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ITT: weird stories from weird jobs

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I've always been interested in weird stories from people who have had unusual jobs: the overnight gigs, the clients into strange stuff, the odd things you have to deal with, the unconventional office situations, the bizarre conversations that can only happen between co-workers at 3 in the morning.

I would love to hear some tales from people who have had strange jobs where strange things have happened. Share some of your best and weirdest anecdotes!

For my part, while I was in college, I worked at a limo/luxury towncar service in South Florida. I was a dispatcher who had to manage the drivers, checking in with them, calling client reps, etc. We had a few drop-ins and random passengers, but the bulk of our clients were business groups that were flying in for a conference or corporate meeting, so we did a lot of airports pick-ups and taking people out to fancy restaurants and clubs. A lot of "I might need a car if I miss my tee time" kind of folks. The office was pretty insane: I was there for almost four years and a lot of strange things happened, here are a few of my stories:

- The owner of the place loved dogs, and rescued them. The only issue was that the dogs actually lived at the office, and at Peak Dog we had about 12. The office wasn't huge, so you were constantly stepping around the dogs as they barked, yelped, had sex with each other, and ran through the halls. You'd often be on the phone with clients and the dogs would be barking their heads off. "Is that...a dog? Do I hear a dog?" "Yeah, um...the window's open, sorry..." The lead/alpha dog was extremely small, blind, and deaf, and she would careen through the halls, screeching, as a dozen other dogs ran behind her, tumbling and falling over each other.

The dogs only ate human food, so our office freezer was filled with these rotisserie chickens that were only for the dogs. A co-worker ate one once and was nearly fired. To this day, I can't eat rotisserie chicken, because I associate it with dog food. If the office ordered food for the staff, the dogs got first dibs; when we'd get pizza, the dogs would get the first pie, and we'd have to wait until they were done before we could dig into our own grub. The dogs would immediately barf up the pizza after eating it, of course, which sent the office owner into fits of laughter, at which point she'd have the janitor come and clean it up.

- The office owner's ex-husband was the head mechanic. He managed all of the cars and ostensibly kept them running in top shape (they were constantly breaking down, though). He was a real strange guy who was big into "freeballing", i.e. he wore high-rise daisy duke jean shorts with no underwear, so his balls were always dangling out. He was always talking about how free and clean it was. I would just tune these conversations out and remind myself that I needed to pay my rent in a couple of weeks.

One day, I heard him scream "COMING THROUGH!" and he came hurtling through the hall and ran into the bathroom. I was suddenly hit by a horrible smell and we all looked over the office divider and realized that he had left a trail of shit all through the hall. He had pooped himself, and without any underwear to mitigate this humiliation, it had seeped right out of his daisy dukes and plopped out. It was one of the worst things I've ever seen in an office, I have no idea how this guy wasn't ashamed to show his face around there again. He came out of the bathroom like it was all good and the janitor cleaned it up. The mechanic didn't even have the basic courtesy to help.

- When I worked the overnight shift, one of my co-workers was a former gang enforcer who was really into Dungeons and Dragons. He would get completely baked right there in the office (I didn't partake, honest) and we would talk about how to best create a great pen and paper system. We eventually designed this game called Gangsters and Alleyways and had all of these stats and ideas written down in a series of notebooks. There were a lot of profiles of the characters who lived in this universe, with bios, stats, etc. This co-worker was eventually nailed for some serious drug possession charges, and the cops found all of the Gangsters and Alleyways notebooks in his apartment. They believed that the character profiles were about real gang members and they thought that they had hit the mother-load that would allow them to really take down all of these guys. I had to actually testify on this guy's behalf that it was all for a fake game and "Jackson Biggs, Ronin Enforcer" wasn't a real person.

- The drivers and staff would constantly take out the limos and bring prostitutes and tons of drugs back to the office. I was always opening a door and seeing some crazy shit going down. I was usually the only one working at 3 in the morning, while everyone else was off getting coked up out of their minds and hooking up with these old prostitutes.

We had this crazy driver who had been in the mafia back in Romania, and he would turn some late nights into this weird mafia fever dream. I'd walk into the back office and he'd be siting at the office owner's desk, with a huge stack of cash, cocaine, and a gun in front of him, and a couple of prostitutes on either side. Other drivers and staff would be lined up to get drugs, etc. He'd look up at me, smile, and say, "Well well, what can I do for you, my friend?" while gesturing to everything. I would just laugh, get the hell out of there, and try to make sure that I didn't put my fingerprints on anything.

