" here without anyone asking them whether they'd like to go through life in the first place... Therefore, against your will. Either because there's no will to check with or because one can't check with aforementioned will.I don´t think the first is a tragedy at all since there was no one to be placed on this world before you start to exist, as for the second, that´s a bit rethorical I guess, I agree everyone deserves a good life without being forced to do anything against their will, and for a very long period of time. Hopefully someday science will get Us there.
I agree that there wasn't anyone to be "placed" here, but once you are here you can't help but wonder whether you were placed in the best of situations to start with. Which is why one could very easily come to think they were "placed" here without anyone asking them whether they'd like to go though life in the first place... Therefore, against you will. Either because there's no will to check with or because one can't check with aforementioned will.
I am 32 and 130kg obese fucker (at least I am tall 190cm so the obesity is well hidden)
So obviously, death is starting to appear on my mind from time to time... I feel great, healthy and all but still.
We don't have any children and my main hobby is just gaming and so. We don't plan to have any children and wife is 30... so we don't have much if any time to decide.
I think life will be less stressful if I won't have to worry about dying and not being able to take care of kids. The only loss I will experience is not being able to stay with my wife longer and finish the damn backlog
edit: I have bought my own flat few years ago, I have a wife who is fantastic, I am a respectable engineer in a big company and I have ps5 and 3080. So there is clearly nothing left to achieve in this life![]()
yeah, that's pretty much it.I see, having sentient beings who cannot be asked beforehand whether they want to be in a world where evil exists is a tragedy itself.
Hey thanks!I had to reread this post as it felt like i wrote it 10 years ago.
I was 130kg @ 190cm
Just me and the wife, with a good job and no kids and tons of time for Videogames and fancy life.
My Wife wanted kids bad, i was indifferent and felt i could have lived my life fine with out them (i was wrong) I also was selfish so i was worried i would be a bad dad. We tried for 10 years, spend so much money on IVF and Doctors, then it finally worked when i was 40 and we had a amazing kid. Then BALM whatever was our problem was gone and #2 came 11 months later.
When the kids were on the way, When i finally got sick of being fat and out of shape. I took the long way and 2.5 year later i am down to 95kg, 2 kids under 2 (wow) and i could not be happier with my life.
If you want to change your life, you can do it with small steps over time. I started my first year with Just Nutrition (my fitness pal logging was eye opening) , mostly cutting drinks and snacks after 8pm. After a year of losing weight i started to hit the Gym. Now at 42 i am in the best shape in my life and frankly the happiest i have ever been with my two babies.
Why am i telling you this? IN the odd case you are me from 10 years and this website is a time vortex. I want to give myself the following advice
Don't wait until your 40 to fix the shit you know you need to fix. Do it now and enjoy those 30s more then i did. You dont need crazy change, just one small step that adds up over years.
Also, Kids are the most amazing thing that has happened to me in my life.
Happy to share my journey with anyone who cares.
Assuming you are serious with this thought, ill go along:
Yes, i think Death is the same for everyone. When you die, you die. The experience within the life however may change things considerably.
Let's take Person A. A Western lad, grown up in a society of technocratic influence where the latest date is just one Tinder away, where any food can be picked up at your local PicNic and your Tesla car practically drives for you. He may fit well in modern society, but does he feel anything about nature/
Let's take Person B. Although born in poverty and with little to improve, Person B may have benefits Person A does not have - Ingenuity, for example. Closer relationships with those around you, because you are all in the same shit creek altogether. Moreover, a better sense of nature and how to work with very little (Minimalism). He may have very little compared to Person A, but he still might be happy.
Obviously, you never would want to run in the exact scenario that Person B has, but i would argue that the life of Person A isn't all that great either. It is an easy way of living because everything is automated, but its less fruitful imo for personal experience/observation than Person B will have.
In other words, like many things in life, the central key to well being i believe is a combination of both Person A and Person B. A condensed life where you enjoy some of the benefits of modern society, but always with one eye back towards where we all came from - Nature.
For me, it's not death itself, it's how.I used to be kind of obsessed with death, or actually my own fear of it. One of the reasons I've been watching basically nothing else but Horror movies, was to "collect" horrible ways to die. So you're kind of prepared of what can actually happen to you.
But nowadays the fear of having loved ones die is far worse. I'm getting old.
I know, right?! There are so many terrible ways to go and you can spend ages of imagining them.For me, it's not death itself, it's how.
The how is the big one. The uncertainty of not knowing how you will go out definitely keeps me up at night occasionally.
Let's just say the Final Destination movies did not help.I know, right?! There are so many terrible ways to go and you can spend ages of imagining them.
But even if it's a "normal" death, it won't be nice. I mean, it's basically suffocating after your heart stops.
For me, it's not death itself, it's how.
The how is the big one. The uncertainty of not knowing how you will go out definitely keeps me up at night occasionally.
You can always read some statistics before going to bed, but I doubt it will help you![]()