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is "GatorPatch.log" a virus on my C drive?

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So i'm running practice Java programs for my class in windows DOS. i see a file called GatorPatch.log. It's not a directory. I remember the name "Gator" several times after deleting spyware files from doing a scan with spybot. Should I delete this? I'm worried I'll mess up my PC and I really, really need it at this time.

EDTI: ugh.. after this topic I was gonna delete my posts in an another thread that asked the same thing and looks like I'm an idiot.

Can a mod delete/lock this topic?


I did try to run it but it doesnt get that .log file.. I'll try again.

Can I just delete it from the C drive in windowd DOS?


It's a crappy freeware/spyware app that remembers your passcodes/address/whathave you whenever you need to imput it. Best to get rid of it.

Kon Tiki

8.3 file format. Any name longer than 8 characters(with a 3 character extention) gets formatted to 8.3.

Short for Documents and Settings.


I ran spybot and it did not find that file.. I fixed all the other problems but GatorPatch.log is still in my C drive when i check in dos..

Is it ok for me to go ahead and delete it in dos? could it be tied to something else that might ends ups messing my pc..?


Just deleted it. No monsters came out of my monitor.
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