Don't need to research it, you can observe the effects every single day!Go research project MKUltra.
Waiting takes too long. I think i'll take Drug abuse as the route.well there's 2 different kids of amnesia actually- retrograde (can't recall old memories) and anterograde (can't form new memories.) Of course people can have a combination of the two.. Amnesia can be permanent, it can be transient, it can relate to a specific event or parts of a specific as is seen in severe emotional trauma.
Lots of ways to induce amnesia- traumatic brain injury, drug/alcohol use, severe emotional trauma as noted above. Or just wait to get old and develop dementia.
I once murdered 23 toddlers in a park. It was self-defense, when you have that many babies in one area they're like piranhas![]()
What dark truth are you trying to forget, Gash? The Game of Thrones finale? The Sequel Trilogy? Tekashi69????? WHAT ARE YOU RUNNING FROM
Amazing gif. Username checks out
Get kuru. Go to africa eat some brains.
That will do the trick.
It truly is permanent.
Also. This is not funny. My mother in law is in the hospital the last 3 weeks with potential prions disease. Still waiting for the secons spinal test and waiting for the pet scan results
But maybe dont eat raw beef? Just saying.
Thank you.Sorry to hear about your mother. Prion disease can be weird shit.
I hope she recovers.
Thank you.
Its been rough for a while and the constant waiting doesnt help.
Also we cant even visit her in the hospital due to this covid shit.
My wife works in the next building and even she is not allowed to visit.
Unfortunately if its 100 percent prions though it has some strains it can be lethal.
Even so we just want her back as long as she is lucid and her brain is not completely gone.
Life sucks. And she is also stil young with 62
That was an awesome game, I remember it.Play "Remember Me"
Yeah and it also explores, how this "forced amnesia" fucking up people's lifes. 2013 was great year for gaming.That was an awesome game, I remember it.
I was thinking more...homemade, without the chance of turning in to a vegetable.
I just would like to see what kind of person I would be If I had no good or bad memories from the last few decades. Would I become the same person again through making the same choices or would I be happier/sadder/angrier/fatter?
How would you know?![]()