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Israel censors reports on Australian 'Prisoner X' suicide case

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Dead Man

Source: ABC.net.au

Israel's government has asked the country's editors to censor information about an ABC exclusive into the mysterious case of an Australian - dubbed 'Prisoner X' - who was found hanged inside one of the country's most secretive jails.

Investigations by the ABC's Foreign Correspondent program have revealed Ben Zygier, who used the name Ben Alon in Israel, was found dead in a high-security cell at a prison near Tel Aviv in late 2010.

His body was flown to Melbourne for burial a week later.

The evidence suggests that Zygier was 'Prisoner X', who Israeli and international media have speculated was an inmate whose presence was not acknowledged by the jail system or the government.

Zygier's arrest and jailing in Israel remains a mystery, but the ABC understands he had been recruited by spy agency Mossad.

It is understood he "disappeared" in early 2010, spending several months in the Prisoner X cell at Ayalon Prison in the city of Ramla before being found dead.

A former operative with Australia's overseas spy agency ASIS has told the ABC that Zygier's transgression would have to have been involved with "espionage, treachery - very, very sensitive information that, known to others, would pose an immediate threat to Israel as a nation state."

The Prisoner X case is regarded as one of the most sensitive secrets of Israel's intelligence community, with the government going to extraordinary lengths to stifle media coverage and gag attempts by human rights organisations to expose the situation.

When an Israeli news website reported that the prisoner died in his cell in December 2010, Israeli authorities removed its web pages.

Within hours of the Foreign Correspondent report going to air, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office summoned Israeli editors to ask them not to publish a story "that is very embarrassing to a certain government agency", Israel's Haaretz newspaper said.

"The emergency meeting was called following a broadcast outside Israel regarding the incident in question."

Shortly afterwards, references to the ABC report vanished from Israeli news sites, including that of Haaretz itself.

Such a gag order is highly unusual in Israel, where state military censors normally allow local media to quote foreign sources on controversial incidents - such as an alleged attack on Syria last month by the Israeli air force.

Members of the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem asked justice minister Yaakov Neeman to confirm if the report was true, and demanded to know if other prisoners were being held in secret.

"This matter is not within the jurisdiction of the justice ministry," Mr Neeman responded.

"There is no doubt that if this information is accurate, this is something that ought to be checked."

The state censors allowed news outlets in Israel to report the parliamentary debate, but nothing else.

Foreign Correspondent said Zygier was 34 at the time of his death and had moved to Israel about 10 years earlier. He was married to an Israeli woman and had two small children.

At the time of his disappearance, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel criticised the imprisonment and wrote to Israel's attorney-general.

"It's alarming that there's a prisoner being held incommunicado and we know nothing about him," wrote the association's chief legal counsel Dan Yakir.

The assistant to the attorney-general wrote back: "The current gag order is vital for preventing a serious breach of the state's security, so we cannot elaborate about this affair."

Contacted by the ABC, Mr Yakir would not comment on the case, quoting a court order gagging discussion.

Bill van Esveld, a Jerusalem-based advocate for Human Rights Watch, has described the secret imprisonment of Prisoner X as "inexcusable".

"It's called a disappearance, and a disappearance is not only a violation of that person's due process rights - that's a crime," he told Foreign Correspondent.

"Under international law, the people responsible for that kind of treatment actually need to be criminally prosecuted themselves."

Zygier's apparent suicide in prison adds to the mystery. He was found hanged in a cell which was equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance systems installed to prevent suicide. Guards reportedly tried unsuccessfully to revive him.

His body was retrieved and flown to Melbourne. He was buried in Chevra Kadisha Jewish cemetery in the suburb of Springvale on December 22, seven days after his death.

Zygier's family has declined to speak to the ABC, and friends and acquaintances approached by Foreign Correspondent in Melbourne have also refused to comment.
'Ideal recruits'

Australia's domestic intelligence agency ASIO has long scrutinised Australian Jews suspected of working for Mossad.

The agency believes Mossad recruits change their names from European and Jewish names to "Anglo" names.

They then take out new passports and travel to the Arab world and Iran, to destinations Israeli passport holders cannot venture.

Warren Reed, a former intelligence operative for Australia's overseas spy agency ASIS, told Foreign Correspondent that Australians were ideal recruits for Mossad.
Audio: Questions asked in Knesset over Aussie prisoner X (AM)

"Australians abroad are generally seen to be fairly innocent," he said.

"It's a clean country - it has a good image like New Zealand.

"There aren't many countries like that, so our nationality and anything connected with it can be very useful in intelligence work."

The Department of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that Zygier also carried an Australian passport bearing the name Ben Allen.

When told details of Foreign Correspondent's investigation, Foreign Minister Bob Carr said he was concerned by the claims.

"Those allegations certainly do trouble me," Senator Carr said.

"It's never been raised with me. I'm not reluctant to seek an explanation from the Israeli government about what happened to Mr Allen and about what their view of it is.

"The difficulty is I'm advised we've had no contact with his family [and] there's been no request for consular assistance during the period it's alleged he was in prison."

