Angry Fork said:
Is there any list of critically acclaimed Japanese music that I could look into? For example for western stuff you've got Time 500 best songs, bands like the beatles, rolling stones etc. people who are universally known for their albums. Is there something like this for Japanese music?
There was a list put out by Rolling Stone Japan a few years back of the top 100 albums. It's a decent list with some interesting choices on there, but stuff like putting Puffy, Dir En Grey and Southern All Stars over Blankey Jet City, Super Car, Sunny Day Service, Number Girl, Shiina Ringo and Elephant Kashimashi etc. is fucking insane, unforgivable bullshit. Still, worth looking into as there are mainstream and more indie/underground choices on the list.
1. Happy End 『風街ろまん』(Kazemachi Roman) / 1971 (#32)
2. RC SUCCESSION『ラプソディ』(Rhapsody) / 1980 (#52)
3. The Blue Hearts『ザ・ブルーハーツ』(The Blue Hearts) / 1987 (#20)
4. YMO『Solid State Survivor』/ 1979
5. Yazawa Eikichi『ゴールドラッシュ』(Gold Rush) / 1978
6. Shoukichi Kina & Champloose『喜納昌吉&チャンプルーズ』(Shoukichi Kina & Champloose) / 1977
7. Ohtaki Eiichi『ア・ロング・バケーション』 (A Long Vacation) / 1981
8. Fishmans『空中キャンプ』( Kuuchuu Camp) / 1996 (#3)
9. Sadistic Mika Band『黒船』(Kurofune) / 1974 (#104)
10. Cornelius『ファンタズマ』(Fantasma) / 1997 (#9)
11. Sano Motoharu『SOMEDAY』/ 1982
12. Arai Yumi『ひこうき雲』(Hikouki Kumo) / 1973 (#25)
13. The Jacks『ジャックスの世界』(Jacks no Sekai) / 1968 (#61)
14. Yamashita Tatsuro『SPACY』/ 1977 (#39)
15. X『BLUE BLOOD』/ 1989
16. Anarchy『アナーキー』(Anarchy) / 1980
17. Carol『燃えつきる~ラスト・ライヴ』(Moetsukiru -Last Live) / 1975
18. Togawa Jun『玉姫様』(Tamahime-sama) / 1983 (#50)
19. The Plastics『Welcome Plastics』/ 1980 (#72)
20. Murahachibu『ライブ』(Live) / 1973 (#4)
21. Friction『軋轢』(Atsureki) / 1980 (#12)
22. Ankoku Tairiku Jagatara『南蛮渡来』(Nanban Torai) / 1982 (#11)
24. Gedou『外道』(Gedou) / 1974
25. Boredoms『Chocolate Synthesizer』/ 1994
26. Yano Akiko『ジャパニーズ・ガール』(Japanese Girl) / 1976
27. The Stalin『STOP JAP』/ 1982
28. The Roosters『Good Dreams』/ 1984
29. Mute Beat『FLOWER』/ 1987
30. Endou Kenji『満足できるかな』(Manzoku Dekiru Kana) / 1971 (#106)
31. Yuukadan『生聞59分』(Seibun 59 Mins) / 1977
32. Southern All Stars『人気者で行こう』(Ninkimono de ikou) / 1984
33. INU『メシ喰うな』(Meshi kuu na) / 1981 (#21)
34. Dir en grey『Withering to Death』/ 2005
35. Flippers Guitar『CAMERA TALK』/ 1990 (#131)
36. Char『PSYCHE』/ 1988
37. Shonen Knife『LETS KNIFE』/ 1992 (#74)
38. Yonin Bayashi『一触即発』(Isshoku Sokuhatsu) / 1974
39. Carmen Maki&OZ『カルメン・マキ&OZ』(Carmen Maki&OZ) / 1975
40. Loudness『DISILLUSION~撃剣霊化~』(Disillusion ~ Gekiken Reika) / 1984
41. RC SUCCESSION『カバーズ』(Covers) / 1988 (#124)
42. Zelda『ゼルダ』(Zelda) / 1982
43. Rebecca『IV~Maybe Tomorrow』/ 1985
44. Sheena & Rockets『真空パック』(Shinkuu Back) / 1979
45. Godaigo『CMソング・グラフィティ・ゴダイゴ・スーパー・ヒッツ』(CM Song Graffiti Godaigo Super Hits) / 1978
46. Tama『ひるね』(Hirune) / 1991 03
47. Merzbow『緊縛の為の音楽』(Music for Bondage Performance) / 1991
48. Kahimi Karie『MY FIRST KARIE』/ 1995
49. Fushitsusha『1st』/ 1989
50. Elephant Kashimashi『エレファント カシマシ II』(Elephant Kashimashi II) / 1988
51. Guitar Wolf『狼惑星』(Ookami Wakusei) / 1997 (#126)
