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Jenna Bush Ownage

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Doth Togo



Jenna Bush, daughter of the President Bush (news - web sites), sticks her tongue out at the media Tuesday, July 20, 2004, as she departs Lambert International Airport in St. Louis for an appearance with her father in St. Charles, MO. The woman standing along sode of the limosine is a Secret Service agent. (AP Photo/Stephanie S. Cordle)

Doth Togo

"Jenna Bush was caught trying to buy a drink in Austin with a fake ID. It's her second alcohol incident in a month. She must be extra careful from now on, because under federal law, it's Three Strikes and You're President." —Comedian Argus Hamilton

"Do you know the Secret Service code name for Jenna Bush? 'Roger Clinton.'" —Jay Leno

"The Bush girls have been in so much trouble that today they announced that they were switching their party affiliation to the Kennedy family." —David Letterman

"Bush is now in Genoa, Italy. When he arrived today he was met by protesters throwing bottles and cans. In fact, he was surrounded by so many empties, he got homesick for the girls." —Jay Leno

"Jenna 'Anheuser' Bush is trying to get her lawyers to strike a plea bargain agreement over her latest drinking charge. If they can't find an agreement, they said she may lose her driver's license. Which will be no problem. She's got plenty of those." —Jay Leno

"Finally, some good news on the Bush girls. It seems that Jenna Bush is taking up a new musical instrument. She's learning how to play the Breathalyzer." —Jay Leno

"President Bush's daughter was cited for underage drinking. That's too bad, when you see something like that happen. She was apparently slurring words, couldn't remember the alphabet. Oh, wait a minute. That's her father." —David Letterman

"Yesterday down in Washington, D.C., they had their second Tee-ball game on the White House lawn. ... Things were going great until the seventh inning when they had to cut off beer sales to the Bush twins." —David Letterman

"President Bush spent the weekend with his daughters, Jenna and Barbara. Or as they're better known, J & B." —David Letterman

"This weekend, the entire Bush family got together and went to see 'Pearl Harbor.' That's a switch. The Bushes watching someone else get bombed for a change." —Jay Leno

"Everywhere you went, because of Cinco De Mayo, people were drinking these huge margaritas. Ever wonder who this girl Margarita was? I mean, she gets a drink named after her. Isn't that every father's worst nightmare, knowing your daughter is so wild they have a drink named after her? In fact, last night, I had a couple of 'Jenna Bushes.'" —Jay Leno

"Over the weekend, first daughter Jenna 'Anheuser' Bush was cited for alcohol possession by a minor. Well, kids are always trying to outdo the old man. Now the Bushes aren't only raising the bar, they're closing it." —Jay Leno

"We all need to take a deep breath and think about being a Bush daughter and having that cross to bear. I'd go out and have a couple of drinks too." —Julia Roberts, on the Bush twins

"You know the global warming that we've all been talking about? Well, it is getting worse. By the year 2010, this is what the global warming experts say, that global warming will be so bad that there will not be enough party ice for the Bush twins." —David Letterman
Shinobi said:
Good to see Jenna displaying such strong family values...

Yes, because young-adults in college never drink, party, or do stupid things. She's under an unfair microscope. It has nothing to do with family values, anyway.
Felidae_Khrall said:
The fake ID thing was stupid. But she just looks like she's having fun.. Nothing wrong with getting naked and drunk at college.

Yeah, it's stupid, but nearly all my friends have one, and have gotten busted for it. What do they do? Simply make or get another one...


HalfPastNoon said:
Yes, because young-adults in college never drink, party, or do stupid things. She's under an unfair microscope. It has nothing to do with family values, anyway.

It's more a sideswipe at the religious right who seem to think Bush represents everything that's good and proper in the world. Being a Christian myself, I'm a little less naive then that.

BTW, I never came close to acting like this...excusing it just because they're teenagers is a bit of a cop out. But would I hold it against Bush? Hell no. How they behave isn't anymore important to the nation at large then how Clinton got his cocker shined. There's enough real shit for me to hang Bush's neck.
HalfPastNoon said:
Yeah, it's stupid, but nearly all my friends have one, and have gotten busted for it. What do they do? Simply make or get another one...

No, I meant it's stupid because she's the presidents daughter, like she's going to get away with it. Send a friend!


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
HalfPastNoon said:
WTF did you guys do during HS-College years???
I was an introvert, a recluse. Maybe it's a bit too soon to replace 'am' with 'was', but I've changed quite a bit lately. My actual lifestyle hasn't, though...yet. which sucks, cuz I'm almost out of college.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Man, I'm 25, never smoked a cig, never smoked up, and never been drunk.

And I think I'll keep it that way til I'm 95.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Mejilan said:
Man, I'm 25, never smoked a cig, never smoked up, and never been drunk.

And I think I'll keep it that way til I'm 95.
You'll be the coolest 96 year old man on earf.


