hugs are fake and gay
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i haven't seen a single post by him that contributes anything to this forum. how he hasn't been permabanned is beyond me.
I disagree with the boss. Blame space is still cool.
First of all none of these people are anything special just GAF members.why is he so special and what makes him stand out vs all is other plebs ?
First of all none of these people are anything special just GAF members.
Never heard of the BlameSpace person because they never posted anything memorable but at lest MHK is witty
( or tries to be ) and is generally a cool and funny dude.
We just have to find MHK a nice woman .
First of all none of these people are anything special just GAF members.
Never heard of the BlameSpace person because they never posted anything memorable but at lest MHK is witty
( or tries to be ) and is generally a cool and funny dude.
We just have to find MHK a nice woman .
Based post.First of all none of these people are anything special just GAF members.
He’s desperately lonely, so he might fuck u dude
Hey blamespace I still hate France.
The gate to hell at the very least.Omg France, that where hell is right?
Man I remember how boring things got when MHK got banneddon't ever leave us again my man.
Unless it's for a day to get vaccinated. Then you have my blessing.
Masks + Sunglasses = Nobody will know what you are really thinking. It's like the internet, except real life.
one used to be funny
one never has been
That's kind of hot
The lowest of low-tier posters proves again why he is the lowest of low-tier posters.one used to be funny
one never has been
The lowest of low-tier posters proves again why he is the lowest of low-tier posters.
one used to be funny
one never has been
i haven't seen a single post by him that contributes anything to this forum. how he hasn't been permabanned is beyond me.
Funnier looking*
Now that I know he’s a fat gay black Arab...
^MiyazakiHatesKojima , what did you do to this poor fool? Take a shit in his bowl of Cheerios?
maybe he has. last time I was reading OT regularly he was pretty annoying in most threads whining about his life and getting pissy with random posters who disagreed with him or called out annoying behavior out but you know what new year, clean slate.MHK has gotten funnier if anything m8
MiyazakiHatesKojima has always had me rolling over in laughter ever since I first re-joined GAF.
To hear that others don't find his posts enjoyable makes me think less of them, and clearly them and I seek different things out of this community.
The whole "video game discussion is serious business" mentality some have here is the gayest shit, I swear