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Is it OK to listen to R. Kelly and Michael Jackson's music?

Is it OK to listen?

  • Yes

    Votes: 149 93.1%
  • No

    Votes: 11 6.9%

  • Total voters
Just curious, if you cannot listen to a song because of past/current endeavours of the individual who wrote it, then does this extend to cover versions by those artists, or to films like The Joker which had a Gary Glitter song as part of the soundtrack?
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
MJ was still the king of pop regardless of whatever went down. Yes. His music still slaps.

I'm glad I'm not a Lostprophets fan because that would be a really tough call to make on whether I could even stomach it.
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I think the allegations about MJ are a bit more ambiguous/harder to believe. Also, he was a victim and exploited in his own right, as most child celebrities seem to be. He lost his childhood, and add in drug addiction due to his chronic pain, the pressures of being the megastar he was, his skin condition, etc…it’s not surprising he was a total weirdo. I’m not sure that proves he molested kids, though.

R Kelly on the other hand is a piece of shit who can rot. But if he made Thriller…I might still listen to it


That’s kind of where I’m at it helps that MJ’s music is way better than R Kelly’s. Jackson was certifiably insane based on the tragic shit he did to his own face alone so I can buy the argument that he thought a grown man hanging out with kids and having non-sexual sleepovers was normal. But that also set him up as a lawsuit target because it did look super shady but equally shitty of money grubbing parents for putting their kids into that situation.

IDK McCauley Culkin and numerous other former child celebs vouched for him so unless they recant it’s good enough for me.

Yeah, all I can remember from R Kelly is I believe I can fly, ignition and that terrible play that seems to last forever that he sings out. What was that anyway?


I don't know why people hate on MJ so much. He didn't have a childhood and he had the right to have NAMBLA sleepovers, sham marriages, surrogate children he swore he up and down he sired with his own jizz and cock, and wedding ring shopping dates with 8 year old boys. You can't convince me MJ wasn't eatin' Lisa Marie's ass each and every night. She only divorced him because she was worried about her pussy wearin' out. That was true love. He totally wasn't thinking about nothing but adult pussy, obsessively and constantly. He would draw the biggest, harry gashes on his Alf trapper keeper. And, oh yeah, Thriller. Quincy Jones could only write that for a dude who smashed quality legal snatch with genuine hetero enthusiasm. Case closed.
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Perpetually Offended
MJ dated Brooke Shields in the 80s... She confirmed that 100% ... Lisa Marie confirmed their marriage was real way after he died and before her death (obviously) ... Emmanuel Lewis, Cory Feldman, Macauley Culkin, etc have nothing bad to say about MJ and push back against any wrongdoing by him. And Feldman pushes HARD against Hollywood and their over sexualizing of kids ... Not a word against MJ.

That's APART from NO evidence uncovered in his trial... If I remember correctly, they even had to look at his penis and compare it to the description of it by that kid's father... Not a match!



Now, whether our corporate overlords will allow us to do so, especially for streaming services, is another question.

But we inhabitant the high seas, so no real worry there.


How about this doozy

Anyone here still listen to LostProphets?

Their albums all just got released on Spotify recently too
I can’t do it. I used to be a fan back in the day, but the shit the singer attempted to do is SO far beyond the pale that it’s all I can think about when I hear their songs, and it totally ruins it for me. I generally support separating the art from the artist, but in this case I just can’t do it. (Also, the video for their song “A Town Called Hypocrisy” feels incredibly fucked up in hindsight.)


ChatGPT 0.1
Wow this is a question? MJ deserves a listen.

Dancing GIF


Michael Jackson had some good grooves but that hiccuping vocal thing he did just ruined it for me. I could never stand listening to him. The older he got, the more he did it - I suspect his voice was failing so he resorted to weird vocal tics to cover it up.

That, and he was a massive kiddy fiddler with a dissolving face. He'd be in prison now if his doctor hadn't done him a favour.
Was it ever confirmed that the Dr did it on purpose to kill him ? How come we never heard anything about the dr ever since ? Where is he now ?


Perpetually Offended
Was it ever confirmed that the Dr did it on purpose to kill him ? How come we never heard anything about the dr ever since ? Where is he now ?