WTF you people have to be shitting me. Now that the Bush brood get busted naked in public, it's ok and everyone should do it. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!! I guess that explains why the right doesn't have a problem with Bushs alleged former drug use or his not shouwing up for National Guard duty, "Hey everyone did it's what teenagers do." Nevermind that a huge chunk of the mans base is all about immoralty and decency and shit.


HalfPastNoon said:

Seriously...I don't go to parties, and I've yet to touch a drink. That sort of lifestyle has never appealed to me. And I'm not saying that in order to preach or anything...it's just never been my style.
ShadowRed said:
WTF you people have to be shitting me. Now that the Bush brood get busted naked in public, it's ok and everyone should do it. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!! I guess that explains why the right doesn't have a problem with Bushs alleged former drug use or his not shouwing up for National Guard duty, "Hey everyone did it's what teenagers do." Nevermind that a huge chunk of the mans base is all about immoralty and decency and shit.

No, Mr. Reading Comphrension problem man, it isn't ok. What's been said, though, is that this is what takes place during the college years -- like it or not.


HalfPastNoon said:
Yes, because young-adults in college never drink, party, or do stupid things. She's under an unfair microscope. It has nothing to do with family values, anyway.

Chelsea Clinton never did this kind of shit


max_cool said:
Chelsea Clinton never did this kind of shit

Jesus christ, ya cause kids are different. Look basing your view of a president due to the actions of his children is a horrible way to go. I hate the fucker with a passion, but calling him out cause his girls like to drink and party is a stupid way to go. You're just finding something non important so you can sling more mud at him (Much like the whole "I got a blowjob" Clinton incident).


Doth Togo said:
The woman standing along sode of the limosine is a Secret Service agent. (AP Photo/Stephanie S. Cordle)

She looks scary. I'm sure Al Qaeda or any hoodlum in general would be frightened by her.


Ferrio said:
Jesus christ, ya cause kids are different. Look basing your view of a president due to the actions of his children is a horrible way to go. I hate the fucker with a passion, but calling him out cause his girls like to drink and party is a stupid way to go. You're just finding something non important so you can sling more mud at him (Much like the whole "I got a blowjob" Clinton incident).

woah!! did I say anything about Bush? did I even mention Jenna? NO! I rebuted his comment that all kids in college do that kind of stuff with a topic relevant example. Take your witch hunt elsewhere.

And HalfPast, you just can't admit when your wrong can you? Instead you start attacking Bill Clinton, WTF?

I just want to throw this quote of Karl Popper in here:
"Democrats who do not see the difference between a friendly and hostile criticism of democracy are themselves imbued with the Totalitarian spirit. Totalitariansm, of course, cannot consider any criticism as friendly, since every criticism of such an authority must chalenge the principle of authority itself"

note: Democrats doesn't not refer to the Demcratic party.


max_cool said:
you're wrong in your assumption that all kids in college get drunk and do stupid things

He didn't say all did, he just said

is that this is what takes place during the college years -- like it or not.

Meaning these are teenage girls, and though not EVERYONE does it, it is hardly out of the ordinary. And nor should anyone be surprised by it, even if it's the daughter of a president.


I certainly got the impression that he meant all kids when he used the BS meter as a rebutle of someone saying they didn't do that kind of stuff.
max_cool said:
I certainly got the impression that he meant all kids when he used the BS meter as a rebutle of someone saying they didn't do that kind of stuff.

I was referring to Shinobi, and Shinobi alone, with that BS meter. If you've ever talked to him in IRC, you sometimes can come away with the impression that he's had a bit too much to drink, or smoke...


Not really ownage, I just never bought the excuse of acting against your better judgement just because you're barely an adult (and in college). Mistakes are understandable, but a constant pattern of bad behavior is not.
That's not really ownage...ownage would be if the girl he was with cheated on him throughout college.

Instead he's the mack, a P.I.M.P, the Don Juan of G.A. Well maybe less than robertsan. Either that or he's a jerk. Depending on your point of view of course :p


WTF did you guys do during HS-College years???

We took advantage of the overly drunk and stupid and don't regret it one bit. They drink till they drunk and have fun at our expense getting us kicked out of places during the peak hours, and we have fun at their expense when they're comatose with 2.99% BAC[/exaggerate] after hours. It all worked out.


HalfPastNoon said:
I was referring to Shinobi, and Shinobi alone, with that BS meter. If you've ever talked to him in IRC, you sometimes can come away with the impression that he's had a bit too much to drink, or smoke...

Living in that bubble of yours, how could you tell?
Shinobi said:
BTW, I never came close to acting like this...excusing it just because they're teenagers is a bit of a cop out. But would I hold it against Bush? Hell no. How they behave isn't anymore important to the nation at large then how Clinton got his cocker shined. There's enough real shit for me to hang Bush's neck.

I agree 100%, excusing childish behavior as the norm for people that age is unfair. I've never acted foolish like that either.
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