He's also interested in making a film about Marco Polo. Can't say that I'm to thrilled about a direct remake of Le Samouraï, not only is the film already perfect but him saying I want to make it into a modern film" doesn't give me much hope considering his definition of modern.
Movieline reports on the two projects. The first seems wholly superfluous, which means itll probably the one the gets made. Thats a straight-up remake of Jean-Pierre Melvilles amazing pseudo-gangster movie Le Samouraï. The film, which combines 40s gangster imagery, samurai-influenced storytelling and 60s Parisian style, has been a massive influence on Woo over the years. The Killer, as Movieline notes, is already so heavily influenced by Melvilles film that it could almost be considered a near-remake. Whats the point, then? I want to make it into a modern film, says Woo. Guess he didnt hear the question. Whats the point?
Moving on, the other project that interests Woo is the story of the Venetian merchant and explorer Marco Polo. And while the explorers name has kind of been ruined by the kids game, there are several great stories in his history. Woo would likely focus on Marco Polos journey to Asia with his father and uncle, which began when Polo was seventeen. After 24 years, Polo returned to Venice, found his home at war with Genoa, and was imprisoned. He dictated The Travels of Marco Polo to a cellmate, and the book became a sensation at the time. Now, there is quite a bit of question over how many of Polos stories were actually his, and how many were taken and repurposed from other travelers. Theres a great movie there though not necessarily from Woo.
He's also interested in making a film about Marco Polo. Can't say that I'm to thrilled about a direct remake of Le Samouraï, not only is the film already perfect but him saying I want to make it into a modern film" doesn't give me much hope considering his definition of modern.