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Jak 3 screens


The ghost of Dreamcast past
As for putting screenshots in the same context of importance to human civilization as forecasting the weather and preventing crime
Those analogies weren't put in the same context; they were put in the same relation.
Anything else is just settling
No, the uncontrollable variables are concessions for the medium and are not biased in their misrepresentation of screenshots. AAing of screens like this is purposely presenting them with extra detail.

Helps to see how much is lost with static screenshots when it comes to this game.
Yeah, there's definitely a lot of liveliness from moving objects and good animation that only nice-quality video can do justice to.
Jak 2 was way too rough around its edges. If ND can execute better this time I'll pick up Jak 3 because some parts of the game, some of the platform and shooting parts were, imo, better than what was in most of R and C: GC. The rpoblem though is much of Jak 2 felt off ballanced
or under developed anmd the cinemas were a lot worse compared with Going Commando's which actually were kind of funny.
Having just finished Jak 2, I'm really hyped for Jak 3. Jak 2 was a really good game, better than most platformer out last year.


works for Gamestop (lol)



TheGreenGiant said:
urgh. ugly. Hope this bombs so they can kill of the franchise. Even crash Bandicoot had more personality/fun than this tripe.

And yet you care enough to come into the thread and bitch.


nice, trolls everywhere.

i'll be grabbing this along with Ratchet 3. Jak 2 imo, was sooo much better than J&D for me, I literally fell asleep while playing J&D an hour or two into it, but Jak 2 was great all the way through.
sonycowboy said:
And yet you care enough to come into the thread and bitch.

yes. I was hoping that it'd be updated to look better.. can't tell what gameplay is like but from the last game... which was asstacular, I don't have high hopes.

Sly Racoonus 2 however....

Ranger X

Jak2 was excellent. Save some jaggies it was also one of the best 3d engine of this gen so far. I guess the Jak and Daxter trolling will never end. So does all other pathetic and useless trolling about every single freakin game coming out.
To all trolling morons: play and/or get a life. You spend too much time in GAF.

Jak3 looks nice, i'm definetly looking to buy it. The trailer is cool. Happy to see there's some classic scenery as lava and maneater plants etc...


Jak II remains one of my favorite games in the platform + fighting genre, since it moved to 3d.
Aside from the Maximos, can't think of another game getting both the platforming and combat parts right. Suggestions are welcome. Not R&C2, it had scarce and poor platforming.

Jak III... well, the character design is getting old, almost annoying; but that can be overlooked in an action game.
The camera in the car videos is too slow to catch up with sharp inversions of direction,like in the previous game. Wonder if a button to snap the view and direct map access have been added.
Looks are as good as needed. Complainers begone!1!
Releasing too early? I'd have bought the sequel a week after completing Jak II. More of the same is good enough in this case.
I'm a bit worried about the vibe of the so-called dev interview I read, and that in the videos the enemyes and level design seem tamer than in Jak II. Hope they only showed initial and easy areas.

All said, the goodness of Jak II warrants interest in III.


MaddenNFL64 said:
It's not anger, it's angst. He's very angsty.

The trailer [that Marc posted] makes the game look really good. But.. more of an action game and somehow even less of a platformer. Ah well.

Personally I was not a fan of Jak II, though I saw enough good in it to think that III can fix the most damaging flaws and be a great game. I'm just disappointed that it seems to be progressing further and further away from its platforming roots. The edge I felt it had over R&C.


Wyzdom said:
Jak2 was excellent. Save some jaggies it was also one of the best 3d engine of this gen so far. I guess the Jak and Daxter trolling will never end. So does all other pathetic and useless trolling about every single freakin game coming out.
To all trolling morons: play and/or get a life. You spend too much time in GAF.

Wyzdom said:
Most of us agrees to this i guess.
Wind Waker level design in the dungeons is excellent and the art is excellent too. To bad the rest suck.