- One of my co-workers was an amateur pornographer and he filmed a one-man webcam show in one of the back office rooms. He would edit all of his porn on the work computers; I sat right across from him, so I'd turn around and suddenly WHAM! he's in the middle of fine-tuning a video of him and his wife going down on another dude. I was more amused than anything, but a lot of other people in the office were pretty annoyed by it. One day, he told me that he had some real nasty legal dirt on the office owner, and she let him do whatever he wanted.

- One night, a co-worker went out to have a smoke, but he didn't come back for over an hour. I went outside - it was about 3 or 4 in the morning - to see where he was at. I found the poor guy laying on the ground about a block away, covered in red. He was moaning and shaking his head and looking down at his chest. I freaked out and ran over to him - the office was in a rough neighborhood, and there was a shooting every five or six months, I mean real chalk outline kind of stuff - and checked out what was wrong. He wasn't shot...he had just been paintballed to hell. I had to pick him up and drag him back to the office - he was a big dude - because he could barely walk. The paintballs had given him an internal bruise around his ribs and he was in real pain. We later found out that this paintball gang had been terrorizing the neighborhood for weeks, just driving around and blasting people.

Those are just a few stories...I have plenty of others that I can share, plus some crazy tales from other jobs. What about you all? Tell me about the weird jobs you've had! Crazy situations, weird clients, wild events, insane bosses, late night shenanigans: tell us about it!
Ah man, no traction on this? I know there are GAFers out there with strange jobs, overnight shifts, odd working situations, etc., and you've got some crazy stories to share. Tell us about 'em! :D
Craziest thing i ever saw happen at one of my jobs was walking in on a group orgy in a operating room. It was 3 dudes running a train on this lady I worked with. They were all over the age of 58 too which made it even worse.


Nothing too much.

I used to work at a movie theatre, and one day a guy had diahrea and left a trail of poo leading from his seat all the way down the halls to the bathroom, and then out the door once he left (didn't clean himself properly I suppose.) I was the one who cleaned it up for some reason, even though it happened to be my last day on the job.

I also once found a large soda cup that was full to the brim with urine. I thought it was mountain dew at first, but I grabbed the cup and it was warm. At least he didn't spill. Also the movie was 30 minutes or less. I don't think that movie is such a masterpiece that the guy couldn't miss 1 minute of the movie to piss.
Nothing too much.

I used to work at a movie theatre, and one day a guy had diahrea and left a trail of poo leading from his seat all the way down the halls to the bathroom, and then out the door once he left (didn't clean himself properly I suppose.) I was the one who cleaned it up for some reason, even though it happened to be my last day on the job.

The Long Goodbye.

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
the closest "weird" story I have is when I was on the road out in Wyoming and got hit by a blizzard in the start of Oct. ended up having to spend the night in a Red Cross Shelter with this local old man on the bunk bed next to me cursing out loud all night because he had Dementia.
It seems like the major trend here is going to be people pooping themselves and refusing to acknowledge it. I'd genuinely want to believe that if I, for some god awful reason, shat my own pants in public, I couldn't allow somebody else to pick up after me.


I worked as a taxi cab driver for 6 months until the recession hit and people stopped flying for a while...

First day on the job is my training day. We pick up two ladies and one of them mentions they just came from a party. The other chimes in saying her client sitting next to her does "parties" all the time and as it turns out she was a hooker. We go to drop them off and they invite us in to show us her portfolio which was filled of pics of her naked, some professionally done and some amateur. They give us her business card and tell us to refer customers to her if anybody asked. It was the weirdest first day of a job I've ever had.

Another time I picked up a guy from Africa and he asks me to take him from O'Hare airport to Lasalle-Peru, which is over 90 miles away. I asked him if he was sure because that's really far. He didn't care and I made like $400 in a matter of 1.5 hours. That was sweet.

And then one other night I picked up a gorgeous blonde woman who was really nice and actually asked to sit up front with me (which nobody else had ever done). As it turns out she was on her way to see her boyfriend play at a sports event at the Allstate Arena and was just super nice and interesting to talk to. I drop her off and 3-ish hours later I get a call from dispatch to go there to pick up a customer. I kinda thought it might be her but then... I pull up and as it turns out the customer was actually a large group of the sports team (I drove a taxi van) who won that night. Like 8 dudes pile in and after a few minutes they start talking party favors and then they kept cheering me on every time I started driving them to it faster. I was going almost 90 at one point in that rickety ass van as they were shouting "yeah!!!! tetra-9!!! Faaaaasteeer!" That was dumb I now admit but I was young and into being dumb. Anyways I ended up driving them to clubs all night and made great money.
I worked as a taxi cab driver for 6 months until the recession hit and people stopped flying for a while...

