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Jalapeno Appreciation Thread

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Let's hear it for the greatest pepper on earth!



I love this pepper. I have a jar of extremely hot pickled jalapenos in my fridge for when I am feeling uber brave, actually. God bless the Jalapeno.


Jalapeno = meh

on that note...so is Tobasco sauce

I'm not exactly sure what this pepper is called outside of Trinidad & Tabago (quick google check revealed a lot of links...none of which refer to the pepper I'm talking about :(), but Bird Pepper is better than Jalepeno in both taste and ... hottness, AND better than Habanero in taste (but not ... hottness)...of course, the pepper is then diced and mixed with dozens of other spicy peppers and various seasoning are added until you have a typically orange colored sauce that not only beats the shit out of any 'solo' pepper i've tasted, but also tastes better than any excuse for hot sauce I've tasted, domestically
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