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"I've nothing against faggots, I just don't fancy them"

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A television advert for supermarket chain Somerfield has been banned after the word "faggot" was used in reference to a traditional British dish.
The advert featured a husband complaining that his wife served up the same meals every week.

When she told him it was Friday so he was getting his usual faggots, he replied: "I've nothing against faggots, I just don't fancy them."

Three listeners complained to media watchdog Ofcom about the radio ad, saying faggots alluded to homosexuals.

Somerfield insisted: "The ad refers only to food products. Faggots were chosen to demonstrate the idea because they are commonly perceived as an outdated and slightly comical product, not because of any allusions to homosexuality."

Faggots is a traditional dish of meatballs in gravy.

But Ofcom ruled that the term was "highly derogatory" and banned the ad from being broadcast again in its present form.

"Irrespective of the advertiser's denial of intent and the brevity of the campaign, we believed that the aired comment was likely to have been perceived at best as innuendo," Ofcom said.

"The phrase could clearly be seen in connection with homosexuality. As the term faggot, when used in this context, is a highly derogatory term, we believed that it was capable of causing serious offence."

I thought it was quite funny :p



aoi tsuki

Tritroid said:
It is funny, but honestly who wouldn't think of the homosexual reference when opting to use that word. :p
i wouldn't see it as funny, but as a form of subtle discimination or at the least, insensitivity. Replace the word "faggots" with a racial slur that just happens to be the name of a traditional food.


Console Market Analyst
Yeah, the commercial is obviously going for shock factor. And so is Suerte with his selective quoting for the thread title. I don't find either funny.

My advice, be more sensitive to those who wouldn't appreciate coming across this word, however taken out of context, on their morning browse.


aoi tsuki said:
i wouldn't see it as funny, but as a form of subtle discimination or at the least, insensitivity. Replace the word "faggots" with a racial slur that just happens to be the name of a traditional food.
Maybe it's just me, but I really don't see how people can tie sexual discrimination in with something like racism.

The term "faggots" shouldn't bother gay people, and for the most part it doesn't. (Based upon personal experience.)


Console Market Analyst
Tritroid said:
The term "faggots" shouldn't bother gay people, and for the most part it doesn't. (Based upon personal experience.)

Who are you to say it shouldn't bother someone? Do us all a favor and stop playing "representative", Tritroid.


Personally, I've only known gay people to call each other faggots, I've never heard anyone else say it, so it really dosen't bother me.


Goreomedy said:
Yeah, the commercial is obviously going for shock factor. And so is Suerte with his selective quoting for the thread title. I don't find either funny.

My advice, be more sensitive to those who wouldn't appreciate coming across this word, however taken out of context, on their morning browse.
What the hell? He was quoting the article subject. I don't think that's 'selective quoting' at all.

It's just a word that someone else said, don't take it so personally. :p


Chili Con Carnage!
At Worst its inneundo, its not actually insulting anyone accept those who dont understand the context. Though i can understand the opinion that if the dish was called a nigger rather than a faggot then it would have been the cause of a lot more outcry.

That's like a KKK guy saying "Naw man, I love niggers." It just doesn't make sense. :|

No its nothing like that at all, unless you are saying Somerfield are a homophobic company.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Ghost said:
At Worst its inneundo, its not actually insulting anyone accept those who dont understand the context. Though i can understand the opinion that if the dish was called a nigger rather than a faggot then it would have been the cause of a lot more outcry.

No its nothing like that at all, unless you are saying Somerfield are a homophobic company.

very well said!!!!!
Goreomedy said:
Yeah, the commercial is obviously going for shock factor. And so is Suerte with his selective quoting for the thread title. I don't find either funny.

My advice, be more sensitive to those who wouldn't appreciate coming across this word, however taken out of context, on their morning browse.

Loosen up, buddy.


Console Market Analyst
Tritroid said:
What the hell? He was quoting the article subject. I don't think that's 'selective quoting' at all.

It's just a word that someone else said, don't take it so personally. :p

Don't take it so personally? I'll offer you my perspective, since you seem to lack any.

The gay marriage ban ammendment push is in effect this week. It headlines in every newspaper and on every TV news magazine. I log onto this forum after a fine breakfast, and see this subject heading in quotes. Because of current events, I think some high seated political figure let it rip. It literally made my heart skip a beat, and I was already furious by the time I clicked the heading.

By the time I found out it was just some tasteless shock-ad about the British food item, I had already felt what anyone who has been on the receiving end of such a slur, feels. So yeah, I was angry. But rightfully so.

Suerte has admitted to never being on the opposite end of this word. I suspected that, and it was for this reason I wasn't more explosive in my reply. But I do think he, and others on the board, should have the common sense and courtesy to avoid this type of situation in the future.


Goreomedy said:
Don't take it so personally? I'll offer you my perspective, since you seem to lack any.

The gay marriage ban ammendment push is in effect this week. It headlines in every newspaper and on every TV news magazine. I log onto this forum after a fine breakfast, and see this subject heading in quotes. Because of current events, I think some high seated political figure let it rip. It literally made my heart skip a beat, and I was already furious by the time I clicked the heading.

By the time I found out it was just some tasteless shock-ad about the British food item, I had already felt what anyone who has been on the receiving end of such a slur, feels. So yeah, I was angry. But rightfully so.

Suerte has admitted to never being on the opposite end of this word. I suspected that, and it was for this reason I wasn't more explosive in my reply. But I do think he, and others on the board, should have the common sense and courtesy to avoid this type of situation in the future.
Whatever. I've been called a faggot before back in highschool, as I'm sure a lot of guys have. To take a stupid word so personally is being just plain anal, especially when it's not even directed at you.

And why in the fuck would you think this dealt with American politicians? Since when do Americans use the term "fancy" in their statements?

You're just blowing up for no good reason. :p


I agree...just because you yourself may not have been exposed to the negative side of the word doesn't mean there haven't been a number of people who have heard the word being shouted and muffled by the sound of blood in their ears as they lay down in the street on the receiving end of punches and kicks.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Tritroid said:
Whatever. I've been called a faggot before back in highschool, as I'm sure a lot of guys have. To take a stupid word so personally is being just plain anal, especially when it's not even directed at you.

And why in the fuck would you think this dealt with American politicians? Since when do Americans use the term "fancy" in their statements?

You're just blowing up for no good reason. :p

you're acting a little insensitive and naive.

My brother was called a faggot by our mother over a decade ago... things were never really the same nor did he ever recover from it. It's a stupid word yeah, but it also has hurt many many people over the years.
Tritroid said:
And why in the fuck would you think this dealt with American politicians? Since when do Americans use the term "fancy" in their statements?

You're just blowing up for no good reason. :p

For real, and it's not even the term "fancy" that a politician would use that renders his argument moot. It's the fact that no self-respecting, high seated politician would EVER, EVER utter the word "faggot" in public, especially not during arguments over gay marriage. That's career suicide.

aoi tsuki

Ghost said:
At Worst its inneundo, its not actually insulting anyone accept those who dont understand the context. Though i can understand the opinion that if the dish was called a nigger rather than a faggot then it would have been the cause of a lot more outcry.
Exactly what context is necessary to make this not offensive? i'm not gay, so this word isn't something directed at me, but i still take some offense at a word, being that it's used against gays. But i can see it being something that might possibly be regarded as edgy British, akin in some ways to their racier (by American standards) ads.
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