First day on the job is my training day. We pick up two ladies and one of them mentions they just came from a party. The other chimes in saying her client sitting next to her does "parties" all the time and as it turns out she was a hooker. We go to drop them off and they invite us in to show us her portfolio which was filled of pics of her naked, some professionally done and some amateur. They give us her business card and tell us to refer customers to her if anybody asked. It was the weirdest first day of a job I've ever had.

Another time I picked up a guy from Africa and he asks me to take him from O'Hare airport to Lasalle-Peru, which is over 90 miles away. I asked him if he was sure because that's really far. He didn't care and I made like $400 in a matter of 1.5 hours. That was sweet.

And then one other night I picked up a gorgeous blonde woman who was really nice and actually asked to sit up front with me (which nobody else had ever done). As it turns out she was on her way to see her boyfriend play at a sports event at the Allstate Arena and was just super nice and interesting to talk to. I drop her off and 3-ish hours later I get a call from dispatch to go there to pick up a customer. I kinda thought it might be her but then... I pull up and as it turns out the customer was actually a large group of the sports team (I drove a taxi van) who won that night. Like 8 dudes pile in and after a few minutes they start talking party favors and then they kept cheering me on every time I started driving them to it faster. I was going almost 90 at one point in that rickety ass van as they were shouting "yeah!!!! tetra-9!!! Faaaaasteeer!" That was dumb I now admit but I was young and into being dumb. Anyways I ended up driving them to clubs all night and made great money.

There's really something about taxi/transportation service stuff that makes people go crazy.


I do desktop support for a small company. One of the executives brought me his laptop and I needed to download something to fix his issue (I don't remember what) and I open Internet Explorer and MSN pops up. All of the recommended sites are popular porn sites (no we don't blacklist stuff, we don't have the time). He sits next to me while I fix his computer, so I had to use all of my willpower to not laugh my ass off.

I of course reported him to the owner of the company for abusing his laptop. TBH one of his family members might have used it, but he's supposed to keep that thing secure, so he takes the hit.

He probably just had to have a really awkward conversation with his boss.

It's my second favorite story behind the time a (relatively) new employee infected our servers with ransomware.

There's really something about taxi/transportation service stuff that makes people go crazy.

Did you refer anyone?
I quit a job as a bank manager, and went back to school. I picked up two jobs at the time, one of which was delivering pizza. My buddy was the manager, and another buddy from high school was in charge of my training. After a couple of days riding along with another driver I was finally able to deliver my first pizza. I mean, I was in my late twenties, in the town where I grew up, and I was familiar with knocking on doors and the overall "you give me money, I'll give you pizza mechanic." What could go wrong?

My trainer buddy was amped, he was so excited to see me deliver my first pizza. I really thought he might tear up a little when I got out of the car with my first delivery. I get to the door, and a guy wearing a paper skirt answers, and he had very heavily accented English. I tell him the pizza is $22 and some change, and he hands me a wad of cash. no biggie, except this pizza had already been paid for by card. I tell him this, then he goes into a fit of rage, calls his wife over and starts screaming at her. They are literally arm's length from me, and look like they are about to come to blows. He just keeps yelling "YOU PAID WITH THE CARD!" Then she replies in another language, he turns to me and very calmly says "I'm sorry sir, there must be some mistake. My wife didn't use a card." I show him the receipt where is clearly shows this was paid by a card. He then turns to here and starts screaming again. We go through this several times, and while he's yelling a teenage boy that is obviously mentally disabled starts slowly inching out from behind a wall across the room, and he is completely naked.

At this point I walk back to my buddy's car and explain that there seems to be an issue with payment. He calls the store, references the receipt, and confirms payment was made by card. I go back to the door, and the whole shit show starts all over again. in the midst of trying to not be a witness to a domestic dispute or underage nudity I start staring at the pizza box, and that's when I notice the ticket on the box only says $15 and change. Then it hits me that $22 is a lot of money for one pizza. I cross reference the receipt in my hand with the one on the box, and realize they aren't for the same order. I apologize for my error, collect his cash, and walk back to the car with my head hanging pretty low. My amped buddy in the car is trying to build me up as I explain that we had two receipts, and doesn't yet know the full details of the delivery. He wouldn't shut up long enough for me to explain what I just witnessed, and figured my attitude was about having the wrong address. Once I finally cut him off and expained what I just saw he barely said anything for the rest of the night.

