But Lawrence Auriana, president of the Columbus Citizens Foundation, said he's appalled by a preview he saw over the weekend in Toronto.
"The movie introduces young minds to the idea that people with Italian names - like millions of Americans across the country - are gangsters," said Auriana, whose group organizes New York's Columbus Day Parade.
The "bad guys" in the film have names like Don Lino, Luca, Giuseppe and Gino, and use Italian-American phrases like "capeesh," "consigliere," "maronne" and "agita," Auriana said.
DreamWorks has already bowed to some of the criticism, changing the name of one of the gangster sharks from Don Brizzi to Don Feinberg. Auriana says that's not good enough and wants DreamWorks to drop all the Italian names and slang from the film, which parodies movies like "The Godfather" and HBO's "Sopranos."