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Is this a good PC deal?

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Ya, that's about right..comes out to $630 w/shipping..but the only problem I see with a lot of these PC's is that they lack a monitor...

Anyway, I suppose theyre pretty cheap..and I do have an extra, but I wanted it to match the PC and be a little high-tech..suppose I'd have to spend at least $100 for that.

Btw, how are these deals, comparatively? http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/configdetails.asp?Base=32752 (this actually comes with a $99 monitor at around the mid $600's as well.)

And how about an ebay auction? They seem to really be a bargain. (specifically the buy now deals at the bottom of the auction page) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=52475&item=5103170142&&from=R4

Any advice appreciated.


Alright, I've done some research and searching around..I think I'd like to get a gaming PC (cuz I wanna play games but also use software like 3ds max, maya, etc.) and I just like how they look compared to the multimedia-based PC's of that price range. http://www.cyberpowersystem.com/highendsystem/sp3.asp?v=d This site seems to be ideal..anyone have any experience with them or just some advice by taking a glance? The prices seem to be in my $500-700 range and the only thing that's lacking is a monitor.
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