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Japanese english students better at penny arcade than penny arcade??!


Man, whoever's website that, that's funny! I wish he posted here, on Gaming-Age, so we can have more of his funny! We are surely lost without such an individual! Moreover, I would like to thank you for posting this, as its something that I have never seen before!


It's JackFrost2012's website. GAF discussed these comics at length quite a while ago. Though, they're hysterical and this gives people who missed them a great chance to be exposed. Funny fun e.




Tag of Excellence
Soul4ger said:
It's JackFrost2012's website. GAF discussed these comics at length quite a while ago. Though, they're hysterical and this gives people who missed them a great chance to be exposed. Funny fun e.
That's the reason why I love that card so much, well among other things *wink* *wink.*


lol @ commentary

March 25, 2004
a copy of a copy of a copy

The Gaming Age Forums (registration required but unlikely) are 5% cutting-edge, interesting commentary from industry insiders, journalists, and informed fans ... and 95% uninformed whining from idiot fanboys. It's easy enough to tune out, but once in a while, someone says something so mindbogglingly stupid that you can't help but pay attention.

For example: Stormfront Studios is developing Demon Stone, a game set in the Forgotten Realms universe. Someone on the GAF boards complains that this game just looks like a Lord of the Rings ripoff - and since Lord of the Rings is in turn a Dungeons and Dragons ripoff, they find it difficult to get interested in this copy-of-a-copy. (To be clear: Tolkien wrote Lord of the Rings in the 1950s; in the 1970s, Gary Gygax &c. ripped off Tolkien for their Dungeons and Dragons game; Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting in the D&D world.)

It's like a twisted moebius strip of wrongness. It's like watching a car crash in reverse.
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