July Wrasslin' |OT| All this G1 talk is making me Climax.

Just finished Spring Stampede 98.

Up next is the following Nitro where Goldberg fights Raven for the US Title. Very happy to watch it tomorrow.

Also, it looks like the nwo is about to split as Hogan is pissed at Savage and Nash.



"be ready to fast-count Naito when I pin him"

"yes mista bookerman, just keep your beard out of my face please"


Ornstein and Smough is a bad boss fight.

My first time playing Dark Souls, I fluked it and beat them first time with about a centimetre of health remaining.

I fucking wish that the 360 had gameplay-recording software, because the only proof I can try and point to is the time-span between the achievement for getting to Anor Londo and the achievement for beating them.
My first time playing Dark Souls, I fluked it and beat them first time with about a centimetre of health remaining.

I fucking wish that the 360 had gameplay-recording software, because the only proof I can try and point to is the time-span between the achievement for getting to Anor Londo and the achievement for beating them.
I can beat em. But it shouldn't take me half a fucking podcast per try.


Day 6 of G1 complete.

Ibushi so far has been the star of this tournament.

Fantastic and different matches with Naito, ZSJ, and Ishii.
So WWE is making more money than ever before even with less network content and mass network cancellations #50moreyears


This is the key factor regarding the future of the Network, content-wise.

The big key was less spending on the WWE Network. With fewer original non-wrestling shows, the profit margin for Network and pay-per-view was $1.2 million for the quarter instead of $8.3 million in losses for the same period one year ago.

Meltzer has said for months that WWE wants as much talent as possible because they want as much live wrestling content as possible for the Network. Mainly because it is way cheaper to produce than non-wrestling content. It's why 205 Live isn't dying anytime soon. And why the women's show will likely happen sometimes after the MYC.
All that revenue and that's all they've got to show for it and that only came from the cost cutting they've already done? They really are seriously fucked if they don't get a better deal from USA in 2019, I wonder just how deep they'll go if they either are forced to take a cut or the amount they get is relatively flat.

I wonder if they take the risk this year of a WWE Network price increase.

Yeah, but those were pretty limited appearances. Purposely so it seems just so they could have some names that NXT audiences would at least recognize.

I just think Mandy, who is more character oriented, wouldn't fit as well in it.

It's an ACL injury, so she'll probably be back late this year. January at the latest. But we probably won't see her on TV until next year.

I forgot it was her ACL... Damn. Next year it is.

My local maccas are big Kofi Kingston fans


I'm missing something... All I notice is the guy in the car behind you.

EDIT: Oh, was it the Filet-O-Fish thing being Kofi's deal or something?

Cut some shows, cut all the pyro, they should just use the house show set up for TV. One little screen by the entrance.

Yeah, seeing those numbers it makes it pretty clear.


I don't know how to make millions but having a gigantic roster you are paying frequently seems silly and counter productive.

What have they done with the UK roster pool to make money?


So I got a New 2DS XL as I had to sell my 3DS a couple of years ago.

Arrived this morning, rush to the eShop to download Super Mario 64...only to find out that's WiiU only.

What the actual fuck, Nintendo?
So I got a New 2DS XL as I had to sell my 3DS a couple of years ago.

Arrived this morning, rush to the eShop to download Super Mario 64...only to find out that's WiiU only.

What the actual fuck, Nintendo?
You thought Nintendo would put ds games on the market for a console that can play them? You poor fool.
I will never understand half the shit they do


So not worth it
So I got a New 2DS XL as I had to sell my 3DS a couple of years ago.

Arrived this morning, rush to the eShop to download Super Mario 64...only to find out that's WiiU only.

What the actual fuck, Nintendo?

I very much doubt the 3DS CPU could decently emulate Nintendo 64 at any acceptable framerate.


Yeah, DS stuff is mostly impossible on 3DS as to run DS games, it just boots as a DSi which only allows tiny games in RAM. Even the homebrew/pirate scene hasn't found a way to boot DS games from the SD card yet.
This is the key factor regarding the future of the Network, content-wise.

Meltzer has said for months that WWE wants as much talent as possible because they want as much live wrestling content as possible for the Network. Mainly because it is way cheaper to produce than non-wrestling content. It's why 205 Live isn't dying anytime soon. And why the women's show will likely happen sometimes after the MYC.

WWE 24 is actually really good and the other documentaries I've seen WWE do have been good as well (Hart of Gold for example). I'd rather them go down that route with original content than spend money for Foley's House, House of Legends, and whatever other dumb movies they make.

As for a Woman's only show, I kind of hate that idea. The women they're bringing in and currently have should not be relegated to a womans only show.
Am I being worked here?


Nashville on July 17 was the site of a recent story when people from both WWE and GFW ended up at the same bar at night. GFW had meetings in Nashville, whereas WWE held Raw in the city.

The story involves Karen Jarrett and Braun Strowman with the report indicating that Karen approached Strowman for an autograph for her son, who is apparently a fan of Braun's. Strowman reportedly had no idea who Karen was and depending on what version you want to believe, either was rude to Karen or swore at her.

Karen didn't take to it kindly and "immediately cut a major loud promo" on Braun for blowing her off and during her tirade indicated that she would go and tell her son's father about this incident. Her ex-husband and son's father is none other than Kurt Angle.

When Strowman heard this, he was said to immediately change his tune and agreed to not only sign the autograph, but he was said to have "begged" Karen not to tell Kurt or anyone else. He also repeatedly apologized but Karen said she would still be telling Kurt about this so Strowman then reportedly said he'd get on his knees and beg.

As the story goes, Strowman did eventually get on his knees and begged her not to tell anyone in front of a lot of WWE wrestlers. Karen then said that even if Kurt was not the father of her son, he should not act like that to a mother who was simply asking for an autograph for her son and Strowman agreed and once again apologized.
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Subscription information & prices available at f4wonline.com
British Strong Style are the final team in King of Trios

That there's a World of Sport era trio, an FWA era trio and a current day too tier BritWres trio is pretty cool.
WWE 24 is actually really good and the other documentaries I've seen WWE do have been good as well (Hart of Gold for example). I'd rather them go down that route with original content than spend money for Foley's House, House of Legends, and whatever other dumb movies they make.

As for a Woman's only show, I kind of hate that idea. The women they're bringing in and currently have should not be relegated to a womans only show.

I think stuff like 24 is safe because it's similarly cheap for the most part considering they are always filming everything backstage anyways.

It's the reality shows that are on the chopping block.

And as for the women, who says they would be relegated to their own show? CWs appear on both Raw and 205 Live. There's nothing to insinuate any of these women would only be used on this show. If anything it just gives more opportunities for some of these women to stand out and get an opportunity that they can then parlay into more opportunities on NXT or the main roster.
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