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Is Tokyo Mirage Sessions (Encore) worth playing?


I just finished Star Ocean 2 and I am looking for a new jrpg to play. Honestly, I have played all the major ones at this point.

This game always intriuged me but I never got around to play it since it is in my backlog.
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Of you like super anime style games, yes. Otherwise you might want to stay away.

that being said I enjoyed it
If you already own the game, you might as well. It's like a simplified version of Persona, although those games are much better thought out. It's way shorter too, so it doesn't overstay its welcome.

I didn't care much for the idol theme. It's such a niche subject that most foreign players will never fully understand. I also felt like the game's stuck in limbo where it doesn't know if it wants to critique Japanese idol culture or celebrate it. The censoring adds another layer of confusion to that, because it really is horrible. It's not just fan service, but the main story and character interactions are clumsily altered that change their meaning and it's frankly insulting to the player. The connection with Fire Emblem is very limited, and makes me question why they even bothered with that at all.

It's a flawed game but entertaining enough, I'd say.
I enjoyed it on the WiiU. If you're the type of person that doesn't mind games that are 6 or 7 outta 10's then you should be fine with it.


If you like games like Persona, you should really enjoy it. The whole idol culture premise is super weird, but it mostly works

If you expect a Fire Emblem game though, you may be disappointed. TMS is more like Shin Megami Tensei / Persona-like game featuring Fire Emblem characters


Finally finished it earlier this year, after never getting to the ending on the Wii U version. It's a perfectly average game. By no means a must-play, but if you want a anime-inspired JRPG that ticks all the boxes, it's perfectly alright.

Also, while the original was very grindy, the remake took that away as it gives you a special dungeon, where you can basically grind a level per fight if you just wanna experience the story.

Anyways, I liked the story and combat enough to play it through to the end, it's a solid 7/10 game for me.

Ulysses 31

Finally finished it earlier this year, after never getting to the ending on the Wii U version. It's a perfectly average game. By no means a must-play, but if you want a anime-inspired JRPG that ticks all the boxes, it's perfectly alright.

Also, while the original was very grindy, the remake took that away as it gives you a special dungeon, where you can basically grind a level per fight if you just wanna experience the story.

Anyways, I liked the story and combat enough to play it through to the end, it's a solid 7/10 game for me.
But did you defeat the super boss? :messenger_winking_tongue:

I just finished this recently on Switch. I'm not much into the idol stuff so it didn't really click with me. The main cast was all too "good", in fact, outside the main baddie, nobody in the game was bad, they just weren't being themselves. They didn't undo the censoring in the Switch version, which was unfortunate. Not that it would drastically change how I feel about the game, but I hate censorship. Dungeon designs are terrible, everything is wide open hallways with no real exploration of areas. I wasn't fond of enemies on the maps always just appearing as reapers or that occasionally purple reapers (scaled up enemy battles) that were always showing up when I was running low on everything.

The fight with Medeus was the most annoying thing, maybe ever. The voice acting for it is a very loud Japanese man screaming constantly throughout the fight. I eventually hit mute.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I thought it was okay. It’s like Persona 4.5 but without the charm.


Tokyo Mirage was excellent on Wii U. The Switch version is slightly inferior because of the poor implementation of the Gamepad feature as a pretty small window in the middle of the screen. And the new content is totally pointless.

That being said, Tokyo Mirage is highly recommended as it is a true J-RPG without the ton of the social shit you get in Persona. It is straight-forward. You get good dungeons with old school mechanics. Battles are fine, they work, animations are fun. Each character has some side-stories. Not all are interesting, but at least it feels focused and you unlock special attacks.

You have to upgrade weapons. What could have been an interesting feature becomes a brain-dead feature, as you are simply going to upgrade all weapon one after another : their is no sense of making decision. You simply go through the menu for every character and unlock everything. But this is how J-RPGs have evolved anyway.

Story is stupid at best, and numerous scenes are ridiculous. This is basically a group of teenagers trying to save their city. But even though the story is kind of irrelevant, you will still enjoy it because the various situations are comical and the some characters are bit dumb. To summarize : it is lighthearted. Which is a nice change of pace compared to games where you know way too soon that you are supposed to save the entire universe.

If you like a good old-school J-RPG that doesn't take itself seriously, then yes, play Tokyo Mirage.

I don't care much for censorship, but I have to admit that the censorship in this game reached unseen levels of stupidity. They have censored a lot of things, but other instances of large cleavage are still there. The second (I think) dungeon is about being ashamed of revealing ones body (in a swimsuit for exemple) and in the Western game (and also Japanase on Switch), the characters are fully dressed instead, which makes all discussion totally inconsistent. And it becomes actually funny because of how dumb it is. Still, don't pick this a reason to skip the game. It was a much more enjoyable and shorter experience than Persona 4 or 5. I have already completed this game twice and loved both playthrough while I am struggling with Persona 5 because of how bloated, first degree and uninteresting it is.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Ironically Tokyo Mirage Sessions has a better story then 3 Houses or Engage(I wouldn't know because I am not touching that trash).


The japanse voice acting is awful. The characters seem to scream all the time.
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The nicest person on this forum
I played both the original game on WiiU and Encore and personally liked the combat but this is "anime" as fuck, if you dont enjoy that then stay away from it.

Astral Dog

Pretty good game,colorful visuals, good dungeons,combat, average story and characters but its an unique theme ,i don't mind some of the 'censoring'/changes but still not a fan that they cut content, should be an option


I played both the original game on WiiU and Encore and personally liked the combat but this is "anime" as fuck, if you dont enjoy that then stay away from it.
The whole game is about the Japanese model industry, idols and so on.
If you don’t like it, you should definitively stay away from it.


I am warming up on it. The whole idol thing is boring as fuck but i really enjoy the battle system. It is no worse than Persona.

It is well worth a playthrough imo.
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