He was I prison for about 1.5 years IIRC and then he just slipped into obscurity. He can no longer practice medicine legally.


He was I prison for about 1.5 years IIRC and then he just slipped into obscurity. He can no longer practice medicine legally.
You kill the king of pop and you get 1.5 years in jail and then practice medicine in Mexico ….

Strange rules in the US man lol
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Perpetually Offended
You kill the king of pop and you get 1.5 years in jail and then practice medicine in Mexico ….

Strange rules in the US man lol

Just looked it up. He was convicted and sentenced to four years but served 2. There's more at this link



Last time I checked, Michael Jackson is dead. He's not exactly benefitting from you listening to his music or buying his albums.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I bet nobody here is still listening to Lost Prophets though...

I was listening to their stuff a few weeks ago after they dropped on Spotify. Start Something and their first album musically are still fantastic.

My mind can't tread into the shit Watkins did. It's like my brain refuses to go there. Somehow Im able to separate the monster from the music (just like I can with people like Cosby and Polanski) but yeah, he's still the absolute worst motherfucker still living on Earth.

He was semi recently stabbed pretty bad in prison though so thats a plus

Edit: it was last summer

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Vexed Dad

Neo Member
Admittedly, I was a massive R. Kelly and MJ fan prior to their troubles.
I’m talking one of his biggest fans probably in the Dallas / Fort Worth area. I find their music to be unparalleled by any other R&B singers of their generation.
Not just their voices, but the themes they picked up on.

But now, after some contemplation, I find myself ashamed to be such a big fan.
I haven’t listened to their music in several months.

As someone who wants to do the right thing, is it OK to still listen to them or should I never hear their beautiful music again?
lol people like this vote...


Elden Member
I look at it like this:

I’m a big Green Bay packer fan and was a big Aaron rodgers fan,

Aaron Rodgers is an INCREDIBLY talented QB, perhaps the most talented to ever play.

Aaron Rodgers is also a narcissist, lunatic crazy person who’s diva behavior hurts his teams.

I can still appreciate how incredibly talented he is, appreciate the wins he brought my team and all that, while also being able to say “on a personal level the dude seems like a shit-level human being”. It’s ok to separate the art/skill from the person, so long as you don’t justify the person’s shit behavior because of their skills.

You can also appreciate Elon Musk helping get SpaceX and Tesla/electric vehicles off the ground, while also hating his behavior and calling it out.

Winston Churchill? By all accounts a pretty weird and unpleasant person with some severe issues, but in terms of political skills and ability to keep a nation standing in dire times, he was great. You can appreciate and respect what he did while also being able to be critically look at his behavior and not be ok with it.
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Snake Oil Salesman
I just want to add that Prince sucks, is the most overrated artist of the last 300 years, and everyone is just too afraid to admit it. Little Red Corvette is inferior to the Flinstones Vitamins jingle.


Gold Member
I think I'll keep listening to the greatest artist of our time, thanks, considering he's innocent. And after the countless mountains of proof and various debunkings I've seen over the years resulted from thorough research nothing could change my mind at this point.

If you're one of those bent on spreading nonsense, at least give this most recent one a watch first:

Being a regular, "normal folk" was never an option for someone with the life of Michael Jackson. And that's fine as long as it has nothing to do with the nonsense he was accused of by proven liars and questionable people with questionable intents of all sorts.
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I'll keep listening to the greatest artist of our time, thanks, considering he's innocent. And after the countless mountains of proof and various debunkings I've seen over the years resulted from thorough research nothing could ever change my mind at this point.

If you're one of those bent on spreading nonsense, at least give this most recent one a watch first:

Being a regular, normal folk was never an option for someone with the life of Michael Jackson. And that's fine as long as it has nothing to do with the nonsense he was accused of by proven liars and questionable people with questionable intents of all sorts.

Sham marriages, children that he didn't father, shopping for wedding rings with little boys, paying people off, interview holding hands with his lover. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of thing.


Gold Member
Sham marriages, children that he didn't father, shopping for wedding rings with little boys, paying people off, interview holding hands with his lover. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of thing.
Yeah.. you're in the spot I was before hundreds of hours of material.

Keep spreading hate of out hearsay and proven lies.
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