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Is it normal to have an all-out fight with your brother?

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He's been pissing me off to no end these past few days, and no amount of words will get through to him. Is it time for me to beat his ass?

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Put it this way, a good hiding from the older sibling is something you will never forget.

Do with that information what you will.


revivalist said:
Little or Older?

He's 18, so younger.

I'm 25, and so I understand that he's feeling confident and independent, but whenever I come to visit him and our mom, he tries to play out this act with me and does stupid shit, like take my keys without asking and drive around for hours.


every once in awhile yes. But don't fight him like you would somebody in the street. Body blows only. Maybe a hurt lock or two.

Bob White

See, that's what's wrong in today's world. People think it's wrong to beat someone up. Fuck that shit. If he's deserves it, LAY HIS ASS DOWN.

Giving people what's coming to them doesn't make you a bad person.


If you guys are both teenagers or below then yes, it's normal. But if you guys are old, then grow the fuck up.


Bob White said:
See, that's what's wrong in today's world. People think it's wrong to beat someone up. Fuck that shit. If he's deserves it, LAY HIS ASS DOWN.

Giving people what's coming to them doesn't make you a bad person.

I see what you're saying.

The only problem is that he's a snitch, and I don't want our mom to be heartbroken about this. That's the main reason I've been holding back, but he's been pushing it lately. Even has started yelling/screaming at my mom -- and she loves him too much to throw him out.
Beat him sardonically. Last fight I had with my brother was about those same ages(me being younger). It's a good "get that shit out of your system" type deal.


Sounds like he needs to get that cocky attitude beaten out of him. Go for it , you've got my approval


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Calling the cops is stupid. Just beat his ass down. Get in his face and see what happens.


Yes. But 18 and 25? That's pretty old. You should have been beating his ass for years up to this point, so he'd know not to fuck with you.

He doesn't have the fear. He needs the fear. Give him the fear. Tell him you'll beat the living fuck out of him the next time he gets out of line.


My bro and I have and apartment together and the last time we got in an actual physical fight when I was 20 and he was 18 or was it 21 and 19? Anyways, he ended up with a broken nose and a mild concussion and we haven't fought ever since (I'm 23 now) Like someone already said, if you do fight, don't fuck around with head blows cos one of you'll feel like crap driving your bro to the ER over some stupid shit.

The funniest part was us both making shit up to say about how he got hurt when we got there. I think we ended up telling them he fell down the stairs or something lol


He just takes your car without asking? You just don't mess with a persons ride like that. Put his head through the drywall and hope his head hits a stud.


7 years younger than you? he should have the fear of god in him already. too late now. better talk to him


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Something needs to be done to someone cocky enough to just take your car out without asking for extended periods of time. And if talking isn't working...


Cloudy said:
My bro and I have and apartment together and the last time we got in an actual physical fight when I was 20 and he was 18 or was it 21 and 19? Anyways, he ended up with a broken nose and a mild concussion and we haven't fought ever since (I'm 23 now) Like someone already said, if you do fight, don't fuck around with head blows cos one of you'll feel like crap driving your bro to the ER over some stupid shit.

The funniest part was us both making shit up to say about how he got hurt when we got there. I think we ended up telling them he fell down the stairs or something lol

Oh god, theres a Konex Jr?!


DMczaf said:
Oh god, theres a Konex Jr?!

We are COMPLETE opposites lol

PS: As far as the original poster is concerned, if he's pulling that shit with a 7 year age-difference, it's just a lack of respect. And honestly at this stage in your lives, beating his ass won't change that. You're gonna have to try something else, I think...


LOL. This reminds me of a set of brothers I knew who lived on my street. They were CONSTANTLY fighting! It was hilarious, but sad at the same time.

I remember when they got into an argument, and the next thing I knew, the older one was choking the shit out of his sibling and my brother and I ended up having to break up the fight.

*gets nostalgic* Oh yeah...my brother and I actually fought the brothers. I took on the younger one, and by brother took on the older one (long story :)).

To make a long story short, don't fight your brother; fight OTHER brothers along side him. :)


It wasn't always like this.

In truth, I just haven't been around the family a lot since graduating from college. He used to look up to me, but now it seems as if he's challenging me, believing that I'm either too old, too mature, that I've lost a step, or whatever.

