Lol. I delivered for two different pizza places in college. Neither of them ever trained me at all that I can remember. It was just "Hey, here's the pizza and here's the address. Put the thing on your car and go as fast as you can. The cops won't pull over a pizza guy."I quit a job as a bank manager, and went back to school. I picked up two jobs at the time, one of which was delivering pizza. My buddy was the manager, and another buddy from high school was in charge of my training. After a couple of days riding along with another driver I was finally able to deliver my first pizza. I mean, I was in my late twenties, in the town where I grew up, and I was familiar with knocking on doors and the overall "you give me money, I'll give you pizza mechanic." What could go wrong?
My trainer buddy was amped, he was so excited to see me deliver my first pizza. I really thought he might tear up a little when I got out of the car with my first delivery. I get to the door, and a guy wearing a paper skirt answers, and he had very heavily accented English. I tell him the pizza is $22 and some change, and he hands me a wad of cash. no biggie, except this pizza had already been paid for by card. I tell him this, then he goes into a fit of rage, calls his wife over and starts screaming at her. They are literally arm's length from me, and look like they are about to come to blows. He just keeps yelling "YOU PAID WITH THE CARD!" Then she replies in another language, he turns to me and very calmly says "I'm sorry sir, there must be some mistake. My wife didn't use a card." I show him the receipt where is clearly shows this was paid by a card. He then turns to here and starts screaming again. We go through this several times, and while he's yelling a teenage boy that is obviously mentally disabled starts slowly inching out from behind a wall across the room, and he is completely naked.
At this point I walk back to my buddy's car and explain that there seems to be an issue with payment. He calls the store, references the receipt, and confirms payment was made by card. I go back to the door, and the whole shit show starts all over again. in the midst of trying to not be a witness to a domestic dispute or underage nudity I start staring at the pizza box, and that's when I notice the ticket on the box only says $15 and change. Then it hits me that $22 is a lot of money for one pizza. I cross reference the receipt in my hand with the one on the box, and realize they aren't for the same order. I apologize for my error, collect his cash, and walk back to the car with my head hanging pretty low. My amped buddy in the car is trying to build me up as I explain that we had two receipts, and doesn't yet know the full details of the delivery. He wouldn't shut up long enough for me to explain what I just witnessed, and figured my attitude was about having the wrong address. Once I finally cut him off and expained what I just saw he barely said anything for the rest of the night.
I still catch shit for this, years later, when a group of us from high school all get together.
I never got to see any nudity or solicited though. My life is boring