is it worth it playing Pokemon games in 2025?

Pokemon red/blue came out when I was in middle school. it pretty much was my life in middle school but once I got into high school my attention shifted to stuff like girls and drugs.

I've been toying with the idea of getting back into the series for some time now. I picked up Pokemon Arceus and had some fun with it back in 2022, but I realize it's sorta a weird one to get into.

it seems like the consensus is that the recent mainline games are pretty terrible?

what about the older ones that are generally still praised like HeartGold, are they worth playing in 2025 with no real nostalgia outside of red/blue? I own a 3DS and prefer playing games natively, so we're looking at +$100 for just the game cartridge on eBay.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Gold/Silver are pretty good, my favorite and probably some of the best.

I'd recommend also checking the SMT games if you have the itch of collecting and battling with enemies you recruit.
Gold/Silver are pretty good, my favorite and probably some of the best.

I'd recommend also checking the SMT games if you have the itch of collecting and battling with enemies you recruit.
ehh I gave Persona 3 a try. I thought I would enjoy the social elements, but it felt super linear in how you could interact with characters, given that you basically always wanted to provide the best responses when talking to NPCs.

I found myself constantly encouraging guys to be betas and acting like a bitch when talking to females


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
ehh I gave Persona 3 a try. I thought I would enjoy the social elements, but it felt super linear in how you could interact with characters, given that you basically always wanted to provide the best responses when talking to NPCs.
Yeah, Persona is cool but I prefer the mainline titles. The last one is a good entry point, although Nocturne and IV are also good.

I found myself constantly encouraging guys to be betas and acting like a bitch when talking to females
Lol. I try to not min max the social stuff, it's a bit stressful and I'd rather just answer what I want while not worrying too much about the calendar either.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Black 2/White 2 is peak.

Everything after that is downhill. Scarlet/Violet are not just the worst Pokemon games, but probably one of the worst gaming experiences of my life. Absolute dog shit.


Gold Member
Only if you want to get into the breeding aspect IMO. That’s where most of the fun is, breeding OP Pokemon.

Black and White and the 3DS titles were the last ones I truly enjoyed.
Yeah, Persona is cool but I prefer the mainline titles. The last one is a good entry point, although Nocturne and IV are also good.

Lol. I try to not min max the social stuff, it's a bit stressful and I'd rather just answer what I want while not worrying too much about the calendar either.
I was actually going to pick up SMT 5 but I was torn whether to get it on Switch or XSX.

heard switch has some performance issues, but handheld would be convenient.

what did you play it on?


The remakes of Gen 1 Red/Blue (though IIRC they’re Red/Green in the remakes) and the remakes of Gen 2 Gold/Silver are peak. Black and White 1 (Gen 5) are also strong (no remake of those yet, they just did a remake of the Gen 4 titles). After that, there’s fun to be had with some of the other gen titles, but I say try these first to see if they are your cup of tea.
Only if you want to get into the breeding aspect IMO. That’s where most of the fun is, breeding OP Pokemon.

Black and White and the 3DS titles were the last ones I truly enjoyed.
can you transfer your Pokemon between generations or do you breed them just to use them within that one game?

are people playing competitively against each other or is the OP Pokemon to be used against NPC Pokemon in the game?
Black 2/White 2 is peak.

Everything after that is downhill. Scarlet/Violet are not just the worst Pokemon games, but probably one of the worst gaming experiences of my life. Absolute dog shit.
sucks that these games are like $100-200 bucks. I don't really do much emulation.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
sucks that these games are like $100-200 bucks. I don't really do much emulation.

I don't understand why Nintendo doesn't release them on the eshop. It's easy money.

X and Y was actually not that bad, but far too easy. It was probably the last game I had fun with. It just got worse with ebery gen after that.



Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! would be a good choice. It's a remake of the first gen with modern gameplay so you can relive the glory days.​

However, if you just want to play a modern Pokemon game, I'd recommend Sword and Shield. You get the new open world gameplay, the DLCs are actually kinda good and the story/characters is decent. And if you like it, then you can jump into Scarlet/Violet.​

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Gold Member
can you transfer your Pokemon between generations or do you breed them just to use them within that one game?
You used to be able to do everything using the Pokemon Bank or whatever it's called. Not sure how far back it goes for transfers. A quick Google says DS can still transfer using the app.

You're fine focusing on a single title though. If there's a specific Pokemon you really want, and it isn't available in the game you're playing, someone can easily trade you one.

are people playing competitively against each other or is the OP Pokemon to be used against NPC Pokemon in the game?
I don't play competitively. I like using my OP Gengar and Cubone to clean up late game encounters for LOLs. The breeding aspect gives me an easy 100 hours of game time in addition to the regular content. YMMV on that aspect.


Newd Member
Depend which Pokemon game you intend to play. I really suggest avoid playing SwSh and Sc Vt because its a game made for retards. No joke, SwSh likes to make sure your brain is damaged and you're a handicap, you can't be 1 second alone without someone picking your hand.
Pokemon Platinum is a pretty good game, so is HgSs but the grind my not be for your tastes.
XY is bellow ok, theres some nice things but the mainline story is terrible.
Sun and Moon is fine. Battle Tree is probably your best end game content, specially with a friend.

