I skimmed and sorted the charts too. There's a bunch of 1980s stuff. But what the OP is trying to get at is why are 35-40 year old records still holding up. You'd think modern day athletes would blow past them by now.
However, for a bunch of those records, they are still there but outdated. For example the races in imperial measurements (yards) arent really done anymore. Even stated in the wiki. But races now are in metric (meters). So those old records will last forever. It's not like someone can just banish a 100 yard race record just because meters is the standard.
Yeah, a lot of those were indeed aided by performance enhancing drugs. Thank god we have lots of new women with cocks these days to take those records away!
Yeah but you try living under thread of nuclear war from Russia and corrupt politicians , pollution big businesses taking over things and making the rules and inflation and mass unemployment……oh wait