Wrong.Hell, he was even the best part of Joss Whedon's Justice League
He’s one of those whackjobs who believes Accusations are more important than Evidence.Just intrigued, what does "A>E" mean ?
Damn, that is way too good of a get for Whedon. Hate to (allegedly) see it.I always thought it was Eliza Dushku because he kept finding roles for her.
He ends some earlier tweets with "Accountability>Entertainment"Just intrigued, what does "A>E" mean ?
I though his role\acting was shit in the regular movie but i still need to see the 4h one, not sure if i can convince my balls to endure even another 30 sec of movie flash tho.
He’s one of those whackjobs who believes Accusations are more important than Evidence.
He ends some earlier tweets with "Accountability>Entertainment"
I was pleasantly surprised as well.I mean Fisher was pretty damn good in the Snyder cut.
No matter how competent he can be, he is a whiny cringe bitch and the way he run makes me laugh uncontrollably.Flash is much more competent than in the theatrical cut. He's still comedic though. No pet cemetery jokes.
And cyborg's story really is the heart of the movie. You understand why he's so angry and reluctant to help and why he changes his mind.
Emotion can easily override logic, he may not be taking advice from anyone, just responding emotionally. We're all guilty of it, we've all done stupid things when we're emotional (breaksups, deaths, personal attacks, ect), and he's proven to be a very egotistical emotional person. Emotionally he thinks he's defending himself/fighting back. The rest of us look at this and are just like "Dude, just take your mountain of money and go retire in peace"How insane do you have to be to give an interview like this?
Who the hell does he take his cues from, Prince Andrew?
It's a shame that a shitty Zack Snyder movie, a director that has made only one good movie on all his career, Dawn of the Dead, destroyed the career of a better director. Justice League was doomed, and Whedon entered in a mortal trap accepting that project.
Whedon is a dirty, unkind, ungracious shit, but the Snyder Cut was a waste of four hours of my life. A pile of shit is still a pile of shit, no matter how big you make it or what adornments you put on it.Dude is probably mad salty that the Snyder Cut is so much better of a movie in basically every way than the pile of shit he put out. Guy sounds like he wants to suck his own dick too, what a prick.
I didn't know his daughter died. But, that doesn't make his movies good. There is no relation between that fact and my comment.…bruh, the only reason Snyder left the film initially was because his daughter took her own life. So yeah, shocker Warner Bros sought out another well known director to finish filming.
I’m not saying you have to like the guy’s movies, just check your tone next time. People’s lives and such are more important than movie quality.
"No relation"I didn't know his daughter died. But, that doesn't make his movies good. There is no relation between that fact and my comment.
I didn't know his daughter died. But, that doesn't make his movies good. There is no relation between that fact and my comment.
Hes not saying you had to like Snyder's movies. He's only saying his daughter taking her life is why he left JL... Instead of delaying it, they brought in Whedon who reshot a ton of it
Wait. I thought he was kicked off the director's chair and moved to a producer role before his daughters death. And, then decided it wasn't worth fighting anymore once his daughter did pass away.
They are both bad XD. Love seeing these people destroy themselves. As a black guy I hate Fischer the most, using the race card at every opportunity. Hope he never gets a career ever again.
Somebody is defending Whedon?Lol ppl defending whedon...this place never changes.