BW is by far the best Pokemon ever. Great story, very little handholding, great characters and excellent Pokemons to choose. It also introduced endless TM which made the main campaign an absolute blast to play.

If you are a fan of classics, go for Gold and Silver. They are still master classics of Pokemon.
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Gold Member
oh it seems like B/W 2 are sequels to B/W as it takes place 2 years later?

should I play B/W first?
It really doesn't matter.

Stolen from Reddit so you can make an informed decision:
What is the difference between the two series of games, you ask? Well, for starters, Black 2/White 2 follow the storyline of Black/White, but set two years later - you notice this as some places, like the desert, are built into cities. Also, Black/White was strictly only Generation 5 Pokemon, while Black 2/White 2 had a mix of all five generations of Pokemon littered throughout the games.

You start off in a different starting point in Black 2/White 2 and a different journey compared to Black/White, unlike, say, Red/Blue --> FireRed/LeafGreen or Gold/Silver --> HeartGold/SoulSilver.

Also, Black 2/White 2 has the Pokemon World Tournament - it's a location (I think unlocked in the post-game?) where you battle, tournament-style, against other Elite Four Members and Gym Leaders from other regions, like Brock and Lance from the Kanto region, in different formats - single/double/triple/rotation battles; mono-type single/double/triple/rotation battles...etc.

However, if you buy one of Black/White and one of Black 2/White 2 and play them sequentially (one of the originals, then the sequels), there will be flashbacks within the sequel that mention the character's name in the Black/White game.

tl:dr: I would get one of each, based on the different features of the original and the sequel.


ChatGPT 0.001



The nicest person on this forum
I never played Pokémon games mostly because I never liked Pokémon designs even from very beginning.

I’m bigger fan of Demon design in SMT and Monster design MH.
Fwiw I played Sword/Shield when they came out after having not played Pokemon since the Red/Blue/Yellow days. I had a lot of fun with both the single player campaign and the online co-op raid battles.


I’d say play the GBA ones and DS ones as they’re the peak of the franchise (Legends Arceus is good too).

Emerald, FR/LG, Black/White 1&2, HG/SS, Platinum.


Pokemon red/blue came out when I was in middle school. it pretty much was my life in middle school but once I got into high school my attention shifted to stuff like girls and drugs.

I've been toying with the idea of getting back into the series for some time now. I picked up Pokemon Arceus and had some fun with it back in 2022, but I realize it's sorta a weird one to get into.

it seems like the consensus is that the recent mainline games are pretty terrible?

what about the older ones that are generally still praised like HeartGold, are they worth playing in 2025 with no real nostalgia outside of red/blue? I own a 3DS and prefer playing games natively, so we're looking at +$100 for just the game cartridge on eBay.
These games are really strong in terms of mood, I'm super nostalgic about Pokemon GB(A) games, and DS games too.

I'm not sure if they're worth that price for you. There's always other options. But I'm personally really disappointed with the last batch of 3D Pokemon games for Nintendo Switch. They completely fail to capture the magic of the original Pokemon games.

So with that said, I'd say the original, handheld Pokemon games are totally worth playing today.
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hemo memo

You can't die before your death
You want my honest opinion? Just play the latest mainline one, and afterward, if you want more, wait for the next one.

Prioritize other RPGs.


I recently enjoyed a 2D Pokemon clone called Coromon. I got it free through Amazon Prime, but it's also on Switch and mobile.

As a game it has lots of QoL and gameplay choices that are clearly the devs playing Pokemon and thinking "I would improve this". The first example is being able to change movesets at any time (out of battle). So you can try a newly unlocked move or TM, and if it's no good change it right back. Or you can set up a grinding/catching move set then change after instead of having a dedicated Flase Swipe user (wasted move slot) in Pokemon.

Another example: each mon has one of several abilities (swappable via NPC). But what's really good is that if you choose not to evolve a mon it will incur some star debuffs but the ability will be a + or ++ version that can make it well worth not evolving. It adds extra strategy to things, and you can evolve at will or buy devolve items. The game encourages you to experiment.

Other QoL stuff includes being able to set 3x game speed mult, which obviously helps with grinding and hunting. There's also a separate battle speed mult.

If you're into it there's also unlockable skins and online battles.

Overall I recommend the game for anyone that likes classic style Pokemon.

This video shows a few more things like shinies and difficulty & randomiser settings.



I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I was actually going to pick up SMT 5 but I was torn whether to get it on Switch or XSX.

heard switch has some performance issues, but handheld would be convenient.

what did you play it on?
I'd recommend playing it on anything but the Switch. It looks kinda bad at times due to the low resolution which is a shame, since imo the art design is pretty good.


My major problem with pokemon is just how fucking slow the battles are. It gets really bad in scarlet when multiple end of turn effects are going off one after the other or when there is a multi hit move (one fucking attack could last a minute if all hits connected).

I honestly would enjoy scarlet if the battles moved as fast as shin megami.
The mystery dungeon spin offs are good. Sometimes the best of the series.


Romhacks are cool too. Especially since Game Freak cant be assed to do anything well any more.

Polished crystal 8 bit beta is superb.


It's all a bit subjective.

For me, Arceus is where it's at. Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee are great spins on the franchise as well.

But I think the franchise peaked at Ruby and Sapphire, so make of that what you will.
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