We're all born to die dudes
I'm kinda there. Almost.Shoot, I the only one drunk right now?
Shoot, I the only one drunk right now?
I've decided Vince McMahon is absolutely the worst commentator of all time. And before one of you jabronies tries to throw some Michael Cole, Otunga, JBL, whatever shit at me, those are still Vince McMahon. They are extensions of Vince McMahon. And Cole has actually been decent the last few times I listened to Raw since the other two millennial doofuses do all the heel/face overexaggerations for him now.
Right below him is Josh Matthews and Matt Striker. Everyone else ranges from OK to Great. Ventura is on top, obviously.
Let me see. You ok with HHH?Shoot, I the only one drunk right now?
I've decided Vince McMahon is absolutely the worst commentator of all time. And before one of you jabronies tries to throw some Michael Cole, Otunga, JBL, whatever shit at me, those are still Vince McMahon. They are extensions of Vince McMahon. And Cole has actually been decent the last few times I listened to Raw since the other two millennial doofuses do all the heel/face overexaggerations for him now.
Right below him is Josh Matthews and Matt Striker. Everyone else ranges from OK to Great. Ventura is on top, obviously.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk HHHLet me see. You ok with HHH?
Heel Michael Cole is the worst commentator of all time. There is no arguing this!
Todd Grisham has a special place in my heart for being terrible for his 'enthusiasm' during Christian's ECW/WWE return in 2009.
Your still soberFuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk HHH
YeyeyeyeFuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk HHH
He was bad, but Heel Cole was so pervasive he drove me from the product in 2011.Let me tell you about a man named Josh Matthews...
Do you think Heenan could have worked with Bayley?
WCW 1999 is also woefully uncovered.Instead of someone covering WCW 2000s for the 18th billion time, a better option would be to cover the TNA Asylum years
He probably would have implied she was slow
We just entered 2017, you tryna jinx it?Aj styles is the one thing wwe is incapable of ruining.
They haven't tried yet friend.Aj styles is the one thing wwe is incapable of ruining.
He's gonna lose to cena and be the one guy not buried by it.We just entered 2017, you tryna jinx it?
in 2017 we should vow to never use that horrible horrible slur againPictured: a mark
Poor DM getting exposedPictured: a mark
This year is already better than last year, and I hope everyone has a great day and great moments with any loved ones (friends, family, and/or significant others) today
Woo!!!!yell if you can hear my voice
Jarrett is one carny fuck holy shit. Who do you tihnk this is?
You'd be wrong!
yell if you can hear my voice