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Judge Declares Texas Foster Care System to be "Unconstitutionally Broken"

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At 5, the girl identified as S.A. entered the Texas foster care system. Within months, she reported being raped by an older child. She was moved more than 45 times, including to psychiatric hospitals, and missed several chances for adoption because of paperwork delays. At 18, after aging out of the system, she walked into traffic and was hit by a car. At last report, she was living in a homeless shelter.

Her story, detailed in court records, was among scores of chronic foster care failures that led a federal judge to declare the Texas system unconstitutionally flawed and order an independent overhaul. Unlike most other states under similar orders, Texas is fighting the ruling — even as two court-appointed administrators face a September deadline to present a reform plan.

The system, which has about 30,000 children in homes and institutional settings, is "broken, and it has been that way for decades," U.S. District Judge Janis Graham Jack said in her December ruling. That's especially true for those labeled permanent wards of the state, she said, who "almost uniformly leave state custody more damaged than when they entered."

That label, covering about 12,000 children on whose behalf the suit was brought, can be affixed after a child spends just a year in custody and means they receive less care and oversight, Jack said.

Another troubling aspect of Texas' system, the judge wrote, was allowing "foster group homes." Texas' stated allowance of up to 12 children in such homes, including the caregivers' own, was exceeded, Jack said, calling them "a hybrid" between traditional foster homes and institutional facilities that provided "fewer benefits ... and fewer safeguards."

Jack said the sexual assault of and by foster children was a special problem in the foster group homes. She noted a boy identified as D.I. who was sexually abused from age 8, saying the system tried to cover it up and there was no indication he was ever placed in a single-child home. An expert testified that D.I. had become "a high risk for sexually harming children."

Kristopher Sharp, who spent eight years in the Texas system and advocates for reform, is heartened by the judge's ruling. "We're constantly being told no, we're making stuff up or it's not that bad or whatever. And here it is, this federal judge is saying it's just as bad as people are saying it is — and in fact, it's even worse."

The judge directed the two special masters to decide whether the foster group homes should exist. She also suggested setting up a 24-hour hotline to report abuse and neglect, figuring out manageable caseloads for workers and tracking child-on-child abuse. The two began working with state officials in April.

Texas contends it was already reforming foster care and has challenged the appointment of the special masters. It's asked the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to make the judge craft the reforms herself so that the state will have a final judgment to appeal rather than waiting — and paying — for the special masters to complete their work.

"It's unfortunate and disappointing that millions of dollars that could have gone to serving youth in the Texas foster care system and hiring more caseworkers will now be spent on the legally baseless special master process," said John Wittman, spokesman for Gov. Greg Abbott, who declined an interview.

Far more states settle such lawsuits. Leecia Welch of the National Center for Youth Law, which was not involved in the case, said there's currently comprehensive litigation or ongoing settlement agreements in more than 15 child welfare systems across the U.S.
A disturbing story to be sure, but it needs more exposure because what's happening in Texas is just a mere symptom of a greater disease and rot in the country's foster care and adoption system at large. These kids have lost everything, that's why they are in "the system". The states and Federal Government have failed these most vulnerable members of our society as every step of the way and we have to do better for them. We should not be kicking kids out onto the street as damaged goods.


Frankly what needs to be done with a lot of underfunded state systems. I can't wait for the day when a federal judge says that states need to pay more for public defenders, for instance.


This is a real tragedy. I hope they can fix it, but that would probably require devoting resources that people don't want to bother with.
You know, the funny thing is the Bible states that the way people treat the poor and orphaned and widowed is the true mark of how much they care about god.

You'd think Texas, the most card-carrying god-fearing state, would be an example and not a failure in this regard.
So you're telling me the conservative Christian GOP are full of shit when they say prolife?

That they don't actually give a shit about protecting and taking care of kids?

You know, the funny thing is the Bible states that the way people treat the poor and orphaned and widowed is the true mark of how much they care about god.

You'd think Texas, the most card-carrying god-fearing state, would be an example and not a failure in this regard.

That's actually the kicker about conservatives, that they tend to subscribe MORE to the teachings of Darwin than what Christ preached. I mean, look at the whole survival of the fittest(lots of Conservatives are hunters, not by choice, but for fun), lot believe that the poor and unfortunate should pull themselves out of the muck and mire by their bootstraps, and Natural Selection(as in, maybe the whites are in power, rich and everything is made in their image BECAUSE nature has chosen them over others). I think the whole "good Christian" thing is just a way to bullshit each other into pretending what they do is "right". I tend to see the true "spiritual" Christians lie on the Democratic side, even with non-Christians and Atheists with compassion towards their fellow man MORE than the "so-called Christian" Right Wing yahoos.

It's pretty apparent that those Republican Conservatives are wolves in sheep's clothing, masquerading as a chosen flock of lambs, licking their fangs, ready to tear weaker beasts apart because they feel themselves to be naturally superior. Yet they still wear lambskins, not to fool their prey(there is no fooling what they are, they've outgrown those tiny little skins on their backs), but to fool themselves into believing they are the meek that are deserving of being called "God's flock."


That's actually the kicker about conservatives, that they tend to subscribe MORE to the teachings of Darwin than what Christ preached. I mean, look at the whole survival of the fittest(lots of Conservatives are hunters, not by choice, but for fun), lot believe that the poor and unfortunate should pull themselves out of the muck and mire by their bootstraps, and Natural Selection(as in, maybe the whites are in power, rich and everything is made in their image BECAUSE nature has chosen them over others). I think the whole "good Christian" thing is just a way to bullshit each other into pretending what they do is "right". I tend to see the true "spiritual" Christians lie on the Democratic side, even with non-Christians and Atheists with compassion towards their fellow man MORE than the "so-called Christian" Right Wing yahoos.

It's pretty apparent that those Republican Conservatives are wolves in sheep's clothing, masquerading as a chosen flock of lambs, licking their fangs, ready to tear weaker beasts apart because they feel themselves to be naturally superior. Yet they still wear lambskins, not to fool their prey(there is no fooling what they are, they've outgrown those tiny little skins on their backs), but to fool themselves into believing they are the meek that are deserving of being called "God's flock."

This is actually the perfect explanation for your typical religious conservative nutjob.
I'm sure if you investigated the foster care system in Kansas you'd find similar issues. Sitting in committee meetings about it is just awful...seems to be a trend in conservative states.
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