I still catch shit for this, years later, when a group of us from high school all get together.
I do desktop support for a small company. One of the executives brought me his laptop and I needed to download something to fix his issue (I don't remember what) and I open Internet Explorer and MSN pops up. All of the recommended sites are popular porn sites (no we don't blacklist stuff, we don't have the time). He sits next to me while I fix his computer, so I had to use all of my willpower to not laugh my ass off.

I of course reported him to the owner of the company for abusing his laptop. TBH one of his family members might have used it, but he's supposed to keep that thing secure, so he takes the hit.

He probably just had to have a really awkward conversation with his boss.

It's my second favorite story behind the time a (relatively) new employee infected our servers with ransomware.

Did you refer anyone?

Never trust IT.


Never trust IT.

I am required to report him. Plus his department is a pain in my ass that constantly tries to go around me, so he deserves it IMO. If he wants to watch porn he can do it on his own computer and infect that one with malware (his work computer was clean, but you never know)


Work stories used to be my main thread-creating material, but since I moved to an overnight job, it's far less interesting. I'm in the same building, locked in with the same people every night. Not too much to work with, sadly.


Work stories used to be my main thread-creating material, but since I moved to an overnight job, it's far less interesting. I'm in the same building, locked in with the same people every night. Not too much to work with, sadly.

That link a week or two ago to your "they should make an anime about you" post made my night. I bookmarked that sucker lol.
I don't know if it's weird per se, but when I used to work at a helpdesk I got sexually propositioned through our work email by a 22 year old newlywed female coworker who just got hired and we had yet to speak. It was another female coworker who I knew who emailed me and was speaking on her behalf who I affectionately called "The Negotiator" during this process. LOL


Craziest things I had was I worked in a Fast Casual Dining and a guy came in acting real weird and asked the code to the restroom. I didn't give it to him but someone eventually got him in and he stayed in there for a while and after maybe 20 minutes left. While later I walk in and find he took a big shit in the urinal.

Beyond that at the second job I ever held, a retail job, a middle-age woman came bought a shirt on a whim then just decided right there by the register in the store "Eh I'll just put it on now" and proceeded to just change shirts right there. Didn't really hide behind anything or take cover. Just stepped to the side and just took off what she was wearing. I just stood there dumbfounded. My boss eventually came around the corner but she had finished by then and I had stepped away wanting to look like I had no part in whatever was going on over there.


I'm a male RN. One night I was called to help transport a deceased patient who weighed over 400 pounds.
We had to move her from the bed to the gurney. So about 6 of us (myself and 5 females) picked her up with a sheet underneath her and rapidly laid her down on the gurney.
Apparently she had some air in her lungs and when we laid her down the air went through her vocal cords and she said "BAAAAD".
We all hightailed it out of the room.


My grandparents owned a photography store where they saw some crazy stuff (and not just in the photos they developed).The cash register area was this circular counter, so customers could walk around the whole thing. Once this homeless guy came running in, and right behind him, chasing him, comes this other homeless guy, wielding a syringe. They both ran around the counter a couple times and then ran out of the store again. I was not in the store at the time, but apparently my grandfather just stood frozen inside the counter ring waiting for them to run out.

I would help them out in the summers when I was in high school. By that time, digital photography was a thing and so we had booths where people could insert their memory cards or USB sticks and pick out photos to print. Since I was the kid who knew how to handle computers, I was often the one helping out clients with using the booths. This one 40-50 year old woman once needed help with pics from a family vacation in some tropical place, can't remember which. A good deal of the pics were her and her two late-teens daughters all topless in some natural pool in front of a waterfall. And naturally, this woman asked me to zoom in on all these pics to make sure they were properly focused.
When I worked as a dental assistant the weirdest thing that ever happened to me was when a patient asked me to help her loosen her bra... So she pulled up the back of her shirt and had me switch the clips to the next one out, all while the Dr was still in the room pretending to not know what was going on 2 feet from him.

Battle Pope

Neo Member
Third week on the job I went to take photos of a new embassy my Department had organised the building of (I won't go into details but it was one of the Slavic countries).

Our diplomatic guy and the Chargé d'affaires posed for a few handshake shots and then we were invited up to the Ambassadors' office where the chargé d'affaires got a bottle of Slivovitz (pear brandy) made in his home-town and poured out a 'generous' amount for the three of us. I didn't really want to drink at 10am but also didn't know if I could refuse without causing some kind of diplomatic incident.

