If Annasui was an obsessed female stalker that would be interesting, but a thirsty ass dude? That's...just...no, nothing really original in my opinion. Hermes and FF are great though. Hermes, FF and Jolyne had a great dynamic that just ended up getting ruined cause Araki just had to fucking kill somebody. Pucci is great though, I had a feeling that when they did the first flashback to him and Dio and Pucci is bishie as fuck that he had potential. I also like his counting prime numbers quirk, "nothing splits a prime number." He's actually believably human, which Diavolo wasn't. I'm fine with Jojo regardless of what incarnation it's in so far. I liked the muscle men, but I also love hyper fabulousness overdrive and stands. Jojo wouldn't be as unique without the stand powers in my opinion cause I think Hamaon at some point would just get really one not...like Hokuto Shin Ken did.