I've come home to visit my family for a few weeks, and this guy is cursing at our mom -- she doesn't mind -- and acting as if everyone in the world owes him something. He took my car while I was taking a shower, thinking "it was cool with me."

I know for a fact that if I tear him apart, he'll "bring it up" to mom, and she'll cry. He knows that I know that, too.
Death said:
and this guy is cursing at our mom -- she doesn't mind -- and acting as if everyone in the world owes him something. He took my car while I was taking a shower, thinking "it was cool with me."

On second thought, I would whoop his ass. If nothing else, you must stand up for your mother.


Death said:
It wasn't always like this.

In truth, I just haven't been around the family a lot since graduating from college. He used to look up to me, but now it seems as if he's challenging me, believing that I'm either too old, too mature, that I've lost a step, or whatever.

I've come home to visit my family for a few weeks, and this guy is cursing at our mom -- she doesn't mind -- and acting as if everyone in the world owes him something. He took my car while I was taking a shower, thinking "it was cool with me."

I know for a fact that if I tear him apart, he'll "bring it up" to mom, and she'll cry. He knows that I know that, too.

I'd suggest leaving some sort of note for him, explaining how you genuinely feel (sometimes people will want to listen without actually "hearing" you. Face-to-face, they have the opportunity to express defiance and disrespect.). Then see, without mentioning the note to him, if his behavior changes.

If not, then I'd conclude that he's a hopeless asshole.



I got in a "fight" with my mom once. She thought she was going to lay me out, but I guess all those years of watching WWF paid off... I hit her with a snap suplex and then choked her out in like a Tazmission.

Looking back on it, it wasn't "normal", but then, it's not normal to take an asswhipping, either.


Hrm... 7 years difference, that's the exact same as me and my brother with my brother being older. Let's just say that he did enough work on me when I was younger that I wouldn't have tried to pull something like that when we reached those ages. Now we're really cool with each other. I mean, we were always cool with each other, it's just that before he'd ahve to put me in my place every once in a while, which was fine, looking back on it, I totally needed it.

We still fight occassionaly now, but it's far more of a fair fight and I should be able to take him out next time we go at it. He's a pretty tough scrapper though, and even though I have 40 pounds on him he can still toss me around pretty easily. I'll beat him though... I have to.

Anyway. Kick his ass. As my points above show, getting an ass-kicking while it sucks, definitely puts you in line which is needed every now and then. I mean, my brother once spit in my mouth, and tried to break my arm... like he literally got on top of me and started pushing up, and I was yelling and yelling but my parents weren't doing anything. Finally I squeezed a bit and kicked him in the nuts which got him off of me and I got the hell out of the house for that day and avoided him for a week.

what was I saying again.. oh right, kick his ass. Your mom will get over it. Ya, she'll cry and stuff, but she also knows it's needed. She'll get over it, don't worry. Just make sure your bro knows you're doing it not ebcause you hate him or anything like that, but because he's actingl ike a prick and needs to eb taught a lesson.


bjork said:

I got in a "fight" with my mom once. She thought she was going to lay me out, but I guess all those years of watching WWF paid off... I hit her with a snap suplex and then choked her out in like a Tazmission.

Looking back on it, it wasn't "normal", but then, it's not normal to take an asswhipping, either.
I can't tell how much of that is serious, if any.

But funny story. My mom and my sister were fighting a few years back. Arguing, mostly. My sister is in her room and clearly about to bail out the window (safely). My mom is trying to get in to stop her from leaving and I pin the door shut because I want my sister to leave and for the fight to end. My mom, not liking that I'm stopping her, turns around and clocks me in the nose. I couldn't believe it. She had never done anything like that to me and it's not as if I had done anything to her. But it didn't hurt. I was just utterly dumbfounded - in total shock. I walked away. Later on I actually found it pretty funny. My mom punches like a girl.


Socreges, that's a funny story, similar thing happened to me actually. The family was late for a function and I remembered I forgot something right before we were about to leave. Everybody is waiting in the car while I'm trying to find the damn thing, but I couldn't. Finally, my mom storms into the house comes up and punches me in the arm! Again, it didn't hurt but it was pretty shocking since it was teh first time it happened. She foudn the thing in 2 seconds and we went to the car. I told everybody about it and started chanting "Mommy boom-by-yay"
Socreges said:
My mom punches like a girl.