He kept refilling our glasses and I think all three of us were completely pissed by 10:30. Hell of a morning.


I'm a male RN. One night I was called to help transport a deceased patient who weighed over 400 pounds.
We had to move her from the bed to the gurney. So about 6 of us (myself and 5 females) picked her up with a sheet underneath her and rapidly laid her down on the gurney.
Apparently she had some air in her lungs and when we laid her down the air went through her vocal cords and she said "BAAAAD".
We all hightailed it out of the room.

I shouldn't...but I can't stop laughing at this.
Nothing too much.

I used to work at a movie theatre, and one day a guy had diahrea and left a trail of poo leading from his seat all the way down the halls to the bathroom, and then out the door once he left (didn't clean himself properly I suppose.) I was the one who cleaned it up for some reason, even though it happened to be my last day on the job.
Bruh i would've quit right then and there.
Literally would have said "Fuck this shit"

MC Safety

Not altogether weird, but:

We stole comic book artist Jim Lee's hat as a prank as part of Wizard: The Comics Magazine's endless chicanery. I did a fullback sprint with Lee's hat; we'd devised a cunning plan with diversions, misdirections, and an escape via elevator.


Neo Member
I work in higher education as a Web Producer.

Last week, our admin assistant sent everyone in the department an e-mail that said she found underwear in the copy room in the print tray. She wrote that we shouldn't be using the office equipment for inappropriate things.

When I first started the job, I came in early one time and caught a coworker looking at porn. He noticed that I had seen it and tried to cover the screen. He left shortly after the incident. Later, I found out that he had been promoted, because he asked me to give him access to a different part of the website. Hopefully he has his own office so he can look at that stuff in private.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Gangsters and Alleyways had me dying.

Great thread, OP. Sorry I don't have anything to contribute at the moment.
One of my bosses wiped his servers and files clean from his computer, nearly tanking his business because he had no backups, restore points, or anything like that. And it was all because, on my final day at the office, he was so admit about responding to all of our clients, even the most suspect emails and attachments.


I'm a male RN. One night I was called to help transport a deceased patient who weighed over 400 pounds.
We had to move her from the bed to the gurney. So about 6 of us (myself and 5 females) picked her up with a sheet underneath her and rapidly laid her down on the gurney.
Apparently she had some air in her lungs and when we laid her down the air went through her vocal cords and she said "BAAAAD".
We all hightailed it out of the room.
Holy shit, that's straight out of Futurama. Didn't realise that even happened.
I had this one coworker that always weirded people out, myself included.

By weird, I mean he was just the farthest thing from normal, he'd stare at you intrude on conversations with nonsensical things, laugh creepily at times.

Well, my day to day was basically stock checking the warehouse, cleaning the warehouse, assisting customers with their merchandise from the estore and the warehouse, processing those orders etc, Organizing the warehouse, that sort of thing.

Anyway, one day I'm stock checking in this little back area we called the Cage, it was a little area where we hung up a lot of things like sawblades, small tools, hand tools, lights, etc, jacks and stuff.

There was this hole inbetween the last two shelves in the corner, big enough for you to peer through because Automotive's stock room was right on the other side. Well, at first I just hear some breathing, and then I looked around to see if someone was around.

Well, I looked and then I saw him staring at me through that hole, the most horrible psychotic look in his eyes. It was like Jack Nicholson in the shining.

Well, I said to him


and he stumbles back and runs off.

Then over the course of the week, I notice that he is watching me through that fucking hole, sometimes for hours. This continues for months until I eventually quit, no one in HR does anything. :/

Like, how the fuck does no one in Automotive see this jackass doing this shit. It's weird.

I mention it to my manager, and he is like

"Yeah we have received a lot of complaints about him, most people think he is gonna go nuts and shoot up the place,"

My reaction was pretty much this:


Which was funny internally to me because I remember walking into the break room, and a bunch of people were talking and saying the same exact thing.

Nobody liked this dude.

Man I am so glad I quit that job. The manger told me my life was a game when I tried to quit.

Wow working Retail sucked.


One of my bosses wiped his servers and files clean from his computer, nearly tanking his business because he had no backups, restore points, or anything like that. And it was all because, on my final day at the office, he was so admit about responding to all of our clients, even the most suspect emails and attachments.

Your IT guy probably had an aneurism. I know I would.
Loving these stories, keep it up!

Did you refer anyone?

