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Jak III Interview

Well I had fun with the first Jak.



It's been a turbulent year for Jak so far. First there were since refuted reports of his demise, then we discovered that his latest adventure sees him expelled from Haven City and left almost for dead in the surrounding wasteland, having failed to guide the city through a resurgence of Metal Head forces. Nevertheless, we're not giving up on him, and we're looking forward very much to the third - and perhaps concluding - chapter in his development. Speaking in a Sony-directed Q&A session prior to E3, Naughty Dog creative director Daniel Arey offers some insight into what we can expect. And of course you can find our thoughts on the game, including comments from Naughty Dog's game directors Evan Wells and Amy Hennig, by heading here.

Sony: Jak II was a mission-based action game. Does Jak III use the same system, with various characters asking you to complete various tasks? If yes, in which way will you improve the concept?

Daniel Arey: In Jak II we used cinematics to reward the player when they solved a challenge, and also to give them new information about the story and what challenges await. Jak 3 will also have a complete story where characters interact with Jak and Daxter to help them solve the mystery of the game. For Jak 3 we are adding an even more cinematic film feel, lots of special effects, and characters that both delight and intrigue, and as I said before, we will be answering many of the dramatic questions about Jak's universe and his past.

Sony: Can you tell us more about weapons? Can we expect upgrades for each gun, something similar to what's done in Ratchet & Clank ? It would be great...

Daniel Arey: In addition to Metal Heads and KG robots, Jak and Daxter will be facing a much greater threat in Jak 3. This threat is so dangerous and deadly that Jak needs significantly bigger and better guns to survive. Jak will be able to upgrade each of his weapons multiple times during the game. But to keep with the faster action platform feel of our game, Jak will not need to search a menu for his weapon selection. Instead, Jak had four weapon types, each selectable on a different arrow of the D-Pad (like in Jak II). By hitting each D-Pad arrow Jak can quickly cycle through the gun modes and get at the nasty hardware he needs quickly even as he runs! Jak 3 is first and foremost a fast action gun game!

Sony: Same question, now about vehicles: we saw the Buggy in action, but we'd like to know more about other stuff. Is there flying machine, robots, etc?

Daniel Arey: If you remember, Jak was a racer from the very first game. We added many vehicles in Jak II, and we will continue that tradition in a big way in Jak 3. Jak will get a wide array of new vehicle types - Off-road vehicles, hover vehicles, animal riding vehicles, a cool super fast subway vehicle, and yes, even high and fast flying air machines. This game is all about collecting big boy toys, and there will plenty to bring a smile to everyone's face.

More here.


That interview makes me cry =(

Ugh. Im getting worried about the game.

K Im being a bit harsh, but more than interviews made up to hype, I like those that discuss of game design, the industry, any argument that can make me think and learn something.
Speaking in a Sony-directed Q&A session prior to E3...

I think that's the key sentence right there. Sony-directed: like a press secretary, ND had certain talking points Sony wanted them to cover. Prior to E3: yep, hype machine. If the game's coming out this fall, we'll probably start seeing real previews in a month or so.

ps - Hi. Formerly known as Lwmming, just rejoined.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Meh, I'm not really hyped at all...but I'll probably play it. I really don't care for the original game much at all. It was simply too focused on simple platforming with goals based around the location of objects. No challenge combined with poor level design really hurt the game for me. Jak II was a lot more interesting overall, but it too had some serious design flaws...

While I don't exactly appreciate the 'tude being infused into this game, it doesn't bother me too much. If the game can match the high points of Jak II while removing the low points...I'll play it for sure.
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