Yeah, his Joker was bad, but he wasn't terrible in everything. I thought he was good in Blade Runner 2049 and Lord of War. I mean, I don't even think of him as Joker first and foremost. I still think of Fight Club, or Requiem for a Dream, when I think "Jared Leto."
agreed. the dude has chops, he just took a bad role. i never even liked to concept of that joker. perhaps someone else could have handled it better but it doesnt make him garbage and the worst actor ever. sheesh people need to lighten up.
it doesnt help that shortly after suicide squad release, and the SJW sect of marvel fanbase fuck boys came out to throw any dirt on him they could, tried to get him cancelled for sleeping with 18 and 19 year old women... lol its like wtf thats fucking legal you pathetic cunt piece of shit

theres nothing to even cancel! but enough people deemed him a pedophile and the damage (lol!) was done. and i think it was that and his joker that landed him in this weird position hes in now where people think hes terrible.
i dont doubt the dude is creepy. you dont have to dig hard to find some weird fucking shit on him, and as a fan of thrity seconds to mars i can confirm hes basically just using that band to slay the hottest pussy youll never get to have. literally has a "Mars Island" event every year and mostly young women show up (read: are selected) on an island with him and his brother (the drummer for thirty seconds to mars) and he walks among them like a god.
dont get me wrong, its awesome! but also weird because you know his ego is so big that hes just eating it up, and he sings a lot about gods, angels and jesus and hes growing his hair long and has facial hair, and kinda looks like jesus now... yeah hes a weird fucker alright
but all of that said, hes not a bad actor and i usually enjoy the movies hes in (even sucide squad is considered one of the best amongst the DC films). im really looking forward to that vampire film hes gonna be in, cant remember the name but it looked dope