Shubit said:Might sound selfish but one of the aspects of being into J-Pop (or any foreign music) that I love is, by not being played on the local channels, you've basically got a world of instantly listenable high production value mainstream music to discover on your own and enjoy in whatever capacity suits you.
MattJon said:Excellent point. Half the fun is giving loads of different stuff a try, and finding really good artists for yourself. And you are as involved in it as you want to be, no chance of hearing someone else blasting some Perfume out of their car.
I've been lucky enough (read: spent a vast amount of money on) going over there and seeing Ayu, Kumi Koda and Perfume in concertNothing like experiencing it first-hand - although me and my friend being the only non-Japanese in the whole audience makes you stand-out somewhat :lol
This thread needs more Kuu:
Exactl! They both started with a single called Poker Face, and they are both now the most known female popstar in their respective countries. A funny coincidenceBlablurn said:seriously? her poker face single is about 10 years old :lol
Metroid Killer said:Exactl! They both started with a single called Poker Face, and they are both now the most known female popstar in their respective countries. A funny coincidence![]()
MattJon said:
UtadaBarkley said:Wow, that's a pretty cool thing. I've thought very hard about going to see mflo while over there but I'd have to schedule a trip around their tours. The few times I've been in Japan, even Fukuoka, where Ayu is from, there's never been any decent concerts.
I was fortunate enough to catch Hikki with my wife in Chicago for the In The Flesh Tour. Amazing. Tell me more about your experience.
Lucky Lucky Man. If I met her I'd probably ask her to sign my copy of A Visual Mix and see what her reaction is. Would probably be funnier if I had a copy of Nothing from Nothing for her to sign. I'd guess her reaction would be a bit like when someone asked Hideo Kojima to sign a copy of Snakes Revenge when I went to the uniqlo meet in London earlier this year.MattJon said:People figured out that Ayu was recording her new album in London, so I went along and got to meet her in person too. She signed a couple of my cd's, so that was nice.
the_log_ride said:Has Utada put anything good out since her debut album?
I'm way behind on my J-Pop.
the_log_ride said:Has Utada put anything good out since her debut album?
I'm way behind on my J-Pop.
UtadaBarkley said:Pretty much every cd she's dropped has been great. Her first American CD, Exodus is a classic, even.
UtadaBarkley said:Pretty much every cd she's dropped has been great. Her first American CD, Exodus is a classic, even.
Blablurn said:Exodus '04 is one of the best J-Pop songs ever! Listened to it all the time back then.
the_log_ride said:/looks at username & avatar :lol
'Loved her 1st album, and some of the singles she dropped after. Then some other singles here and there (that m-flo remix posted on this page is great), but wasn't really feeling much else. I'll give 'em another listen given your suggestion, though.
micster said:Lucky Lucky Man. If I met her I'd probably ask her to sign my copy of A Visual Mix and see what her reaction is. Would probably be funnier if I had a copy of Nothing from Nothing for her to sign. I'd guess her reaction would be a bit like when someone asked Hideo Kojima to sign a copy of Snakes Revenge when I went to the uniqlo meet in London earlier this year.
What are gaffers thinking of Ayu's new album? Im thinkin its actually shaping up really well, especially based on the previews and short PVs that have come out. I was a bit concerned because I really liked Rock 'n' Roll Circus and I wasnt sure if she could pull out two great albums in the span of like 8 months.
Aruarian Reflection said:Utada is hit or miss for me (more frequently miss), plus she's a poor live singer, often off-key and sounding like she's constantly gasping for air like a beached whale. But I gained new respect for her last month when she told her fans not to buy her US "Best Of" album because it was released against her wishes.
MattJon said:Errr, okayWhen I first went to Japan in 2008, it was pure co-incidence that Ayu had a concert in Tokyo during my stay. I got a ticket from a reseller shop, and went along. It was pretty awesome to be honest, and I met a couple of other non-Japanese there too, we got talking and arranged to do it all again the next year.
Last year we saw Ayu again, and also catched Perfume's "Disco!Disco!Disco!" concert, which was insane - in a good way! It was more like a nightclub than a concert.
People figured out that Ayu was recording her new album in London, so I went along and got to meet her in person too. She signed a couple of my cd's, so that was nice.
I also saw Hikki on the last night of her tour in London. Had to stand in line for hours in the freezing cold, but it was worth it in the end, as I was right near the stage, haha.
This year we saw Ayu yet again(!) and then went over to Osaka to see Kumi Koda's "Universe" tour, which was really good too. We also saw Yasutaka Nakata's (capsule) set at Club Asia.
Oh, and then my flight home was cancelled for a week due to the volcano, and I've vowed never to return to Japan! With the exchange rate the way it is, I'll give it a miss next year...
I'd like to see m-flo too - think I missed the boat on that one though They do the occasional club party, but I guess we have to wait until (if) they release another album to get touring again.
Yeah and im tres disappointed with it. Theres a couple of great tracks but bar that its just tedium. I was actually really looking forward to it, especially based on the previews, but it was just meehBlablurn said:anyone listened to the new ayumi hamasaki album? man i love "love song". great song.
micster said:Yeah and im tres disappointed with it. Theres a couple of great tracks but bar that its just tedium. I was actually really looking forward to it, especially based on the previews, but it was just meeh
daoster said:Yes.
Plus the greatest Japanese band:
So badass, Cowboy Bebop had to base some characters off of them!
Here's their latest PV (SUIKINKUTSU) with jazz pianist Uehara Hiromi:
Antiochus said:Blaburn,
Again thanks creating this thread. However, per the requests of the previous posters, would it be possible for you to change or modify partially the title of the thread? Something more along the lines of J-music or Japanese music, so as to broaden the "audience"? We're almost at the end of the year if not the decade, and can really use some more posts. Kpop Gaf has a music scene almost 5x smaller yet has 5X more posts than this thread...
the_log_ride said:Has Utada put anything good out since her debut album?
I'm way behind on my J-Pop.
shahkur said:And
Antiochus said:Ah I see. Unfortunately, its been more than 9 months out of date. Perhaps it would be possible to merge those two threads? If not, then the title of this one can remain the same. Nonetheless, it would be much more fruitful in the future if we simply stick to one Japanese music OT thread instead of creating half a dozen every year. Hopefully this one can serve that role....
Zoe said:My issue is that once it turns into a general music thread, people automatically become more hostile towards the pop music and then it's all about posting "real" music. But whatever...
G-Fex said:Yes Brilliant Green is great, and I'll always love Tommy February6.