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Jackal (arcade) got any hints for survival?


i've been playing Jackal in MAME, but there are no continues! just a maximum of seven lives. got any suggestions on how to beat it without resorting to the well known save state method? Jackal is one of those fun 1980s war games, its incredibly fun. i've beat the NES version but now i want to beat the original.


nope. i did not. in fact i never owned an NES, except for a pre-owned one for a few months. my first Nintendo was really the SNES.


heh, mine was a NES but i've never owned a SNES and don't really see the point in getting one now...finally repurchased a NES and Genny and rebought my game library for them both though :b hardest games to find being Mega Turricane, Decap Attack, and Mega Man 1 :b

the point I'm trying to make is, by constantly moving and dodging the enemy attacks you should last longer
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