Senator Carr said that in the absence of a complaint by Zygier's family, there is little for the Australian Government to act upon.

International conventions spell out that when a foreigner is jailed or dies, their diplomatic mission must be informed.

Senator Carr says Australian diplomats in Israel only knew of Mr Zygier's incarceration after his death.

Mr van Esveld says it is inexcusable for the Australian Government not to be notified.

"The obligation of one country to notify another when the other citizen has been arrested, detained, especially if they die - that is so basic. It is called customary law," he said.

"Which means that even if Israel didn't ratify a treaty saying it has to notify the other country, it still has to do so because that is such a basic norm of interstate relations."

The greater mystery is why Zygier was imprisoned under such secrecy.

Sources with connections to Israel's intelligence community have told Foreign Correspondent his predicament would have been "extreme" to warrant such harsh treatment.

Former ASIS operative Mr Reed told the ABC: "However the transgression came about, it would have to be involved with espionage, treachery - very, very sensitive information that, known to others, would pose an immediate threat to Israel as a nation state."

The Israeli embassy in Canberra has declined to comment.



Edit: Could a mod please fix the title?

Edit2: Thanks.

Also, the link to the original report from the ABC website:
Link here: http://www.abc.net.au/foreign/content/2013/s3688787.htm


The only democracy in the Middle East, ladies and gentlemen.

The interesting thing here is that it just shows how ineffective Israel's attempted censorship has become. It's illegal for the media to publish the story in Israel, but everybody knows about it and my Facebook is exploding with people talking about it. No dam can hold the stream of the internet I guess.


Unconfirmed Member
This is really interesting stuff. Clearly some shit going on they want to keep hidden that we will never know about or know the full extent about.

Dead Man

The only democracy in the Middle East, ladies and gentlemen.

The interesting thing here is that it just shows how ineffective Israel's attempted censorship has become. It's illegal for the media to publish the story in Israel, but everybody knows about it and my Facebook is exploding with people talking about it. No dam can hold the stream of the internet I guess.

Good to hear. Woeful display all round really, the Australian government is not covering themselves in glory either.


The only democracy in the Middle East, ladies and gentlemen.

The interesting thing here is that it just shows how ineffective Israel's attempted censorship has become. It's illegal for the media to publish the story in Israel, but everybody knows about it and my Facebook is exploding with people talking about it. No dam can hold the stream of the internet I guess.

Unless they completely cut off and contain internet access in the country. It could happen, just saying.


Unless they completely cut off and contain internet access in the country. It could happen, just saying.

I really doubt Israel is that far gone yet. We're getting there, but the government can't cut off the internet for at least another 20-30 years of slipping down that slippery slope.


Israel is a democracy?

Yes, Israel is a parlemantary democracy.. In a way. See, for the citizens of Israel (Jewish and Arab), Israel is a democracy much like most of the western world... But in many areas under the control of the state of Israel there are millions of Palestinians who are effected by the policies of Israel. This is not some temporary thing, it's been going on since '67. So I can't fully say that Israel is a democracy no matter how many election they hold.

Dead Man

Update: Apparently Australian officials were told in 2010 that he was being held. Pathetic display by the Australian government. Apparently the Israeli government has eased the censorship too.


Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr has confirmed his department was made aware in 2010 that an Australian man, believed to be Prisoner X, was being held in a super-secret Israeli jail.

The ABC's Foreign Correspondent program last night revealed the likely identity of Prisoner X as Melbourne man Ben Zygier - aka Ben Alon or Ben Allen - who was found dead in a prison near Tel Aviv in late 2010.

A spokeswoman for Senator Carr says the Minister was initially advised that the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) was unaware of Mr Zygier's detention.

"DFAT has now advised that some officers of the department were made aware of Mr Allen's detention at the time in 2010 by another Australian agency," the spokeswoman said in a statement.

"Minister Carr has asked department secretary, Mr Peter Varghese, to review the handling of this consular case."

Mr Zygier's arrest and jailing in Israel remains a mystery, but the ABC understands he had been recruited by spy agency Mossad.

It is understood he "disappeared" in early 2010, spending several months in the Prisoner X cell at Ayalon Prison in the city of Ramla before being found dead.

The Prisoner X case is regarded as one of the most sensitive secrets of Israel's intelligence community, with the government going to extraordinary lengths to stifle media coverage and gag attempts by human rights organisations to expose the situation.

But Israeli MPs and commentators are now asking tough questions about the mysterious detention and apparent suicide of Prisoner X, following the ABC's report.

Twenty-four hours after Foreign Correspondent broke the story, the Israeli censor moved to ease the total blackout on coverage of the incident, allowing the local press to publish details from the report.

On Tuesday Israeli media reported that prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu had called an urgent meeting with the country's top editors to ask them to cooperate by "withholding publication of information pertaining to an incident that is very embarrassing to a certain government agency," Haaretz newspaper said, in a clear allusion to Mossad.

