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Is this a good idea for Metroid Prime 2's box art?


I did this in Paint. I know it's crap. I just want to know if the basic concept is a good idea for a Metroid boxart.



I think it'd be better if you swapped out Samus for Dark Samus and vice versa. Having Dark Samus' profile overlooking/shadowing Samus would make more sense. Maybe get a larger version of the head you'll use in the background, have their visor take up most of the blank space behind the central character.

Still, it's an excellent design. Where'd you find the art for that?


BuddyChrist83 said:
I think it'd be better if you swapped out Samus for Dark Samus and vice versa. Having Dark Samus' profile overlooking/shadowing Samus would make more sense.

Still, it's an excellent design. Where'd you find the art for that?

I just pasted various Retro art, like I said. I've seen this sort of idea in many movie posters though.

KOTOR's art does this too, but in reverse. (good guys in front, Malak in back)
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