Wyzdom said:
Final Fantasy for it's time on SNES and PS1
Zelda for everything until the damned Wind Waker.

Wyzdom said:
Finally Nintendo begins to feel the growing consequences of their multiple stupide moves in the industry since some years...

Good advice.


Wow.. Looking great. Just think of it in motion!

Jak II was not a photo friendly game, but once you saw it in motion, it was :eek: .
60fps, 15-20mpps, no load times.. Smooth as butter animations (Jak III will top this with its new cloth animations).

Really an awesome looking game for ANY console.
I'm not one to write off Jak 2. The game's highs were mighty lofty. I really liked the difficulty and all its non-haven city areas. There were those times poorly designed enemies would horde around Jak(esp towards the end) and it just felt off ballance and clumsy. I temper this with Ninja Gaiden's difficulty, where the enemies are superbly crafted and a lot of fun to fight, or Halo where the hordes of enemies flooding at you really are enjoyable to fight.

In Haven City the ballance issue and the tearing were especially apparent. I consider this growing pains. ND greatly expanded the scope of their game taking it to quasi Zelda and GTA propertions. With Jak 3 I'm betting they refine things and get it right. However with each cinema in Jak 2 the characters became more annoying bit by bit. I wish somebody had left that stuff on the cutting room floor.


I never played the first two J&D's--the style and premise never did anything for me, and I figured my time would be better spent on the R&C series. Watching that trailer's left me seriously interested in picking up Jak 3 when it's released, even though I still have little desire to play the earlier games. The gameplay footage looks like stuff I'd have fun playing through, the story hinted at in the trailer intrigues me, and the game looks nice in motion. I just hope that the game has a better soundtrack than the first two--I've read a ton of complaints about the music in the earlier games, and a title like this would really benefit from a suitably dramatic score.

Thanks for the heads-up. If it weren't for this topic, I might've skipped the game out of hand like I did the first two.
Tellaerin said:
I never played the first two J&D's--the style and premise never did anything for me, and I figured my time would be better spent on the R&C series. Watching that trailer's left me seriously interested in picking up Jak 3 when it's released, even though I still have little desire to play the earlier games. The gameplay footage looks like stuff I'd have fun playing through, the story hinted at in the trailer intrigues me, and the game looks nice in motion.

If you liked the way the gameplay looked you might want to check out Jak 2 since it seems very similar to that trailer. It'll porbably give you a good idea as to whether or not you should even bother with Jak 3.


The only thing about JakII that really urked me were the missions where you had to fly around the city for whatever reason within some certain time frame. The controls were just too loose and the city too tight and crowded (IMO) for that kind of thing. It was beyond frustrating. Beyond that though it looked really nice and was pretty fun - kind of wish they hadn't decided to rip off R&C and put in all the gun stuff, unfortunately it looks like it's mainly guns this time around again, I was hoping being out of the city might put more platforming and stuff in. Still, I'll play it just to the see the wrap-up of the story.
I liked Jak 2 and I'll get this one as well. I'm just going to rent it or wait for it to drop in price. Way too many other games I want this holiday.
teiresias said:
The only thing about JakII that really urked me were the missions where you had to fly around the city for whatever reason within some certain time frame. The controls were just too loose and the city too tight and crowded (IMO) for that kind of thing. It was beyond frustrating. Beyond that though it looked really nice and was pretty fun - kind of wish they hadn't decided to rip off R&C and put in all the gun stuff, unfortunately it looks like it's mainly guns this time around again, I was hoping being out of the city might put more platforming and stuff in. Still, I'll play it just to the see the wrap-up of the story.

Yeah, the city was way too crowded for it's own good. But the more you played, the more you got used to the city.

The part I hated the most was the Metalhead Nest. I had a hard time, because few weapons have this 360 degree special, when you jump and press O (well, I think only the Yellow gun has this special), so it was hard to clear my surround. But the rest of the game was awesome, hard, but awesome. Very rewarding IMO.
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