But shortly afterwards, three MPs raised questions over the issue in parliament, effectively sidestepping the censor in a move which forced a slight easing of the reporting restrictions.

Although the Israeli press can now quote foreign media on details of the case, the restrictions bar any original reporting on the incident, a spokesman for the censor's office said.

"It is now possible to report what foreign sources are saying about this story," a spokesman told AFP, saying the main blackout was still in place.

"It is based on a court order from 2010 and covers anything which could indicate the reason for his arrest."

Further questions are expected to be raised in Israel's parliament on Wednesday (local time) with outgoing internal security minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch likely to be in the spotlight.

But former foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman attacked the MPs for using their parliamentary immunity to get around the censor.

"Once again, certain MPs don't hesitate to identify with the enemy and take advantage of their parliamentary immunity to violate censorship," he said in an interview on Israel's army radio.

Israel'sembassy in Canberra has declined to comment, although its ambassador today met Opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman Julie Bishop for a pre-arranged meeting.

Speaking before the meeting, Ms Bishop said she would be raising the case with the ambassador and was concerned the Israeli government was censoring media reports.

"That's a matter that I'll raise directly with the Israeli embassy to get an understanding of the basis for it," she said.

"If there are security considerations I can understand it, but if it's just about embarrassing a government agency, then that certainly requires an explanation and I'll be seeking one."

A spokesman for Ms Bishop says the ambassador undertook to pass on her concerns to "relevant authorities" in Israel.

This morning, Mr Zygier's musician uncle Willy Zygier, who is the partner of Melbourne singer Deborah Conway, told ABC Local Radio in Melbourne that he had "no idea what is true, what isn't true".

"All I know is there's a family tragedy. Every suicide is a tragedy. That's all I've got to say," he said.

Mr Zygier's family has previously declined to speak to the ABC, and friends and acquaintances approached by Foreign Correspondent in Melbourne had also refused to comment.


Lets assume he got something hot. So maybe they were going to torture him to find out how much he/the Aussies knew. So...he killed himself?

Or he was working for someone else maybe..hrm.


"He was found hanged in a cell which was equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance systems installed to prevent suicide."

How does a man held in the most secure prison cell in the country - one especially created to house a former Prime Ministerial assassin - under 24 hour lockdown manage to commit suicide?

Pretty suspicious.


Clearly he spied for some other country, but I don't see why they had to silence it so much.
This crude use of censorship is pathetic in today's world. Good on the Israeli MPs that decided to stop this ridiculous charade.

The Australian secret service which is probably on good terms with Mossad was notified but apparently hasn't notified other Australian government agencies. It seems that the two secret services agreed to settled this between themselves...

It is interesting if nothing else. Funny how Mossad blunders always happen on Netanyahu's terms.


What if he was not Jewish or Israeli to begin with? What if he was Australian? That would cause a shit storm.


The program on ABC (that's Australia's public broadcaster, not the American network) was quite fascinating. Good old fashioned investigative journalism right there.
Fascinating stuff, i'm sure it didn't help the government that he was dubbed "Prisoner X" as opposed to some random number or name, that name just has an air of mystery and conspiracy
The program on ABC (that's Australia's public broadcaster, not the American network) was quite fascinating. Good old fashioned investigative journalism right there.

What's the jist of it? Some of us don't have time to watch documentaries or can't stomach watching them with an Aussie accent. :)
The plot thickens:

It was revealed this week that Mr Zygier was under investigation from Australia's security service ASIO, over suspicions he was using multiple Australian passports to spy for Israel in countries such as Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/israel-...zygier-case-20130217-2el3w.html#ixzz2L9bgKUYk

Apparently he was using his Australian passport to spy for Mossad. Seems he was arrested because he was going to spill the beans about Israeli agents using Australian passports and ASIO leaked that to the media.


The plot thickens:

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/israel-...zygier-case-20130217-2el3w.html#ixzz2L9bgKUYk

Apparently he was using his Australian passport to spy for Mossad. Seems he was arrested because he was going to spill the beans about Israeli agents using Australian passports and ASIO leaked that to the media.

It's strange because we've known that Mossad has used fake Australian passports since at least 2010.

Once that fact became public knowledge, why did they need to continue to keep him so strictly quarantined?

EDIT: I see. After reading both TCRS' article and http://www.theaustralian.com.au/nat...-ben-zygier-case/story-fn59niix-1226579235482, I am starting to understand the story that Mossad / ASIO are pushing (not that I find it very believable)

The Australian said:
Australian intelligence authorities were made aware of his arrest by the Israelis just days after the Dubai government released information showing that fraudulent Australian passports had been used by Mossad agents in the execution of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh on January 20, 2010.

Report have suggested Zygier may have been about to divulge details of his dealings in Australian passports to either Australian intelligence authorities or the media. Zygier, who also used the names Ben Alon and Ben Allen, was suspected of returning to Australia from Israel and changing his name and passport.

Zygier was caught between two intelligence services, Israeli sources said. Mossad believed he was on the "verge" of passing information to the Australians.
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