I was 7 months away from being conceived.
Yea I did and still do hate wrestling but anything 80s is now a fine wine compared to the grape soda of today.I was never into wrestling, but the 80's will always have a warm place in my heart.
Quick story- I was born in 1980. When I was around 7 years of age we moved from suburban Melbourne to a country town in Victoria. We went from having 6 channels down to only 2, and 1 of the channels missing was the channel that had the WWF. I was a massive fan. Loved Hulk Hogan, George "the animal" Steele, Rowdy Roddy Piper and the like. I was so upset. I vividly remember crying as a 7 year old that the wrestling I loved I'd not be able to watch again. Traumatic as a young kid!
For me it was the golden age of wrestling. We moved back to Melbourne after a couple of years and I resumed watching WWF, but once my favs left, I never watched again. So many great memories watching as a kid... Does anyone remember the fight with Ricky the dragon Steamboat getting betrayed by another fighter and then they smash his windpipe with a fold up chair? I can't remember who betrayed him, but I was legit shocked as a kid!
The great Macho Man Randy Savage which lead to their epic match at Wrestlemania 3. Maybe the greatest match in wrestling history.
What is Randy Savages best rant he ever went on
In the Ops video, that theme song is bumping. Sounds familiar.
I rewarched Hogan V Andre and i dont think Hogan gets enough credit for this match. Hogan is always put down for being a bad worker but IMO Hogan put on one of the best performances in a wrestling ring that night.
It terrible to think that Macho Man gave that all up for Scari Sherri ( On Tv) and even worse to know what happened in the background and in the end with her.I can't stop watching the OPs video. It's perfect. I don't even like wrestling but it's about the most entertaining thing I've seen in like 2 years. I've watched the entire thing like 4 or 5 times since this thread went up. So much fucking swagger. Also, Elizabeth is insanely cute.