Only once, a friend wanted to do the limo thing for his birthday. I hooked him up with a driver and all the fixin's like full bar, snacks, etc. I had to work for the first few hours of the party, and I planned to join up with the group when I got off. I told the driver in advance not to offer them drugs or weird stuff, because they were relatively straight edge guys.

When I finally rolled up to the bar they were at, I discovered that all of my friends were sick as dogs, I mean their faces were practically green. The driver had plied them all with these hyper-concentrated THC cubes that were going around at the time called "Goop". They were extremely strong and had some meaty hallucinogenic properties for anyone with zero tolerance. I had tried it myself while hiking in Malibu just a few months earlier, and it was really terrible: a friend and I were lost in this mountain forest for 6 or 7 hours, and I was convinced that I was a computer program designed only to feel pain.

Anyway, the birthday boy and everybody else was so sick or shell-shocked that I had to call the whole thing off and drive them home. I berated the driver for giving them this stuff, and he said, "What? Is Goop. Goop all-natural product." To be fair to the driver, my friends wanted to try it and they weren't tricked or anything...they just thought they were gonna be hip and it turned out to be a horrible experience for them.

So yeah, that was the last time I referred my friends, the whole situation was just too sleazy and I couldn't trust the siren song of Goop.
I had a General Manager who got absolutely hammered on Christmas Eve. He staggered around the restaurant for awhile, slurring so bad you couldn't understand anything he said, and then finally ended up passing out on the floor between the fryers and the sandwich station.

At one point, he grabbed me by the collar, pulled his fist back, and then gently punched the air in front of me before giggling and staggering away.

He was a good guy, though.
Right out of highschool I worked at this reaaally shitty lumber yard where there was a 45 or so year old safety guy I assume was a former drug addict

This guy almost got me killed by putting me on an 10ft long mounted chainsaw with no safety gear (I wore a t shirt, jeans, and workboots). I went through a couple piles of logs until the chainsaw blade snapped and wrapped around my torso almost to my neck.. I somehow was unharmed. Took two days off because that was seriously almost death for me.. (also afterwards asked for full on safety gear only to find out there was none to begin with)

another time him and I are walking in silence carrying something, probably logs or something. were a good minute away from everyone else when he says "you dont have to worry because I like you, and as long as I like you you dont have to worry".

I quit soon after.


Well there was this one time my old job burnt to the ground, I had nothing to do with that I swear. Though that isn't to say that I immediately went out for breakfast with several co-workers and friends to celebrate. ;) My new job is much better, very interesting & entertaining; wish I could share some of the details I can't.


I'm in IT and they wanted a "white computer". Rather than just letting us source in a white computer case and monitor, he wanted to buy Macs and have us install Windows 10 on top of it. I don't understand why.

They also then got broken into and lost them so brought them again. Rather than get any additional security for their new office they let themselves get broken into again... and again. Overall they were broken into 3 times before they decided to hire someone to guard the door and they ordered three sets of those Windows/Macs.


I worked at Toys R Us in college and a methhead tweaker chick with a couple kids used to come in from time to time and hit on me and try to show me her tits. She was disgusting.

Working an office job in China you will be forced into some strange situations that potentially cross the line of legality and morality... won't share any tales here but I've seen some shit.

Not the best stories, sorry OP


Well there was this one time my old job burnt to the ground, I had nothing to do with that I swear. Though that isn't to say that I immediately went out for breakfast with several co-workers and friends to celebrate. ;) My new job is much better, very interesting & entertaining; wish I could share some of the details I can't.



- When I worked the overnight shift, one of my co-workers was a former gang enforcer who was really into Dungeons and Dragons. He would get completely baked right there in the office (I didn't partake, honest) and we would talk about how to best create a great pen and paper system. We eventually designed this game called Gangsters and Alleyways and had all of these stats and ideas written down in a series of notebooks. There were a lot of profiles of the characters who lived in this universe, with bios, stats, etc. This co-worker was eventually nailed for some serious drug possession charges, and the cops found all of the Gangsters and Alleyways notebooks in his apartment. They believed that the character profiles were about real gang members and they thought that they had hit the mother-load that would allow them to really take down all of these guys. I had to actually testify on this guy's behalf that it was all for a fake game and "Jackson Biggs, Ronin Enforcer" wasn't a real person.

"Sir, we're gonna have to bring in the heavy artillery. This guys Consititution is fucking crazy."
The first and ONLY time I ever worked graveyard shift at a convenience store, at about 4am a homeless man calmly walked into the store, went over to the cold drinks aisle, shit on the floor next to the beer, then walked out.

That was 4 years ago, but I can still remember the smell...
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