I wouldn't have hoped for anything different, to be honest.

My mother once held up an 8 inch butcher knife at me in a very threatening manner when I was in my teens, having one of those idiotic teen arguments with her. I shut the hell up, turned around and walked away, not before punching a hole through the door.

Cost me $300 to fix.


Man nowadays my brother and I don't really talk to each other. One time though it got to the point where I punched him right across the face, I feel horrible to this day about it. I don't even know what brought it on, but I just fuckin reared back and popped him one. God... :/


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Socreges said:
For such a pretentiously chivalrous guy, I find it hard to believe that you snap suplexed your mom. :p

Yeah, no shit. I fail to see how you could do a snap suplex on ANYONE unless they're helping you.


It's not 'normal' but it happens. Cain-and-Abel syndrome. I remember having a knockdown dragout fight with my bro when I was 14 and he was 21 (yeah big age discrepancy there). He's still wearing the split lip and chipped tooth I gave him that night. I feel sorry about what I did, of course. He's an OK guy but I don't really talk to him anymore..


Socreges said:
For such a pretentiously chivalrous guy, I find it hard to believe that you snap suplexed your mom. :p

Shows what jumping to conclusions about people will get you. You all really don't know anything about me.


bjork said:
Shows what jumping to conclusions about people will get you. You all really don't know anything about me.
Well, I said "hard to believe" - that isn't a conclusion.

But really. You have often jumped to the defense of women on this forum (in other words, "pretentiously chivalrous"). To the point where I've come to associate that trivial fact with bjork. Thus, I find it ironic that you supposedly drove your mom into the ground. Not to mention the sheer unbelievability of ANYONE doing such a thing to their mother. Craziness.


Socreges said:
Well, I said "hard to believe" - that isn't a conclusion.

But really. You have often jumped to the defense of women on this forum (in other words, "pretentiously chivalrous"). To the point where I've come to associate that trivial fact with bjork. Thus, I find it ironic that you supposedly drove your mom into the ground. Not to mention the sheer unbelievability of ANYONE doing such a thing to their mother. Craziness.

Well, I suppose you can think what you like. You will anyway. But I've got no reason to make up a story so some people on a forum will go WOW REALLY.

My relationship with my mom is uneasy at best, and when she charged me, she got hers, plain and simple. It was just a matter of being pushed and pushed until I wasn't having it any more. I'm sure everyone's been to that point before. Just so happens my mom got it out of me. Nothing more to explain.


Personally, I think that if he's at 18 and you start beating him now (and never did it before), he's probably going to take it in the worst way possible. Its not worth it.....


Chili Con Carnage!
Yeah beat the crap out of the little turd.

And take pictures of his battered remains! I could use a good laugh.
I don't think fighting with your brother is unusual; it's how far you take it. Trying to smash his face in is not normal. Unless you've had fights with him in the past, I don't think it's a good idea to start now, who knows how he'll react. Also since you’re not forced to see each other everyday afterwards, there will probably be bitterness that won't ever go away.

My cousins have similar issues. The older one went off to college and the younger one got used to being in charge. The hierarchy between them now is all fucked up. The older brother worked nights and one time he came home tired, told the younger brother since he was going out, to drop their kid sister off at school before he went to his class-- he refused, they argued a few punches were thrown.

My brother and I, we get along very well now. When we were younger we would have our fights. It’s usually me wanting to kick his ass for talking back to me. The fights never resulted in anyone getting hurt, that’s because there has always been someone there to step in and separate us. I’d hate to imagine what we would’ve done to each other in the heat of the moment if nobody was around to step in. I don’t think we would’ve seriously hurt each other but things could’ve gotten a lot nastier then they ever got.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Kabuki Waq said:
is anybody else absolutely shocked that Konex is 23?

I was more shocked that he is black...

Anyways... your brother needs a good ass whipping... Only getting you ass kicked by one you love can change you... If he is getting out of line with you... that is one thing... but with your mother also that is another... I don't mean to ask any questions or bring up some bad news... but I am assuming your father isn't around (if you said already I didn't see it sorry) so looks like you have to break you foot off in his ass... talking back to mom isn't cool at all.. she puts a roof over his sorry head... also breaking him off will help bring him back to earth... so if he pushes you some more push back!!!
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