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Japanese first day sales (PAPER MARIO 2 included)


First day sales in japan:

Paper Mario RPG (GC, Nintendo) - 92,129 units
Tenchu Kurenai (PS2, From Software) - 47,029 units
Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django (GBA, Konami) - 24,857 units
Full Metal Alchemist: Sonata of Memories (GBA, Bandai) - 22,429 units
Gradius V (PS2, Konami) - 19,520 units

Really impressive PM2 numbers! Cool beans, since it deserves it.


Yeah, coll to see Boktai 2 not completely underperform. The first one was great and this one seems to be better.


Wow nice sales for Paper Mario 2. Boktai 2 did pretty well too, it should outsell the original pretty easily.


CrisKre said:
Yeah, coll to see Boktai 2 not completely underperform. The first one was great and this one seems to be better.
I'd say the Boktai sales are pretty good actually, Konami only expects 200k worldwide and they could get half that from Japan alone if sales keep up.


jarrod said:
I'd say the Boktai sales are pretty good actually, Konami only expects 200k worldwide and they could get half that from Japan alone if sales keep up.

If the game didn't have the gimmick, it'll probably sell double that. I still haven't finished the first, but I am about 60% through and got tired of it. It's a novelty idea, but not very popular.


Yeah I think the Boktai games would do much better sales wise without the Sun Sensor mechanic. But it's Kojima's baby and he calls the shots... I wouldn't mind a 3D GCN version though, maybe using the GC's internal clock for day/night changes.


I think 500k would be a safe bet, that's what the original managed and Nintendo games have amazing staying power (they tend to average only around 20% of total sales their first week, while most games probably average 50%).


It's usally the late November through the first two weeks of the new year where everything serge at a large numbers. By then though PM will probably be forgotten, since it's released in July. Donkey Konga pulled huge numbers during this period, otherwise it wouldn't normally be as prospective as it was.

Li Mu Bai

jarrod said:
I think 500k would be a safe bet, that's what the original managed and Nintendo games have amazing staying power (they tend to average only around 20% of total sales their first week, while most games probably average 50%).

While I agree, you don't feel that Mario's recognizable name alone (as well as the game's quality) can push it past say, Pikmin 2's sales no.#'s? That's heavy for one day's sales' now that I think back upon it jarrod+the Nintendo softwares' longevity upon the charts. Perhaps 600k?


Dark Dragon said:
It's usally the late November through the first two weeks of the new year where everything serge at a large numbers. By then though PM will probably be forgotten, since it's released in July. Donkey Konga pulled huge numbers during this period, otherwise it wouldn't normally be as prospective as it was.
Not always. Stuff like Pikmin 2 or Kirby Air Ride managed to pull consistant numbers and reach respectable totals over a long stretch despite missing the holiday rush. Paper Mario RPG won't be a million seller but it'll break 500k easy.


Li Mu Bai said:
While I agree, you don't feel that Mario's recognizable name alone (as well as the game's quality) can push it past say, Pikmin 2's sales no.#'s? That's heavy for one day's sales' now that I think back upon it jarrod+the Nintendo softwares' longevity upon the charts. Perhaps 600k?
Yeah, it'll outsell Pikmin 2 I expect. Mario's still pretty popukar in Japan... and everywhere for that matter... except the UK I guess. :/

It could outsell Sunshine (~700k) potentially...


It's likely around 400k. Shrine of Data doesn't update old numbers for whatever reason, and the game's probably moved at least 40-50k since it dropped out of the charts half a year ago...
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