52. P-MODEL『IN A MODEL ROOM』/ 1979 (#125)
53. Itou Seikou『MESS/AGE』/ 1989 (#129)
54. Buffalo Daughter『Captain Vapor Athletes』/ 1996
55. Aburadako『あぶらだこ』(Aburadako) / 1985
56. Zunou Keisatsu『頭脳警察1』(Zunou Keisatsu 1) / 1972
57. Murasaki『紫』(Murasaki) / 1976
58. Ippudou『LUNATIC MENU』/ 1982
59. Tei Towa『Future Listening!』/ 1994
60. Rankin Taxi『ワイルドで行くぞ』(Wild de iku zo) / 1991
61. Ken Ishii『JELLY TONES』/ 1995
62. Creation『ピュア・エレクトリック・ソウル』(Pure Electric Soul) / 1977
63. Violent Onsen Geisha『NATION OF RHYTHM SLAVES』/ 1996
64. Pizzicato Five『HAPPY END OF THE WORLD』/ 1997
65. Moon Riders『青空百景』(Aozora Hyakkei) / 1982
66. S.O.B.『WHATS THE TRUTH?』/ 1990
67. The Fantastic Plastic Machine『The Fantastic Plastic Machine』/ 1997
68. Takagi Kan『グラス・ルーツ』(Grass Roots) / 1992
69. Ozawa Kenji『LIFE』/ 1994 (#53)
70. Rosa Luxemburg『ぷりぷり』(Puripuri) / 1986 (#8)
71. Flower Traveling Band『Satori』/ 1971 (#76)
72. Denki Groove『A (エース

』/ 1997 (#101)
73. Salon Music『La Paloma Show』/ 1984
74. Scha Dara Parr『5TH Wheel 2 the coach』/ 1995 (#86)
75. BOOWY『JUST A HERO』/ 1986
76. Puffy 『JET CD』/ 1998
77. Izumiya Shigeru『80のバラッド』(80 no Ballad) / 1978
78. Rino Latina II 『Carnival of Rino』/ 2001
79. Blankey Jet City『BANG!』/ 1991
80. Fujiwara Hiroshi『Nothing Much Better to Do』/ 1994
81. Sandii & the Sunsets『IMMIGRANTS』/ 1982
82. Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra『TOKYO SKA PARADISE』/ 1989
83. Mr. Children『Atomic Heart』/ 1994
84. The Street Sliders『SLIDER JOINT』/ 1983
85. Sunny Day Service『東京』(Tokyo) / 1996
86. Supercar『HIGHVISION』/ 2002
87. Thee Michelle Gun Elephant『High Time』/ 1996
88. Newest Model『PRETTY RADIATION』/ 1988
89. Shiina Ringo『勝訴ストリップ』(Shouso Strip) / 2000 (#116)
90. Rip Slyme『FIVE』/ 2001
91. Hi-Standard『ANGRY FIST』/ 1997
92. Number Girl『シブヤROCKTRANSFORMED状態』(Shibuya Rock Transformed Joutai) / 1999
93. Okuda Tamio『股旅』(Matatabi) / 1998 (#143)
94. Spitz『スピッツ』(Spitz) / 1991 (#105)
96. Quruli『TEAM ROCK』/ 2001 (#49)
97. Theatre Brook『TALISMAN』/ 1996
98. Maximum the Hormone『ぶっ生き返す』(Bu-Ikikaesu) / 2007
99. Utada Hikaru『First Love』/ 1999
100. Kaji Hideki『TEA』/ 1998
meppi said:
The new album of Tokyo Incidents is finally on iTunes!
It's called Discovery instead of Great Discovery though.
Been listening to it ever since it came out in Japan last month, so I'm glad was finally able to buy my own copy.
The first few times that I listened to it the album didn't really click with me, but it's grown on me ever since.
My favorite still is Adult, but overall I'm very happy with Discovery.
God, I've had this album for months. Bought it and never opened it. It's sitting somewhere in a box in my basement :l My favorite is Adult as well, followed by Sports. Sports was really great, and really surprised me after the pretty tepid Variety. I'm glad Shiina is getting her solo act back to together, TJ are a bit too hit and miss for me. When they're on the mark, they are excellent, but still nowhere near SS/KZK quality. After hearing "Hatsukoi Shoujo" I could tell that she still had it in her to produce absolutely stunning tracks, just wish she wasn't bound by TJ so it would manifest itself.