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is ZATOICHI good? (released today)

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force push the doodoo rock
yes it is.

I have a feeling alot of people wont like the ending. It was a good try but it wasnt developed enough. (the ending i mean)


works for Gamestop (lol)
Yes he is. And uhh, apparantly my bro got the VCD somehow :p

I probably won't watch it though
Anyone know if they touched up the bad CG? Some of it was just so... off.

I liked the movie, but I can see a lot of people grousing about it... the pacing is pretty slow, but if you've seen other Beat Takeshi movies, you'll know what to expect.


Everyone that watches SpikeTV knows him as (Count Takeshi) Vic Romano...

MXC/Takeshi's Castle

I wonder if he is getting royalties for MXC...


I thought it was excellent; liked it better than Kill Bill Vol. 1 myself. Sp0rks has a point about the ending, though. It's a little rushed, but not enough to really subtract any enjoyment from the film overall.


RiZ III said:
It was ok. Plot was lame imo.
Minor minor spoiler:
Loved the dance/music sequence at the very end.

that part was amazing... i felt so pumped up just watching that, that i wanted to get out of my seat and just dance
It came out in the UK a few months ago.

I enjoyed it, but I think you'll get more out of it if you don't judge it too much as a cohesive film, but instead just enjoy each scene for what it is.


shitting in the alley outside your window
Very slow paced, but most of his stuff is. I liked it, but at the time I saw it I felt it was a bit overrated. It seems the hype has calmed a bit.

I wish it would have worked out where Miike would have directed it as planned.


I saw the original version on a small cinema of Barcelona on the time it was released (on cinemas). I enjoyed it a lot, it's a different pace as some others say but you can see a bit of Kurosawa influence coupled with nowadays techniques...
Great film.
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