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Jason Schreier gets his Privilege checked by Neil Druckmann

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He's crawled back to his resetera safe haven to claim his victory prize.

What a fucking hero, surprised his book doesn't come with a free cape.

Oh shit, a couple of them accidentally dropped their blinkers and figured out Jason is a bit of a dick, so now the thread is locked.
Crawls back to his echo chamber to get some reassurance from his fellow cucks.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Thank Neil, after the recent news, something I enjoy wery much, especially to make that shill burn.
I just saw the end of this on twitter a bit ago and came here to see if there had been a thread. Schreier just keeps finding ways to become less and less likable. I've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but man he's just insufferable. His attempt to make this a faux controversy was so half baked it came across as parody. It reminded me of the part in Office Space when Peter tells Jennifer Aniston "You know the Nazi's had pieces of flair they made the Jews wear!?!?" The guy is blatantly trying to stir up a twitter mob to harass this other games media guy, what a dick.

I also love how Bob Mackey tried to hop on to get his daily woke points. I'm convinced Mackey has some legit mental issues after the whole Colin Moriarty (and to a lesser extent Denis Dyack) drama so I do feel bad for the guy.

Balrog's response was great. The Kotaku types will write all these articles about online bullying but a lot of times they're even bigger bullies with their woke cancel mobs. There's just so much to unpack here it's really entertaining to watch the wokesters eat each other alive.


Bob Mackey is a piece of shit and maybe even a psychopath, fuck him. Jason is an asshole too. Too many douchebags in the industry are getting away with murder these days. Good to see Cory and Neil call them out on their bullshit bullying ways.
Shreier tweeted something some are interpreting as racist towards Michael Jordan.

This situation is hilarious. He doesn't seem particularly intelligent.
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Lol I got a bunch of shit on this site for comparing Bloodborne to Picasso

It’s always weird when people get super anal about how people talk about video games. Jason being a horses ass right here. Who cares if someone compares a game to a movie. Why does that trigger you to act like a dickhead?

Jason’s bitchy response about “game developers” might be the cringiest thing I’ve ever seen him say. Lol this prick no wonder he makes money for Bloomberg
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Watching some soy boys face off is like watching a compilation of those fake Soccer injuries.



Cory...even if your next game is a god damned Stadia exclusive...i'll fucking buy the platinum special edition version. Cheers.


Its a open secret, that no one in the dev scene like jason, not Because his articles on crunch, but because he is a abusive, miserable and scummy guy, and to be fair if every morning i wake up to see that ugly face on the mirror, i will hate the world too
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Jason did some advertising of it at the time Resetera started and they have circled the wagon around him a few times. I remember when someone called out an article in the past 6 months and they were banned for antagonizing another member. Even though the article and not the person was attacked.

Jason is interviewing Dr Jim Beam at the moment.

I went to read the thread and every other reply is like "why is this thread needed? Still opened?" as if to protect their Cuntress. The thread is now finally closed after Jason started getting some heat for his racist joke about BLM and MJ. Oops.
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This Henry guy his doing a lot of miserable tweets doing damage control for jason, face its mirror of the soul i suposse


Retweeted Cory and got blocked by Jason like 2 seconds later, what a man child.

Typical SJW can't handle being outside of their little safe space. So they must cancel/silence anyone who disagrees with them.

He's spot on. It's a dogpile because dogpiles are fun, and a way of social signaling to them. Nobody actually gives a shit.

Its a very Reset-like behavior.
Again, typical SJW behaviour. They dog pile on anyone and everyone, including their own.
It's hilarious to see the attempt at dog piling backfire on Jason, that weak, pathetic excuse for a man.

Think I might tweet him just to see how quick he blocks me.
I can't stand Jason. He's such a self righteous, obnoxious journalist that blows up all the time over the littlest crap.

He couldn't stand that TLOU2 had "crunch" time, and the fact that reviews were so great. He's an idiot. I mentioned this to him, but working at Naughty Dog is like being in the NBA or any other professional sports team. It's a lot of hardwork to get to the top. That should not be discouraged. It's on ND to police crunch time as they see fit, and that ex-ND dev said that he never personally worked more than 45 hours a week and there wasn't a mandate, so I think it's it's a lot of high achievers that want to make GOTY caliber products.

Those types of games don't happen unless you have a strong work ethic. Other professions also require tons of hours. He acts as though anything more than 20 hours a week is somehow slavery.


Glorious to watch.

It's so hilarious reading through replies to Jason's tweets. Filled with people who politely disagree with him and are instantly blocked.

The bloke will not stop until his echo chamber is entirely closed up without a single leak.


He thinks he's a new Pulitzer or something

Why do game developers still give this little troll the time of day? I think the truth should be obvious to anyone: Jason Schreier hates videogames. He has no love for the medium and actively despises the gamers who should be the main audience for his work. I think he only got involved with videogames because it was the only job available to him as a 'journalist'.

Why this prick became the one of the top voices in 'game journalism' will always be a mystery to me.

What's with Jason being salty over MJ? Shouldn't he be grateful for all the checks he gets monthly, being that the guy is his wife's boyfriend?
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Exactly what is Druckmann's involvement into games, isn't he just a story writer at the end of the day?

I read up on his bio, and he does have a history with game development even before joining Naughty Dog. As much as some of us don't like Druckmann here, we can't deny he does have the chops to design a videogame.

Compare him though with this guy:


Hidetaka Miyazaki didn't even grow up playing videogames. He came from a poor background so he had to go to the library to feed his childhood passion: reading. By the time he joined From Software he had a degree in social science and worked as an accountant. He had no experience whatsoever in videogame development.

Yet today he's celebrated as one of the best videogame designers out there. And a lot of his titles are noted for their excellent lore and storytelling.
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